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Communicating As Divinity

Communicating As Divinity

by Toni Elizabeth Sar’h Petrinovich

Why would you want to access information as the divine? Isn’t the information received on earth enough? Why would you want more? And, more importantly, is it possible to do so?

I’m going to give you the three basic reasons why multi/omni-dimensional communication helps you understand that you are not only a human being, a homo sapiens, you are an infinite, boundless, divine spirit that just so happens to have chosen earth as your present domain.

1. The first reason is that the etheric realm, the divine subtle realm, that which is unseen, is where you originally emerge (present tense; there is not time). Actually, you unfold into the subtler realms as that which is nameless, intentioning manifestation, what you call creation, in endless dimensions or frequencies of expression in every possible manner infinitely without end. It doesn’t make any difference if you believe in evolution or creationism; whether you believe beings from another planet manipulated human DNA to create man or whether you believe some people walk into a body. All of those ideas and concepts include something divine manifesting from something that is unmanifest within divinity.

The first reason you want to be able to communicate with other divine dimensions is because you emerge from within them. It is looking at you in another form; listening to yourself in another vibration as the divinity you are in this incarnation.

2. The second reason concerns how you are living in earth because you exist within the energy signature of earth rather than “on” it.

The physical world in which you live is changing dramatically. The sun’s magnetic field is accelerating its output. What is considered a normal cycle for the sun’s sunspots and coronal mass ejections is no longer a standard in the same manner. Science is attempting to figure out what is happening because nothing appears the way it has in the past.

Several of the planets have begun emitting more photons than they have in recorded history. Scientists see them as what they are calling “glowing”. Little is known by the physical world why this is happening yet every increase in photon emission; every alteration of magnetic fields affects the earth and, in so doing, affects you. Even if you believe you don’t want to interact with the subtler world, it is interacting with you.

At the same time, every possibility that exists, drawing energy from the Zero Point Energy Field is connected with the physical realm as well. In the sense of Oneness, nothing is separate; nothing is disconnected. Again, even if you believe you don’t want to interact with other dimensions of divinity, those vibratory frequencies are interacting within you as the divine in form.

Oneness or you might say “wholeness” simply is whether you believe it is part of what you call God or not. Everything that exists in every dimension (that means as slow in frequency as you can imagine and as fast in frequency as you can even consider) is connected by a web-like force. It is the basis for telepathy, energetic remission of lack of health in the physical body; the reason why you can feel what you call “vibes” from people, plants and animals. It is even the reason why you like to look at some pictures, movies or scenes and not others. It all depends upon the resonance that you have with that at which you are looking during that moment in linear time. Look at the same picture a year later and you will see it differently even if you do nothing consciously to change your perception of it. This field is literally embedded within your DNA, which acts as a template for the oneness to be expressed in and through you in harmony and coherence.

The second reason you want to communicate with other dimensions is because you are in them whether you are paying attention to them or not. It seems sensible to invite communication with that in which you have your being.

3. The third reason is that the divine, subtle realm is where you are emerging when you leave your earthly, physical body. Again, this doesn’t depend upon what you believe in this life though what you do believe will create, color and frame what you experience in that subtle realm.

Communication within divinity while in your physical body is one of the most natural experiences you could have during this incarnation. It has been conditioned out of your culture to keep you under the dominion of the government of your country, the leaders of your religions, the teachers in your schools and, inevitably, the peer group you decide to associate with at any given time. If you step back from the industrial/technological world that you presently live in and look at your ancestors in the natural world, you will see that unequivocally all of the earlier peoples had constant communication with the unseen. Those countries, tribes and national groups living outside the world as you know it still do communicate with the etheric and use their knowing, their nightly dreams and their voyages of seeing into the unseen to create, organize and administer their daily lives.

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Scientifically based culture has put enough pressure on the governing bodies, including the schools, to turn away from that which cannot be proven (and that proof is according to science). A scientific proof means that the action can be replicated over and over again resulting in the same results. In the realm of the unseen, you will not have the same results because that realm is in constant flux. Quantum physics is coming to the realization that it is only the observer, the experimenter, that determines the outcome of the experiment and that it changes with the reference point of the experimenter from one moment to the next.

The divine world you live in and the world into which you are emerging is not physical. It exists and is available to you when you make the decision that you want to live your life more consciously aware of, and consciously linked to, that which already exists as your presence within divinity. It is not outside of you and it is not inside of you. It simply is and in that, so are you. You simply are. In truth, you cannot keep from having communication with the subtle, etheric realms. All you can do is keep yourself from knowing it.

(This article excerpted in part from Divining Your Truth Online Course)

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Toni Elizabeth Sar’h Petrinovich is a Master Teacher, mystic and quantum physics researcher with a ministerial doctorate in metaphysics. In addition to Divining Truth, Toni is the author of The Call – Awakening the Angelic Human. Toni teaches sacred metaphysical principles through Meta yoU School of Mastery. Access all of her websites through

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