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Feminine Mysticism in Art

Feminine Mysticism in Art

At the time I painted “Towards the Within” I was deeply yearning for a spiritual path which would incorporate the use of sacred ceremonies and meditation. I was also being called to integrate my spirituality with my art. After taking courses in the sociology of religion, I came to the realization that there are jewels of truth in all religious paths. In the funnel of universal unconscious seen in Towards the Within are found various religious symbols, such as the yin/yang symbol, the infinity symbol, the third eye, the Star of David and the cross, symbolizing a synthesis and integration of the world’s religions. What really surprised me about this painting, however, is what happened to me during the painting process. Although I didn’t understand it at the time, after doing some research on the Tantric and Kundalini Yoga traditions, I’m convinced that while painting “Towards the Within” I experienced a raising of Kundalini energy in my sexual chakras causing me to have hot flashes, a quickened heart beat and to feel sick to my stomach. A combination of painting the womb of the Mother and using a lot of red and orange paint, the colors of the sexual chakras, may have been the catalyst. Kundalini, the mystic fire, is the awakening of the great sexual powers, or shakti-kundalini-the cosmic movement that is shakti, and her movement in the human body, which is kundalini.

Also, much to my surprise, deep within the canyon walls a vagina emerged, partly covered up by the funnel of symbols. Next, the faces in the canyon walls began to emerge. Although I was a bit frightened at first by the experience, I felt an enormous amount of love flowing through my body, which helped me to relax and move with the experience. I feel strongly that the divine goddess was revealing herself to me in this painting in one of her many forms. Yet, at the time I knew nothing of what the cave symbolized in ancient matristic societies. In fact, I didn’t know that the cave was a place of spiritual rebirth until I did the research for this article.

Another beautiful representation of the divine love between Mother and Father God is a piece entitled “Unification,” by cosmic and visionary artist Willowela Wilson.   It is a beautiful representation of the love that is shared by the Universal Father and Mother. What is particularly stunning about this piece is the way she captured the immense love in the eyes of the two universal spirits. Her work expresses the spiritual connection of all things in life, tapping into the Creator of all for her inspiration and direction. Willow says, “My hope is that my art will communicate views of a higher reality, one than in the last decade has become a very real part of my life. It is a reality that involves being conscious of the fact that I am not alone and that God-who is the greatest artist of all has so many wonderful celestial helpers to assist and work with us all in the creative endeavors in life.”

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