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The Loving Power of Diversity

The Loving Power of Diversity

by Nadia Khalil Bradley

Human beings have more things in common than we think. For example, one thing that all human beings have in common is that we were all born and are sharing the same planet at the same time.  We also have in common that at some point our bodies cease to exist and we all go Home. So when did we start to focus on the differences between us, rather than focus on our commonalities?

When we were born we didn’t know any better so we smiled at everyone. Everyone was the same in our eyes.  They were all people that made us happy, that smiled and loved us, and we in turn, loved them back. Then one day we were told, “oh no, don’t talk to so and so” or “they are not like us” or “they are different, we don’t like that”.  You get confused and you think to yourself, “But they were very nice to me. I like them, am I supposed to not like them anymore?” You end up disregarding your intuition and you begin to distance yourself from the people around you.

Then one day you feel like YOU are the one that’s different. You feel that you are not like someone else or that you’d like to do things differently. You then start holding back on expressing your thoughts and you start to feel that no one will like or love you because you’re different. Why? Because at one point someone told you that it was not okay to be different. So now not only do you think that others are not okay, but you think that you are not okay either.

This is the point when we begin having thoughts of not being okay.  But in reality, we are all okay until someone starts telling us differently.  So how do we unlearn that? How do we learn to love ourselves and others freely again? What do we have to do?

1.  We are all here to live in love – We’re all here in order to find love, to grow it, to nurture it and to trust it. Anything that we do for the “wrong” reasons takes away from our innocence. And when we say to ourselves or others that we aren’t okay, we are telling life that it is not okay. We are telling the Creator that they are not okay. However, this is not true. The truth is that we are all here for a reason. We were all born on Earth and we were all meant to be here at the same time.  There are no accidents.  We’re all meant to be together in this way and at this time.  That’s huge!!!!!!! Out of all the possible time periods to be born, we are all here on Earth at the same time. What does that mean? It means that as much as we say that we are different from each other, we must remember that we are all here together in order to seek love in the common obstacles of the life that we lead. We all have catalysts: money, ego, materialism, etc.  However, we are slowly finding out that none of that means anything if we don’t have each other. The collective WE is what it’s all about. Life doesn’t understand things, it understands people.

2.  Cherish and embrace your innocence – We all seem to be drawn to babies.  Why is that?  It’s because of the innocence they bring. We love that innocence, and yet eventually we find a way to shape it and tell them that it is not okay to be that innocent, that it’s time for them to grow up.

In reality, we never really do grow up. Our souls do not have an age, our bodies do. Our souls are always in that innocence and when we don’t feel it, we look for it everywhere. We try all of our lives to repair the innocence that was taken away with words and what looked like nice gestures.

To gain some of that innocence back, remember that we are here to love everyone, not to love only some people but not others. We are here to learn love again as though we have never questioned it. Deep down we have always known this kind of pure love. It’s a love that doesn’t question and yet grows and thrives and learns and trusts. We love it in the children who still have it and we protect it so that our world can live in the innocence of itself, amongst us.

3.  Have a conversation with your true self – When we hear in our minds that we think we are not okay or that anyone will not understand how we feel, it is time for a conversation with your true self. Start from the beginning. Ask yourself what matters most to you. Ask yourself if you really want to live this way. Ask yourself what you would do without the things you say you want, and see yourself release it. Know that you will be okay no matter what. Trust that you will make the best decision that you can with the knowledge and love you have at this time. Give yourself the chance to not be perfect and be okay with it. We aren’t prefect nor are we meant to be.

4.  Allow life to teach you – We are here to learn and we are learning love in a much broader scope. Love is an energy, not just something that you dish out depending on the situation. Love is love is love. The relationships are what’s different. Every person you meet is someone who is touching your life with love. Allow the love to flow and to grow and to teach you what it can. We are so busy trying to tell life what to do that we forget that life has a lot to teach us. Allow life to teach you what it is, that is why we are all here.

See Also

Nothing is meant to take away from us unless we see it that way. Nothing can give to us unless we allow it. We live in reflections of what we see and know, and then love comes along and pushes us and pushes us to learn more about it. Learning is endless. There is never a day when we know everything, yet there is always a day filled with love if we can trust that we are worthy of love – and we are! We are here to find that out; imagine the difference it makes to you, and to me, that we are loved already.

Remember: you can always, always go back to the fork in the road and repave it with love. The many faces of love will surprise you and it will surprise love that you found it this way!!!

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Nadia Khalil Bradley is the author of “Little Wing” and “Origins of Truth.” She is getting ready to release her latest book, “Original Love.” Nadia is a teacher of accountability, growth and love. Through her books and writings she takes your soul on a journey of self discovery that will ultimately lead you to live in a state of utmost truth, love and purity. Visit Nadia at to learn more.

For Daily inspirations, follow Nadia on Facebook.

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