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By Rev. Marcy Ellen

Manifesting is the way by which we go about bringing things or situations into material existence, i.e. turning energy into matter. All manifestations begin as energy in a realm or a field of quantum potential. That energy can be looked at like a liquid form of jello. Before jello is molded into any shape and before it has been solidified by the cooling or refrigeration process jello has no form. It is liquid and therefore it has the potential to be molded into any shape that the person creating it wants it to be. When the person who is doing the manifesting is conscious of what they wish to create then they can take that energy from the field of quantum potential and transform it into anything they desire.

The way in which we transform that energy into matter, or turn that energy into specific things and situations that we wish to manifest in the material world, is through our thoughts and emotions. By consistently thinking thoughts about the things we wish to materialize we begin creating a mold or a shape for that energy to take on. The way we solidify that energy into the mold of our choice is by exuding positive emotion or e-motion (energy put into motion). The emotion we feel while thinking the thoughts or creating the mold is akin to the cooling or refrigeration process which solidifies the jello over time. The thought is akin to the jello in liquid form, the thing or situation we wish to manifest is the mold or the shape that the jello is in, and the emotion we feel or exude while having the thought is akin to the refrigerator that the jello goes into in order to solidify.

In order to manifest the things we want we must consciously choose our thoughts and then maintain some sort of consistency with those thoughts. Consciously choosing to have the same thoughts over and over or visualizing the same dream over and over while exuding positive emotion will mold that energy and solidify it over time. The amount of time it takes for the energy to materialize depends on how many times we have the same thought, dream, or visualization. If we have a thought about something we desire but then change it to something else or throw in thoughts about things we fear and do not want, the universe gets a mixed message about what it is we want to manifest. This would be like pouring the jello into different molds and taking it in and out of the refrigerator. It never gets a chance to solidify into the shape of anything, or if it does it solidifies into the shape of something that we don’t want.

Unfortunately, manifesting the things we don’t want or the things we fear happens all too often. When we focus our thoughts on the things we don’t want then we actually manifest those exact things or outcomes whether we consciously meant to or not. An example of this happened to me years ago while I was living in Arizona. The freeways there were in my opinion, very frightening to drive on. Every day that I had to drive on the freeways to get to work I feared getting into a car accident. I feared it so much that it’s all I thought about on my way to work. Of course since thoughts create emotions I was exuding negative emotion that correlated to the fear I had about getting into a car accident. So my emotion (e-motion) was putting the energy of my thoughts into motion without me consciously realizing it. Every time I saw a car accident my fear grew bigger and bigger until one day the very thing I was thinking about and feeling so afraid of finally happened. I got into a car accident. The very thing I had been thinking about while exuding negative emotion over materialized for me in the physical world. On top of that it happened exactly the way I had envisioned it. I manifested something but it was the one thing in the world that I absolutely did not want, the one thing that I feared the most, and the one thing I focused all my thoughts and emotions on.

The universe doesn’t decide whether or not the things we are in the process of manifesting are actually the things that we want or don’t want, just as it doesn’t decide which things will be held down through the law of gravity. It works through its laws and it does so constantly and without judgment. It is up to us to understand how the laws work so we can work with them rather than against them. If we understand the laws of the universe we can use them to help us live a more joyful and peaceful existence. We can use the law of gravity for our advantage when we play a game of baseball. We know when we throw a baseball to someone at a certain speed that at some point in which we have mentally calculated, as the speed of the ball decreases, because of gravity the ball will descend into the catcher’s glove. However, we also know gravity will not work for our advantage if we jump or fall off a 10 story building. Gravity will not stop working if the person jumping or falling didn’t consciously want to fall. Whatever it is the person wanted or didn’t want is irrelevant to the law of gravity and because we know this we just avoid jumping out of 10 story buildings all together. The same is true however for the law of attraction. The things that we think about whether wanted or unwanted conjure up certain emotions and through the law of attraction we begin to attract the very thing we have been thinking about and feeling emotion over. If we know that those thoughts will materialize it is best to stay away from negative thoughts and emotions all together. The best way to do that is to fill our minds with the things we do want to manifest in our lives.

The final part of the manifesting process is the process of letting go. Letting go is equivalent to leaving the jello in the refrigerator for an allotted period of time and letting the refrigerator to do its part by cooling and solidifying the jello into the desired mold. In this case the refrigerator is a metaphor for the universe. There has to be a period of time in which we let go of the energy, thought, dream, or visualization and let the universe do its part to solidify our creation.

I always look at the letting go part of the manifestation process like a dance. If the universe is my dance partner (my partner in the co-creation process) and we are attempting to dance together then I must take a few steps and then I must let the universe take a few steps. Co-creating with the universe is a partnership so there must be equal effort or movement from both partners. If I never let go of my visions or ideas it is like I am taking step after step, pushing my dance partner all the way across the dance floor without ever giving them a chance to push back. If only one of the dance partners moves forward while the other is always moving back then it’s not much of a dance. There must be equal and balanced movement. Both dance partners must take turns moving forward. When we let go the universe gets its turn in the co-creation or manifestation process.

To summarize the manifestation process;

Your thoughts = energy in the field of quantum potential that can be shaped into anything you desire (liquid jello)

See Also

Your emotions (e-motion) = the vehicle which solidifies that energy in the physical world (refrigerating or cooling the jello)

Consistency and conscious choice of thoughts = keeping your mind focused on the things you do want instead of things you don’t want (choosing the jello mold or shape)

Letting go = Letting the universe take part in the co-creation/manifestation process (the time in which the jello sits in the refrigerator)

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