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Astrology Forecast for April 15-21, 2013

Astrology Forecast for April 15-21, 2013

By Kathy Biehl

Weekly_AstrologyGear shift! The sky’s emphasis is sliding from the impulsive instigating of Aries to the grounding and savoring of Taurus. The seeds that have been sprouting are blossoming into recognizable form. While ideas and projects and developments will continue to erupt, their impact will be more muffled and pace more manageable.

Three bodies bring the energy to ground in stair steps as they make the move from Aries to Taurus this week: Venus, the Sun and Mars. The first to relocate is Venus, ruler of creativity and all that we value, from relationships to possessions to money to concepts to ourselves. She is also the ruler of Taurus and at her most sensual and physically comfortable in the sign, which promises settling in and comfy-ness in our connections.

The tangible is of prime importance to Venus in Taurus — the smell of flowers, steaming coffee and baked goods; the feel of soft natural fabrics; money in the bank; the reassurance of a physical touch instead of mere words, no matter how artful. She drops the self-sufficient warrior goddess mode of Aries and allows herself to be waited on, catered to and worshipped.

Her shift invites us to do the same: To settle into the moment, unhurried. To enjoy the physical pleasures of existence. To take ownership of our ideas, creations and projects and focus on the fruition of all our energetic seeds.

See Also

The earthy emphasis intensifies when the Sun enters Taurus on Friday, followed by Mars on Saturday. The masculine is following the feminine’s lead and supplying the drive and motivation to carry out her wishes. Mars isn’t as quick to act in this sign, but what he loses in daring and zeal he gains in manual dexterity and willingness to see something through. Our instincts are turning to how to concretize and implement our ideas, visions and projects — in short, how to make them manifest.

Follow those impulses. Claim and embrace all that has been erupting within you. Write it down. Make it physical. Begin to nourish it.

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