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Healing Cleanse Green Smoothie

Healing Cleanse Green Smoothie

By Young and Raw

This is by far one of my favorite green smoothies on the planet. I’d say Caleb and I drank this recipe every morning and sometimes more than once a day for at least 6 months straight. This drink is healing for the body on so many levels, so integrate it into your morning routine and alkalize your life! Oh yes and I know usually I only give a hand full of rawesome smoothie facts, but celery just happens to be one of my most favorite vegetables ever so I’ve gotta talk it up a bit extra today…

11 Rawesome Facts about this Green Smoothie

1. Celery can help reduce arthritis and rheumatism pain by clearing uric acid from painful joints.

2. Celery has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties and can be used for swollen glands.

3. Celery is a great source for you to get Vitamin C, so use it to boost your immune system and fight off a nasty cold!

4. Celery has calming effects, probably another reason why I enjoy eating it, juicing it and drinking it in smoothies so much!

5.  Eating cucumber daily can help control eczema break outs.

6. Cucumber can be used for treatment of heart burn.

7. Pineapple cleanses the intestines and the kidneys and promotes a healthy metabolism.

8. Ginger can be used to relieve nausea, even in pregnant women during morning sickness.

9. Parsley is full of B Vitamins which are responsible for the energy production from food.

10. Cilantro naturally balances hormones  and can be used to treat PMS and cramping.

See Also

11. Lemons alleviate arthritis pain, cleanse the liver and create an alkaline environment.


  •  1/2 Head Celery
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Cup Cilantro & Parsley
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Tbsp Ginger
  • 1/3 Pineapple

Instructions: Place all ingredients in the Vitamix and add a small amount of water, blend on high until the mixture is liquid and serve.

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