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Top 10 People To Avoid In Life

Top 10 People To Avoid In Life

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Save yourself some grief by identifying the people to avoid in life.

Save Yourself Grief with these Ten People To Avoid In Life



Life is challenging enough without our adding to the things that might go wrong. Knowing more about the types of people to avoid and the kinds of problems they’re likely to create in our lives will help us prevent a lot of unnecessary suffering.

Here are the Top 10 People to Avoid

Number ten on the list is the “Volcano.” This is a person who carries around a whole lot of anger. You have to know that sooner or later the volcano is going to blow, and will spill hot lava all over you. Their reaction might be triggered by something you do or say but in reality, you couldn’t possibly have done anything to evoke this intense an explosion. You’ll end up walking around on eggshells when what you need to do is just walk away.

Number nine on the list of people to avoid is the “Dreamer.” This is someone who always has the next big secret of success just at their fingertips. They’re filled with great ideas and plans; the thing is, they never follow through. Or, if they do, it wasn’t carefully thought out and it’s an unmitigated disaster. These people usually end up in huge debt and even going bankrupt. Attaching yourself to someone like this is a guaranteed way of getting dragged down with them.

In the eighth spot on the list of people to avoid is the “Lost Boy.” This person, be they male or female, is living out the Peter Pan scenario. They are refusing to grow up and are subtly trying to manipulate those around them to take on their care and feeding. This person is making a choice. They actually could grow up if they wanted to. Because they refuse to be responsible for themselves, they’ll be a burden on you forever. Walk away.

Number seven on the list of people to avoid is the “Narcissist.” This person loves themselves to the exclusion of everyone else. Initially, they might appear charming and fascinating but eventually, you’ll realize that it’s always all about them. They don’t take an interest in you and can be quite callous when you are in need of their empathy or support.

If you manage to inadvertently interfere with them getting their needs met, you’ll see their dark side in the fury they unleash when thwarted. They also experience your standing up for yourself as an offense against them. All in all, not someone to associate with if you enjoy being treated with respect.

In sixth place on the list of people to avoid is the “Drama Queen.” This person can be male or female, and they’re characterized by the need to be the center of attention and to create drama everywhere they go. Either they are in trouble and needing to be rescued or they make trouble for the people in their lives. They even like to pit one person against another. Run, do not walk away from such an individual.

Number five on the list of people to avoid is the “Cynic.” This is an angry, bitter individual who sees the bad in everything. They are jaded and feel as though nothing can surprise them. This is just a psychological defense against their own feelings of vulnerability. They have unconsciously decided that this is the way to avoid being hurt. The problem is, they are very hurtful to us in their nasty negativity. Because they are so attached to this identity, they’re unwilling to let it go. We need to let them go.

In fourth place on the list of people to avoid is the “Charmer.” This person may appear attractive and they certainly know all the right things to say, but they’d sell you down the river in a moment’s notice without an ounce of regret. Their whole reason for being is to manipulate and exploit others. They lie with a smile on their face. They cheat, steal and break all the rules and they do it all with such finesse. These people are dangerous to body and soul; not to mention our pocketbook. To be avoided at all costs.

Coming in at third place on the list of people to avoid is the “Complainer.” This individual blames everyone else for everything that’s going wrong in their life. Because they refuse to be accountable for the consequences of their choices, they’ll keep repeating the same mistakes and will continue to accuse those around them of causing their misfortune. If you constantly want to be made to feel responsible for their problems, stick around. Otherwise, feel free to spend your time with people who don’t play this game.

In the second spot on the list of people to avoid is the “Boor.” This is a pretentious name-dropper and social climber who sees you as a way up on their road to success. They crave money, power, and fame and will stop at nothing to obtain these things. Social interactions are all strategic to them and designed to maximize their access to all the fancier things in life. I like to call this person the “Bore.” You can do better.

See Also

In first place on the list of people to avoid is the “Wild Child.” They are the rebel, the rule-breaker, the one who acts on impulse. At first, they might seem exotic and exciting but very quickly we see that their impulsive behavior is destructive to them and to the people who they’re close to. Their recklessness and disregard for their own and other’s welfare quickly lose its allure. They might be willing to take the consequences of not thinking before they act, but we don’t have to. There’s fun and there’s downright stupidity.

Being able to identify these ten different types of people will allow us to protect ourselves if they happen to appear in our lives. Instead of getting caught up in a frustrating or messy relationship, we can head them off at the pass and focus our energies instead on pursuing those individuals with whom we can have satisfying and meaningful relationships, devoid of unnecessary complications.


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About the Author

Marcia Sirota MD FRCP(C) is a board-certified psychiatrist, that does not ascribe to any one theoretical school. Rather, she has integrated her education and life experiences into a unique approach to the practice of psychotherapy. She considers herself a realist with a healthy measure of optimism. Her fundamental belief is that we have the responsibility and the capability as adult human beings to do everything we can to eliminate suffering; that which we create for ourselves, that which we create for others and that which others around us create. We are co-responsible since we all share this planet and its resources.

View Comments (23)
  • There is a lot of truth to these 10 points, a catchy and popular format writers are encouraged to use because readers like things labelled and simplified, but as an elder, I have experienced that these character traits are in all of us, and me, and you, and if you show the back of your head or refuse to tolerate humanity, you are going to be home alone a lot. They show up in your life because they reflect some part of you.

  • Very well said. I was about to post that just about every person we meet possesses at least one of these characteristics (if not a combination). If you truly care for the people you meet in your life, a way of working out the kinks might help to balance things out on both ends.

  • Thanks for your reply Jennifer. I just now finished an article that will take courage to publish in the community paper re the intolerance still of a newage church that established a community here…for cryin out loud…35 years ago and how people still resist letting them be, still remain divided. It’s fear. I’m a small puddle community builder but the issue is huge these days.

  • In some ways this is true, but this article makes it seem like we all have the “choice” to act in a certain way. As a person who has chronic anxiety and chronic depression I know this to not at all be the case. I constantly feel helpless to my own minds decisions (yes I am currently getting help and receiving medication). But the point is, is that we cant all fit to the extrovert society that all of society favors and we need to help people who are like this. And dont say this is bullshit and that anyone can just change how they think because we cant. Do you think I want to feel like everything is constantly crashing around me at all times no matter how good things get. Help dont just close your eyes to people who need help

  • Intriguing ~ I could think of an individual or two in my world who fits each of those categories. Wish i had known long ago that the love of my life fit the old quip, “We were in love ~ we both loved him!”

  • How boring life would be without all these intresting characters on their own journey. Everyone you meet has something to teach you. And without the ‘Dreamers’ we would never have anything new, innovative, or creative.

  • The Wild Child is also a very similar description to that which quite a few Indigo people have. The only difference is that Indigos are psychic.

  • I agree with you Joyce. Not a single human being alive is perfect and some of these thing you can overlook or get through with some work. I believe a lot of us have a few of some parts of these traits, I know I have had a little wild child in me when someone pushes the wrong buttons, or does something to outrage me enough that it deserves my rebellion and fire. It’s all a part of growing up and gaining insight and wisdom.

  • the only ones to be left in the world after cutting away all these types of people would be me and my cat- and the darn creature is a mixture of all of these and I still love it 😀 😀

  • All I can say is poor, self righteous, fearful, judgmental you. I think you would be the main one for all those wonderful, colorful people to avoid. Peace be with you.

  • also on another note, what kind of psychiatrist is this ignorant and judgmental? eeeeeh

  • I personally resonate with the Dreamer the most.I think behaviors like this are just evidences that people may have some trouble and struggle in some aspect of their life and that these people who are struggling in life are simply in need of proper love and guidance. That’s why we meet them; to teach us something and/by teaching them something too. If we are capable of being a really great friend to someone you care about, why can’t you offer the same to others? It’s really not that hard because you just replicate the love that you give to the ones who mean so much to you.Honestly,from my personal experiences of being emotionally abused and now fighting depression, all 10 people here shouldn’t be avoided and instead should be given love & support. Why? Because they are the ones who need it the most. If we find ourselves unable to help them after giving everything, then we could always leave them with good intentions through prayers and inspiring messages. Spreading love to others even in the most unexpected and dark places is what its all about.This is the problem of the article; it only teaches you to love yourself only and while self-love/self-respect is very much essential, it doesn’t mean we just give up on people easily just because these signs show up. We are all riding the same roller coaster in life and therefore sharing the same ideas of happiness and sorrow.

    Tell people who fit into one of these categories to be independent and find themselves first,even if that means not talking to them for a while.Give yourself some space for some breathing room but don’t give them up (not unless you’ve been helping them for more than 3 years already, similar to my case where I’ve continuosly helped someone for 3 years but continues to reject the help that I give.)

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