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Balanced Awakening

Balanced Awakening

By Carmien Owen

The truth is that we are all One. We have been called to do a simple, yet great work. Amidst this transition into a great age of expanding awareness of Love many Lightworkers are experiencing Oneness.

What is a Lightworker? Anyone who recognizes an Infinite Creative-Sustaining Force and actively claims their unity with It is a Light worker. A Light worker will gradually, sequentially and inevitably be led to the experience of Oneness.

The experience of Oneness is one of the joyous rewards of consciousness of the Higher Self whilst walking the Earth. And yet, our cosmic awareness, our way of thinking, our very philosophy must evolve. The intellect and the ego has run rampant for an age.  The interrelatedness of All is irresistibly revealing the constant of change, shattering the Newtonian worldview, and inspiring a new spiritual sense.

An irony of recent years is that in the quest for Oneness many have striven in this realm to move into the consciousness of the One and stay there. It has been said that one should not seek enlightenment. The truth of this is that one should expect to be disappointed when this level of Oneness-consciousness is not maintained without doing the right work. The goal should not be to destroy or deny the ego. The ego serves a purpose and was created through Divine Intelligence as a mechanism to allow us to exist as an individual within this realm of time and space. Your individual consciousness is your vehicle of evolution here on Earth. Your individual consciousness must evolve to function within the world.

There is a cultural thought-pattern that whispers about the ego being of little worth. It has been called the Monkey Mind by some. A challenge with this label is that it compares this aspect of our experience to that of an animal. And naturally, humans with their gift of self-consciousness see themselves as higher than animals in this realm. At the basest level this is true, but this level of awareness must be transcended.

The truth that will emerge for so many more in the coming age is that mastery of the Ego is as important to our evolution as the opening of the Spiritual Heart. Unless the seeker holds both as equally important they will be deeply challenged in their ascension into the full and awesome experience of the One.

Through balance of the Ego and the Spiritual Heart we gain the power to hold the consciousness of One on the material level. By empowering the lower animal self that was designed to function on this plane, by finding balance between the upper and lower bodies, we allow the higher self to unite and become one with the lower self.

The age we are entering is one of balance, of bringing Divine Feminine into balance with the Divine Masculine. It is not coincidence that many, if not most, of the mainstream spiritual teachers of the past age were men. We needed to start clarifying spirituality within the material context, within the material world. And yet even now the truth of the Divine Masculine energy is not fully understood by most.

The Divine Masculine is founded upon deep love and support, and yet it is confused in expressions such as hunter-gatherer and power-over. Mastery of the physical world requires stirring stuff up and observing the effects. This process results in experiencing how the world works, and yields knowledge.

And yet our experience of the world is built upon polarity. One of the most striking expressions of polarity that we know is that of gender. Gender exists in the world of Spirit as the basis of masculine and feminine energy flow. These complementary energies are faces of God that serve a distinct purpose in the unfolding of Oneness. The male energy of stirring up the world has served a powerful purpose. But it is time to shed light on what must unfold next.

It may not surprise you to know that the basis of all energy flow is divided between masculine and feminine. Creation stories abound with their equivalent of Adam and Eve, of Nu and his female counterpart Naunet. From the source of masculine and feminine all other forms have manifested. From an energetic perspective, the Masculine Essence is electrical and active, and the Feminine Essence is magnetic and attractive.  However, the challenge with the imbalance of this past age is that many have forgotten the realization of Oneness within the world requires the Divine Feminine magnetizing the Masculine to unity. The Masculine cannot evolve to fullness without Feminine, and the Feminine needs to receive what the Masculine has to give.  Yet together they can merge as One.

In the meantime, it will be for those already actively engaging in this dance of awakening to enter in the sacred marriage of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within themselves. The more of us that remain true to our own life and purpose as we embody this sacred marriage, the more of an impact there will be on the world around us.

See Also

You are not meant to deny the mundane and hold the vibration of Oneness forever. You are adjusting to the frequency of Truth in your own right and perfect time. You are a being of the Divine and of this world. Whether you are near completion or have just begun you should be patient with yourself.

Release attachment and know that God has it in hand. Set aside any disappointment or outrage at the Masculine imbalance of this past age.  Had any aspect of will been withheld an equivalent aspect of Truth would also had to have been hidden from us; the Law applies to All. All that is hoped for is that you awaken to this truth, and invest your mind and heart in becoming accustomed to this new way of being.

What can you do?  You can start by consciously setting an intention to balanced awakening in your spiritual practice.  As a trailblazer of Truth, you can know that it is the time and that you are the one.  Questions for contemplation and meditation can include:

  • Am I buying into old thought patterns of diminishing the ego, such as labeling it Monkey Mind, or trying to suppress it from a healthy balanced expression?  The analytical, critical, discerning, inductive reasoning part of my mind is as important as that part of me that deductively reasons and creates.
  • Do I find myself jumping to Affirmations, Affirmative Prayer or meditation during challenging moments without taking spiritual responsibility to bring the false beliefs that may exist in my subjective-subconscious mind to the light for dissolution into wisdom?  This is called spiritual bypass.
  • Am I honoring both the masculine and feminine aspects of myself?  The mystical marriage requires unification of every part of my mind.
  • Am I striving for the vibration of Oneness at the expense of bringing such awareness into the mundane world, and seeking to see the face God in everyone I meet and every place I go?

Allow Spirit to surface what is for you to know.  And if nothing else surrender these questions to God in the knowledge that you alone can lead yourself to the experience of Oneness.

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About the Author

Carmien’s purpose is to inspire people to awaken to their spiritual magnificence. His primary passion is the pursuit of spirituality, and he does that through extensive practice, study, writing, developing the spiritual vehicle at, and working rigorously toward receiving his Ministerial designation with the Centres for Spiritual Living. 

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