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Differences Between Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, and Healer

Differences Between Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, and Healer

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There are many Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, and Healer practitioners that do more than one of these functions.  Choosing the right practitioner to meet your needs is essential.

What is the Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, and Healer?



What are the differences? The definitions have become interchanged and confused. Let us take a moment to review and clarify so that you will connect with the right reader and get the most from your session.


Intuition is a right brain process that taps into subconscious information in order to provide guidance about everyday life. Being intuitive means that you able to tap into subconscious information in order to receive guidance about your everyday life. Intuition can be used to receive guidance about your own life (personal intuition) or to help other people (professional intuition). People who are intuitive are not necessarily psychic. Being intuitive is about receiving guidance to make better decisions in your life, and helping guide others in theirs.



Being psychic, also know as being clairvoyant, means that you can perceive information that cannot be perceived through the normal senses (also called Extra Sensory Perception – ESP). That can include predicting the future, talking to non-physical beings (dead people, spirits) and being able to sense missing objects or people. Being psychic is about sensing information that other people can’t usually access.



A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned his or her extrasensory perception and can interface with the spirits in other dimensions. They are able to feel and/or hear thoughts, voices or mental impressions from the spirit world. A medium is able to become completely receptive to the higher frequency or energies on which spirit people vibrate.



Empath means that you feel other people’s emotions as your own. For example, if someone around you is very angry you might start to feel angry yourself, even though there is no direct reason for you to feel this way. According to Wikipedia, “observing another person’s emotional state activates parts of the neuronal network involved in processing that same state in one, whether it is disgust, touch, or pain”. Empaths have the ability to scan another’s energy for thoughts, feelings and possibly for past, present, and future life occurrences.


A healer has the ability to “see” the person as a whole greater than the sum of their parts. The healer’s job is to help remove blocks to an individual’s growth. It is now an accepted fact that humans are electromagnetic beings. All illness results from the lowering of body frequencies below that necessary to maintain homeostasis. By raising the frequencies and aligning the various bodies, all the fields come into coherence. That is health. 

Energy Healing has been around forever and is one of the most ancient healing techniques you can use to keep your body in a balanced and healthy state. The ancients were aware of the psychological and physical effects we experience from our own thoughts, from other people, and from invisible forces from “out there.” Alternative energy healing includes these psychological and spiritual realms as well as the physical.


Session Tips:

~ Open mind: Come into the reading with open mind and no expectations

~ Hear the answer, even if it’s not the one answer you want

~ Be Ready to do Your Work, use the information given to work on self

~ Find the Right Reader, example want to talk to deceased persons choose a medium; if you want healing, choose a healer, etc.

See Also

~ Readers give guidance, you are responsible for making your own choices

~ The future is Fluid and is always changing, as people’s thoughts and actions affect it. A reader will tell you the most likely outcome if nothing changes.

~ Readers reflect back the information we receive, sometimes we get the information but the interpretation may be askew if it doesn’t seem quite right ask us to clarify

~ If we don’t satisfactorily answer your question or it doesn’t seem complete, ask us to elaborate

~ Mediums cannot make the deceased answer your call, it may not be the right time to connect

~ Readings are meant to EMPOWER you and to help you heal. You are still responsible for your choices.

~ Readers are neutral. We do not give you our opinions, judgments or advise, we simply offer our insights and intuition. Please take the information we give to you, match it with your own intuition and inner knowing and make your own informed decisions.

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About the Author

Lynn is an HSP advocate and uses writing to share perceptions on intuition, emotion, energetic frequency and thought forms. Heralding the transformation of HSPs (highly sensitive persons) into HAPs (highly aware persons). Visit her at or contact her at

View Comments (14)
  • I have to disagree with this article. There’s no real reference to the differences. This author described an Empath from what Wikipedia stated, not from any real research what so ever. Empaths don’t just “mimic” feelings, this research is completely unfounded and is still a major debate across the scientific community.

  • I think the difference is the way psychic information is received, they all psychic, spiritual workers but the way which they recieve the information varies, yet anyone could learn the others method. I think the only different would be the medium or Necromancer. Other than that is a psychic.

  • A “medium” is one who talks to dead people- those from the spirit realms and guides and teachers who are not living. A psychic does NOT do this.. they work with living energy and energy fields, they do NOT talk to dead folks. No one can predict the future… that is called fraud.


  • People who are intuitive are not necessarily NOT psychic, either. To assume that intuition comes merely from the subconscious seems quite limiting. Rather, intuitive information seems to filter through the subconscious, but may actually be superconscious information and may be messages in and of itself, which is about more than making life choices.
    “Being psychic” does not mean the same as “clairvoyant.” Clairvoyant means clear-seeing and has equivalents with the other senses, such as clairaudient-clear-hearing…Information can be delivered psychically via any of the senses whether physically or psychically experienced.

    “All illness results from the lowering of body frequencies below that necessary to maintain homeostasis. By raising the frequencies and aligning the various bodies, all the fields come into coherence. That is health.”
    This is an irresponsible statement A. that when read by someone who is not familiar with these concepts, yet searching for answers, will most likely shift to blaming themselves for illness (shame and blame are some of the culprits of reducing the cohesion you’re desiring) and B. this is YOUR truth. This is not necessarily everyone’s truth. None of us has the absolute truth on any of this. We have personal experience, belief, and occasionally, some research beyond anecdote to back it up. This could have been a better article if it had been prefaced with: In my experience…

  • Gee, for those of you complaining on the differences here.

    Do not see it as a separate thing that only certain people has certain/some/one of the capability.

    See it from the uniqueness of what each means when one is ‘in-tuned’ with that path.

    Mind you, we all have each of the capability, it is whether one has already mastered it or learning to master it or it was already in-tuned/unlock from the beginning when he/she is born or whether one is not interested to unlock/use that capability or potential in the first place.

  • I see it all as psychic because it all has to do with sensitivity to energy. As for predicting the future being a fraud. Where like in all professions there are frauds I know future events can be predicted. At the same time it can change. It’s simply being able to sense or read the current energy and know which direction it’s taking. In reading current energy you could also have a pretty good idea in which direction it came from. However certain predictions can be changed simply by changing the direction of the energy.

    On December 25 2012 I wrote in my diary “I fear my husband will pass away and I will be alone.”

    I felt it strongly before that day when we went to the Titanic exhibit at the art museum. They gave us entry tickets that each had the name of someone on the Titanic, at the end of the exhibit you can look up the name you got on the wall and see if that person survived. My person survived Tom’s (my husband) didn’t. As a Joke I said I’m going to miss you baby at that time a strange feeling came over me. I felt that it won’t be long before he passed. On

    June 18th 2013 I looked at my husband and said “please don’t leave me” He replied, honey I won’t leave you I love you why would you say that? I replied, Please don’t die on me. He responded I’m not going to die on you. Wednesday June 19 2013 my husband passed away from a massive heart attack.

    This kind of stuff I’ve gone through for as long as I can remember. So yes the future can be predicted.

  • Ok, where do I begin ?! I See so many mixed feelings swirling about here.
    You do realize my kindred, that ALL ENERGY IS THE SAME.
    It is like Living Water. The fine mist, the dew, the rain, a gentle storm, a raging thunderstorms, ice, snow, and a blinding blizzard or all from a single elemental force (Living Water). And all Energy comes from whomever are whatever you call THE HIGHER POWER (GOD). No one source of this Divneness is better than the rest.
    All sentient beings possesses INTUITION (knowingness), the knowledge and skills of interpreting this knowledge is Wisdom. How you use the Wisdom is the ESP ability.
    The skill and ability to feel anything unseen, unheard, is Empathy;
    The skill and ability to interpret events, and to distinguish between the times is a CLARA, wheather it is audio or visual depends on how that Energy is presented to you.
    Some like me need tools to help initiate a sequence of Intuitive Energy.
    And using myself again as an example, certain forms of this energy can only happen when certain principal elements are involved.
    (When my girlfriend/Lover is away and not, we communicate by touch, sight, and intuitive interpretation of thought).

  • I’m all of them. I hate it when I feel people’s negative energy, I’ll break out in rash. I notice small shifts in people’s body language and speech. Spirits try to jump in my body at night. I’m very intuitive as well.

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