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11 Ways to Appreciate Nature That You Never Thought About

11 Ways to Appreciate Nature That You Never Thought About

Find True Happiness Outdoors

By Ken Lauher

March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, but this winter (except in Europe) hasn’t given us very much in the way of ferocious weather at all. That means we can get a jump-start on spring activities, start shedding that winter weight, maybe shake that winter cough, and begin appreciating the great outdoors right now.

There are lots of great reasons to get outside. A four-year study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that people in Hawaii, Florida, Arizona and Louisiana are happier, overall, than residents of colder, less sunny climates. Maybe it has to do with the way sunlight helps the body process vitamin D (a nutrient many people are deficient in, according to recent research). Maybe it’s the way natural sunlight works with our body’s internal clock to keep us in balance. Or maybe it’s just that, when you’re outside, you’re apt to be more active. And exercise has definitely been shown to help ward off depression and make us feel good. Exercise unleashes the same endorphins that sex or eating chocolate releases — pathways to pure pleasure!

Weather permitting; I like to start off my mornings with tai chi exercises in Central Park. Tai chi is a form of Chinese martial arts that emphasizes meditation, relaxation, and control over one’s body and emotions. It is one of the “soft” martial arts, compared to activities like karate or judo.

Bringing your usual exercise routine outside — or taking up a new outdoor sport for the New Year –are a few of the items on this list of 11[klauher1]  ways to appreciate nature and embrace happiness this spring.

1. Eat outdoors – Whether you plan a full-fledged picnic, eat your take-out on a park bench, or just enjoy your morning coffee in your backyard (or on your fire escape, for city dwellers) take a break and appreciate your meal outside.

Make the food itself something natural, which comes directly from the earth. How about a salad made with greens from the farmer’s market, followed by some fresh fruit like an apple, orange or pear?

2. Exercise outdoors. – You probably can’t convince your Zumba instructor to bring the routine — and the whole class — into the parking lot, but why not invite a friend out for a mid-day run? After a few minutes, you won’t notice the chill in the air and you’ll feel great.

3. Make a list of all the outdoor activities you want to do this year. From camping to whitewater rafting, snowboarding, jet skiing… the sky’s the limit. (What about skydiving?) Write a list of all the things you want to do outside this year, organized by season. Then start this weekend with the first weather-appropriate activity on your list.

The more off-the-cuff, wild and unusual the activity, the better. Stretch yourself by choosing adventures that make you just a little bit nervous. Riding a zipline? Participating in an obstacle course? Once you face your fear and do it anyway, you’ll realize there was nothing to fear. Each time this revelation, that fear is only in our minds, occurs to us (it often takes more than once) we realize it applies to other things in our lives as well. Do enough things that once made you afraid and you’ll soon be living a life without any fear at all.

4. Join a sports league – Nothing keeps you committed to spending time outdoors than joining a league where they count on your participation week after week. Can’t find a team you like? Try convincing your human resources department to start an office softball game, or organize one yourself with friends.

5. Work outside – Speaking of work, are you feeling blocked there? It could be the early signs of spring fever, but I have a guaranteed trick to break yourself of those distracted feelings and be more “in the moment” at work so you can get more done.

Just change your surroundings. If you work in an office, see if you can’t go outside for a bit, or work remotely — maybe from a coffeehouse with a water’s edge view or maybe from your own home with a view of your yard and those gorgeous trees. If you already work from home, the sky’s the limit. Work in your backyard. Your front yard. At the park.

When we switch our surroundings, we’re finding a different energy — hopefully, an energy that helps us stay more focused, appreciate nature, and, in those natural surroundings, find happiness.

6. Plant flowers – In most places the ground barely had a chance to freeze this year, so you can get a jump on planting season by planting flowers in your yard. If you’re still concerned about cold overnight temps, plant them in planters that you can bring indoors at night.

First, lay the Feng Shui Ba Gua map over your yard and decide which areas of your life need a boost. Wealth? Romance? Career? Then you can follow this Feng Shui guide to flowers of different colors in order to activate the life chi in that area of your yard.

7. Do something wild and childish – Remember those carefree days of spring and summer as a child? Bring those moments back by engaging in one of your favorite activities. What was your favorite game? Get outside with your kids and show them how to play it. If you don’t have kids, call up some of your best friends for a day in the park playing Frisbee or just jump rope or climb a tree in your yard. You won’t have to focus on being in the moment, it will just happen as you forget yourself and your adult responsibilities and just enjoy the activity.

8. Visit someplace close by, but unusual. – Chances are, wherever you live, you have some outdoor tourist attractions that the locals never take time to visit. Skip work for the day or rearrange your schedule and take a mid-day trip to that place to avoid the weekend tourist crowds. Or, look up local parks and outdoor activities within 50 miles of your home and take a day trip. You’ll return rested, rejuvenated and ready to face anything that comes your way.

See Also

9. Rent a convertible and drive with the top down for an afternoon. – If you’ve never done this before, you’re in for an experience like no other. Feel the sun beating down on you, the wind in your hair, and notice the looks you get from other drivers. There’s just something about a convertible that makes being in the moment very easy to do, as you become part of your surroundings, rather than isolated from the outdoors as you are in a regular car.

10. Invite neighbors over for a fire and a night of stargazing. – Begin the night with a nice dinner of locally-grown foods, and, as the sun sets, if local ordinances permit it, light a fire and begin roasting marshmallows. There’s something about an outdoor fire that says “instant vacation.” Take time to appreciate the scent, the concentrated warmth, and the stars above your head.

11 – Wherever you are, make a commitment to appreciate your surroundings – Whenever you step outside this spring, take a moment to appreciate exactly where you are. The warmth, the wind, the grass beneath your feet, it’s all a blessing and, by showing gratitude, we feel instant happiness. (Just try feeling grateful and unhappy at the same time — it doesn’t work!)

The more we practice living in the moment, wherever we are and whatever we’re doing, the easier it becomes. It’s when we’re living in the moment, truly focused on the present, that we accomplish great things.

Each of the activities I suggested is designed to bring temporary happiness as well as to form everlasting memories. As you practice living in the moment during fun, active times, it becomes easier to recall these emotions and this state of mind during day-to-day life — whether you’re sitting in traffic, arguing with your kids over bedtime, or wondering how you’ll tackle all the work your boss just dumped on your desk at 4:30.

By living in the moment during good times, we are building an arsenal of happy memories and positive emotions to recall whenever we need an emotional boost. Use the weather to your advantage this spring to boost your mood, increase your physical activity level, and live a happier life.

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About Ken – One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.

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