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Happiness as a Contract

Happiness as a Contract


Make Happiness a Conscious Decision

Most of us believe that it is external circumstances that decide whether we can be happy or unhappy in life. But psychologists all over the world have discovered one of the greatest discoveries in this century: it is all in the mind. Our happiness depends on what kind of thoughts we are thinking and how we are reacting to the external stimuli that keep on pouring into our lives.

From the beginning of time people have been continually trying to change the external things, the amenities, comforts and luxuries of life that they believe will make them happy. They search for a happiness that will remain with them, a happiness to which they can cling.

But humanity has yet to achieve lasting happiness. In spite of possessing everything we desire, and attempting to control everything, most people remain in a state of frustration, in a state of frictional stress. A kind of negativity grips us and we become more and more restless inside, and it envelops the whole mind.

As a result, the mind sees the external world and chooses vibrations that bring more restlessness to the mind. It is like we are seeing the world with the wrong prescription in our glasses. The world appears crooked, bent, and disfigured when our vision is out of focus. However, if we correct the prescription in our glasses, if we change the way we view the world, then our vision is completely transformed and we see a beautiful world of love, peace and harmony. The world has not changed, the world has remained the same, but we, the seer, view the world in a very different light because now our “glasses” are set right.

This is the whole process of correcting our inner mode of seeing the outside world. That’s very important. We have to gradually change our inner self if we want to see the beautiful world outside of us because basically we are mirroring from inside out.

We all get caught up in worrying about the small things in life. Anything that is a little inconvenient can put us out of balance. We become intolerant, we anger very easily, and all the negative emotions possess us so easily. Why do you think this happens? It’s completely attitudinal.

Nobody can make us unhappy unless we resolve to be unhappy. No outside circumstances, no situation can make us unhappy unless we agree to become unhappy, unless we sign the contract to be unhappy.

There is a contract to be unhappy. There is an offer and there is an acceptance. Then it becomes a contract. Somebody may make us an offer, but if we reject it, there is no contract. It is up to us if we react to any external, negative situation. Until we sign, there is no contract. It cannot bind us. We are free. We need to be certain that we understand the terms of the agreement. Take the time to be sure. Don’t sign until you know that what you are agreeing to will manifest the happiness of your spirit, and not a material, transient binding to so-called happiness. Sign only when you sign with full awareness that you are signing a contract to be happy, knowing that you are truly acting on your own behalf, on behalf of your spirit.

Deeply contemplate the above. Realize the truth in it. Understanding is important. Understanding that triumphs over conflict and confusion is paramount. You can give up any deep-seated resentment or negative clinging of the mind the instant you understand that the time to correct the situation is here and now. Resolve to give up brooding over any negative contracts of the past. Relax. You have signed a new contract to be truly happy.

Attitudes can be changed.  Once we change these attitudes toward life, once we change the vision in our glasses, our whole world changes. When this happens we don’t jump out to change the world, we don’t quarrel with the person who is not being right with us, we do not try to fix everyone else in this world, we do not try to take care of the external things, but we come deep down within ourselves to make the inner correction to the glasses that we wear to perceive the world. We make a mindful and conscious decision to sign a contract to be happy! It is time for true celebration. Celebrate with the Universe in its unending dance of life and be happy!

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About the Author

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India), is a globally acclaimed motivational and spiritual teacher, author, social advocate and peace maker. Founder of Stress Management Academy, his Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students and all seekers of peace and happiness to be the leaders of tomorrow.

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Author of the internationally acclaimed My Mind, My Best Friend Shuddhaanandaa was the recipient of the Man of Peace Award from the World Organization for Peace in Mexico, 2012. He is recognized as a visionary social advocate for his development of groundbreaking programs that serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in slums of Calcutta, India and remote villages of West Bengal. He founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985. Please read his books My Mind, My Best Friend: 30 Mindful Practices for a Peaceful and Happy Life, (Spanish, Mi mente, mi mejor amistad), Cleaning the Mirror of Mind: Clutter Free Home, Clutter Free Life and The Incredible Life of a Himalayan Yogi, all available on Amazon Kindle.

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