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Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Is It Really a Law About Material Abundance?

By Mandy Peterson



So, if law of attraction is not truly about the external “abundance” that we can acquire in the outer world, then what is it really about? To answer this one could look at the dreams one has at night, because the Law of Attraction has a similar purpose. And, even that purpose can have a deeper goal. For example: To teach you who you think you are, what you are thinking and feeling, who you are trying to be, and to bring you back into balance.

When you dream at night your mind works by using symbols to interpret your unconscious and conscious realities. These symbols act as forms of thought. Your conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings can, through dreams, manifest into symbols and scenarios that show you the things that you have trouble seeing about yourself when viewed only through the eyes of your everyday experience.

In waking life, Law of Attraction works in a very similar manner. You draw to you the symbols needed for you to be able to interpret and process your emotions, intentions and goals. Yes, there is a body mind connection as we already fully understand: we can and do influence health situations with our feelings and thoughts. Yes, the potential is that we can become more like mystics and lucid dreamers who are able to manipulate their awakened dreams and physical realities. But, you first have to be lucid and awake. Once fully awake, you can then manifest from a more neutral place.

Unfortunately, most people using Law of Attraction are not awake, and are trying to use the law out of a sense of unconsciousness and neediness. They might not even really truly understand what they’re unconscious intentions are, what they are truly attempting to achieve or even why. And yes, though I do believe that this law is real, I think it has been affected through being interpreted through the egos of beings who were not fully awake. Such beings were over-attached and had not yet transcended their addictions to the material world. Such addictions may be based on subconscious fears. In my mind, I do not personally think this law is really meant to be used out of manipulation or desperation. And, when it is used this way, there may exist the potential to manifesting the opposite pole of what is aimed for. Thus, there is more potential to create a perceived “nightmare”.

The world right now may be showing us that we are dreaming too much about our anxiety and fears about abundance and loss. We have been mistakenly defining abundance in purely physical ways out of a need to focus on survival issues and physical security. But abundance is about so much more than this. Abundance is the true ability to be inspired by nature and everything around you through beholding a miracle within all living things. In the bible it is the rejoicing of “holy holy is the Creator, He is almighty”. Is it really found in worshipping dead objects and things? Dead things that used to be living, or which affect living things in not always positive ways? And have those thing really brought anyone “abundance” in the areas of Joy and Happiness?

I even noticed yesterday that if I look where most of the biggest long term disasters have taken place, what I notice is “yin” water elements (oceans) being harmed or polluted by “yang” fire forces (radiation, sources of energy and power, oil). Which this speaks about our own energy in ways. It is hard to ignore how “yang” humans have become in their pursuit of material desires. Many people suffer conditions of stress, exhaustion, burnout from over-striving, trying so hard to be someone or to have things. We need to bring in the yin energy and find out how to go back to just knowing how to relax, to be open, to trust, and to receive. In ways, this part of us an this ability has become “polluted”. And, saying all this, it is not to be construed that the answer lies in eliminating all yang energy, but more with bringing in the divine feminine yin energies to balance the yang out.

And, I did write about this subject many years go: that I felt the prime reason for Law of Attraction was more about offering us a way to read and interpret our world for purposes of love and finding a sense of wholeness and balance than anything else. If you love money, it will be about money. If you love spirit, it will be about spirit. If you love yourself, it will be about loving yourself, and if you love the divine you will see it and respect it everywhere. So what law of attraction is mostly about for you, speaks of something about you. And even at the root of that, it can teach you about love. Because those who focus on money feel a void or absent in trust and security in ways. They do not have another way to fill the void within themselves. They don’t know how to trust the void, so they search outside of themselves for the answers, for “dead” and lifeless things to fill them up.

What can we do about this?

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comfort zone OMTimes

You do have power and you are never helpless. If you can learn from the world then it will speak to you. You may even gain more than you ever could running away from the world trying to manifest a different reality than what you currently have. Our world is seemingly suffering from almost a chronic form of mass depression, discontent, fear of not having enough and denial. If law of attraction is true, then we have to understand that at a certain point we could actually end up creating a collective “physical” reality based on these energies. The same way a physical body may becomes subject to disease as a mirror for certain emotions or energy states or imbalances that have been ignored or left unaddressed.

But, never is anything ever all or nothing, or necessarily “good” or “bad”. If you look deep enough, there is something beautiful that can be created through each and every event or occurrence we might think of as “negative”. Each negative can be turned into a call for Love. Because, at the core almost every lesson is lesson in love; where it exists and where it is lacking. If you ever wanted to rest more, get free of the money system, overcome the “illuminati” conspiracy or anything else, an economic collapse lovingly caused by natural disasters or even man made ones would definitely do that… if you have not yet learned how to free or love yourself your own.

But the main thing that I have learned from interpreting how our collective vibrations have manifested our realities is that maybe it’s time to bring in more yin energy, and the principles of the divine feminine. We’ve been in a process of masculinization, consumerism and conquest for a very long time. In fact, I keep drawing from my Angel Deck the card “Drink More Water” in my own personal readings and when reading others. And it makes perfect sense, because how many of us feel “dehydrated”, “Exhausted”, “Depleted”, “Unable to receive”, or “Drained”? So, we can all give ourselves permission to rest more, recharge our energies, meditate more and to be open to receive what is real abundance, of spirit. Go with the flow and trust more. We are all trying so hard to get somewhere or to have things that we are forcing the flow. Let go of force, make a few actions but trust that in the end, you will be okay.

And as final words, remember one thing: You do not have to let any law, or any person or any other reality tell you that you are something that you don’t have to be. In a way, all these conspiracies, the media, the law of attraction (how its been focused on producing, wealth etc),  and everything else has been telling us one dominant thing: that we are products or services for sale, numbers, items and belongings. You are not a product. Your soul is not for sale. Nor are the divine life energies within trees, plants or other living beings. That is, unless you want yourself or them to be…

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