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Cyber Bullying Leads To Sibling Suicide

Cyber Bullying Leads To Sibling Suicide

By Alexander Holzer

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” ~ Sri Ram

No matter where one resides in our world today, if there’s a will there is a way. This holds true for what has become a rapidly growing issue facing our youth today, bullying.

Two sisters from Northern Ireland were bullied on-line to the point where both sisters committed suicide. What could be so horrible that they’d want to take their own lives in vain of negative words? It doesn’t really matter. They’re precious souls are gone now. Some of the youth today in this generation X finds the sensational need to hurt others for the purpose of building themselves up due to the lack of their own securities and love.

Were these bullies not hugged enough as a child or simply put, not being raised properly, monitored and encouraged in a positive light versus a negative one? Today, many of our youth take to social media as another outlet and venue to either post good things or just the opposite. The streets where foul language, physical presence and swinging bats from gangs have moved off that turf and into the Internet like Tron.

Little Erin was only 13 when she took her life and only a few weeks later her sister Shannon, tragically did the same. One of SRI Record Label groups Artist, Chloe Wilders, knew of the sisters. A school friend knew them as Chloe heard about the story originally through TV and newspaper reports and was appalled by such a tragedy. Chloe herself, who suffered immensely at the hands of bullies, knows first hand how lonely and desperate sometimes things can seem.

Chloe was in her final year at grammar school when a few students turned against her and started making life miserable for her. Over the months things gradually got worse and the bullying also started on Facebook. Eventually she ended up so alone, feeling depressed that her parents felt that there was no alternative but to take her out of school after seeking professional advice.

Chloe returned to school at the end of the year to take her exams and she graduated. Chloe is now in college studying advanced level Music Technology and is very happy to put those days behind her but still feels very strongly about the whole bullying issue.

She wrote a song about this with all proceeds going to charity. SRI Label Group, Inc., ( produced the above video for it.

See Also

Chloe felt it important for bullies to understand that their actions cause untold grief to whole families, friends and communities and for victims of bullying that they are not alone.

There are many organizations, groups and causes in the world readily available today for any adult or child in need to connect with. Life is worth living.

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To Write Love on her Arms (TWLOHA) is an organization that help teens with serious issues like depression, addiction and suicide. You don’t have to HAVE these issues to join or be supportive of others who do. TWLOHA is about love.  Connect with them at:

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