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Rachelle Carson-Begley: The Queen of Green

Rachelle Carson-Begley: The Queen of Green

Rachelle Carson-Begley OMTimes

Rachelle Carson-Begley grew up in Atlanta, GA, during the Civil Rights Movement and escalation of the Vietnam War. It was needless to say a very dramatic time. Her home was not lacking in the drama department either, thus grooming her for a theatrical life.

She wanted to be an actress since she was four years old and started pursuing it in high school. She then moved to NYC to study when she was 18 years old and got her first professional job on the soap “Another World” when she was 20 years old. Rachelle has not stopped working since although there have been many dry periods for work in which she opened a Pilates Studio in Los Angeles.

Another passion of Rachelle’s is recently completing working on a musical with her husband, Ed Begley Jr., who wrote and directed it about the life of Cesar Chavez. Chavez was the farmer who helped create the Farm Workers Union. It was a great experience and a wonderful project.

Rachelle and Ed also wrapped the third season of their own show “Living With Ed” on Discovery’s Planet Green. It’s about their wonderfully wacky lifestyle that hopefully one day will be more mainstream. But, today, it’s still a novelty. They live in a solar-powered house and drive a Prius or Ed’s all-electric car around LA. They recycle everything! It’s been an adjustment to live like he does, but she managed to adjust. She has said she feels a little like Eva Gabor in “Green Acres”.

Over the years; Rachelle has supported many charities, including Water Keepers, Green Wish, anything involving children and Alzheimer’s disease.

Rachelle has worked in theater, films, and TV for 27 years, and she is hoping for another fifty! In her free time, she loves decorating her home and spending time with her husband Ed and their daughter, Hayden.

Actress Rachelle Carson-Begley is one of the most recognized names and faces in Hollywood’s green movement. While she’s well known for her support of numerous nonprofits, Rachelle went the extra mile for three years by inviting millions into her home to demonstrate how a sustainable lifestyle can be achieved—and she’s about to do it again with On Begley Street.

As one of the stars of the highly successful reality series Living With Ed, Rachelle was the self-described “reluctant environmentalist.” Of course, that was in comparison with her co-star and husband, noted actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. Living With Ed showed viewers that a happy medium is possible between “eco-obsessed” (Ed) and “reasonably green” (Rachelle) — although it may require a lot of work and compromise on both parts.

On Begley Street is a Web series that explores the building of North America’s greenest, most sustainable home. We will follow noted actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. and his wife, Rachelle Carson-Begley, as they attempt to build their home under LEED Platinum Certified standards.

On Begley Street chronicles the latest adventure for the Begley’s, one that began when Rachelle convinced Ed it was time to build a new home to accommodate the realities of life with a teenage daughter. Surprising even Ed, she quickly found the right property for the right price, one that would allow them to build their dream green home, from the bottom up.

Each episode explores sustainable living and balancing comfort with consumption. The Begleys’ adventures are often heightened by their numerous and comical mistakes, which often result in playful bickering. And keep an eye open as Ed and Rachelle’s high-profile friends stop by for a visit and are then coerced into an afternoon of hard labor.

Exclusive OM Times Interview with Rachelle Carson-Begley

Interview with and Written by Nadine Christine Hamdan

Actress Rachelle Carson-Begley is one of the most recognized names and faces in Hollywood’s green movement.  As one of the stars of the highly successful reality series “Living With Ed”, Rachelle was the self-described “reluctant environmentalist.” Of course, that was in comparison with her co-star and husband, noted actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. “Living With Ed” showed viewers that a happy medium is possible between “eco-obsessed” (Ed) and “reasonably green” (Rachelle) — although it may require a lot of work and compromise on both parts and she’s about to do it again with On Begley Street.

OMTimes:  We’re so honored and happy to have you, Rachelle, thank you.  Let’s start out by talking about your new home and “On Begley Street”.

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Thank you for having me.  The show is really exciting because we are building an environmental greenhouse step by step and you can be a part of it.  Albeit the challenges we face daily, the house is quite incredible.


OMTimes:  Big challenges?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Yes, not only in building a sustainable green home but also want to make it beautiful.  Ed finally agreed to give me the pool of my dreams and I agreed to let him have a Rainwater Catchment System.  It’s like installing a submarine in your home, but it is super cool.  I get all the design features of a pampered green girl dream house and Ed gets his high tech energy efficient dream home as well.  What’s fascinating is the steel framing, it’s great for seismology, termites hate it and it’s not even that much more expensive than wood framing.  Much the same as our show “Living With Ed” you will get to see how we have to compromise on so many levels.  But, that’s marriage, isn’t it?

OMTimes:  “On Begley Street” is going to be online webisodes?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Yes, we have 8 webisodes in the can thus far; as we’re working on the house and love that it’s going to be on the Internet.  This way everyone will have a chance to watch and learn about what it takes to build a sustainable home from scratch, as well as the inevitable drama and comedy between Ed and me.  It took some convincing on my part to get him even remotely interested in moving into another house and he agreed when I found a cool lot that was facing south, so he can install his solar panels, only this time you won’t be able to see them.  YAY!


OMTimes:  Why do you call yourself the “reluctant environmentalist?”

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  I’m a woman first and foremost and I like pretty things.  From getting my hair and nails done in a salon, to beautiful clothes and red carpet couture.  Unfortunately, the female beauty industry hasn’t quite caught on yet with more “natural” ingredients and products are still toxic.   So therein lays my conundrum.  As women we should be able to enjoy the luxuries of beauty products, and how do we blend that with being green, informed and AWAKE.  Like None GMO foods, paraben free makeup, sulfate free shampoos, and conditioner. The lotions we put on our skin, the deodorants, and it goes on.  They have yet to create an organic nail polish that actually stays on for any period of time.  Who doesn’t want the latest designer blue jean, sans the toxic dyes?  So I am hoping through more public awareness, we can increase supply and demand and that everyone “gets it” and we can work together to get it moving.  It’s definitely better today than 5 years ago, but we have a ways to go.

OMTimes:  The word “green” bugs you in some ways, doesn’t it?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Unfortunately “green” is becoming a “brand” where it should be a part of our daily lives.  So many corporations are using the word and removing a chemical or two then touting “green, natural and organic” and they are bad. We’ve become so used to these chemicals cleaning for us, God forbid if people have to put some elbow grease into it.  For years, Ed and I were seen as “green extremist” because we were one of the first to put a solar roof on our home; our neighbors hated us for it. We recycled, composted and became relentless in bringing carbon footprint consciousness to society.  That’s why I agreed to take on speaking engagements and was honored when Green America asked me to be on their certification board.  They are an amazing group that truly empowers society on four powerful strategies.  But I won’t tell you about them, you have to do the research, it’s worth it and join.


OMTimes:  Congratulations on the distribution of Begley’s Earth Responsible Products.

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Oh, thank you.  Our products are completely plant-based, sustainable and cruelty-free. Ed and I are very conscious of Green Washing, and I’m sure most of your readers won’t know what it means and I want to hone in bring public awareness to Green Washing.  There, I said it again, look it up.  I want to hone in on Green Washing. We look to corporations to tell us the truth, but unfortunately, most of them have a vested interest and an agenda to make a lot of money of consumer misinformation.  The words “green, greener and more natural” are used as a selling tool and there isn’t any real validity. I’m requesting that American’s demand knowing more, so they can make an educated, informed decision on what to buy and the cause and effect in the long run.

See Also

OMTimes:  As citizens, how can we help?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  There is so much we can do like using LED light bulbs, hell I’ve had some for nearly twenty years.  We grow our own fruits and vegetables in our back yard. If I can get my fingernails dirty, so can you.  Go online and learn as much as you can.  “On Begley Street” will also teach you a lot.  The beauty of our new super eco-friendly house is the high tech gadgets we’re putting in to save energy and how healthy and beautiful the house looks.  And you get to see me shop for beautiful furniture that’s sustainable, refurbished wood and high class.


OMTimes:  You’ve been doing a lot of acting as well as your reality shows?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  Oh yeah, it’s been super busy.  Sophia Copolla called me and asked me to be in “The Bling Ring”, the story about the young thieves that broke into Paris Hilton’s home.  Henry Jaglom’s “M Word” about menopause, don’t laugh, it was actually a lot of fun.  A spec pilot “How to Succeed at Birth”, where I get to play a super tough nurse, like “Nurse Jackie”. Be afraid, be very afraid. And wrapped on a movie “Flambe”.


OMTimes:  We can all do something to make a difference, can’t we?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  If I can do it, you can do it.  I’m not highly disciplined or super eccentric.  I am just one woman who is taking baby steps in making a difference and growing every single day.  My fantasy home was never a green home.  I wanted a mansion like “Tara”, to be affluent, with ornate fabulous furniture and huge pool.  And now I don’t want them anymore. That’s where my shift came.  My needs have changed and I’ve had a shift in my consciousness.  Instead of a luxury car, I bought a Prius.  Causes and conditions are the reason I am doing all of this hard work.  I’m committed and it’s a part of my daily life and I hope it becomes a part of yours.  You do what you can and you will feel better.  I love the adage “be the change you want to see” and I say “start being the change you want to see in this world, with baby steps”.

OMTimes:  What does the future hold for Rachelle?

Rachelle Carson-Begley:  An inward journey is where I’m heading, right after my salon appointment. And that’s not a joke really.  I am searching for balance, much like everyone else.  More yoga, meditation and addressing how to make the world a better place for my daughter, family, friends and you.  We all talk about making a difference in the world.  I’m fortunate enough to actually be doing just that.  I feel blessed and grateful for everything in my life.


CBS Radio Interview of Rachelle Carson-Begley with Shay Parker

Click the link to listen to Rachelle’s interview on Metaphysical Minds

Rachelle Carson-Begley Interview with Shay Parker on Metaphysical Minds

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