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11 Reasons Why You Should See the World

11 Reasons Why You Should See the World


By Ana Nedelcu

In this wonderful journey towards our self-discovery, we can visionary explore the true meaning of movement, inside and outside – what is it and why is it necessary?

Movement is what we are. Conscious external and inner movement guide us all along our lives and give us the impulse to harmoniously go through this existence.

Movement is creating a unique drawing in the air – weight transfer, counter balance, rolling, falling, hanging and lifting us and the environment…just like in a beautiful jam of the contact improvisation dance technique.

Throughout movement, bodies are exploring the space around them, the space between them, each individual`s inside and outside space and make an extraordinary exchange of feelings and impressions with the environment.

Movement is a journey that offers us the most beautiful views of the inside thought, strength and control.

Body and environment become one in this explorable field…two different roads are daring to blend…to meet ‘otherness’…to grab hands and start the same journey…

My personal experience as well as the inner impulse towards untouched and unseen places have made me think about some possible answers to the question “Why should I see the world in this life?”

Here are 11 Reasons Why You Should See the World

1. Physical mobility and healing

Our bodies are made for movement as I already mentioned. If we get stuck in our comfortable zone and choose a sedentary life, our body will get intoxicated and will suffer tremendously of different illnesses on muscle, bones, heart, brains etc. So, let`s lift us up, do sports or walk a lot and prepare that brain for long distances walks towards… maybe around the globe.

At some point in your life, your body and spirit will thank you for this choice!

2. Psychological mobility and healing

As individuals, we experience the concept of mobility as own development, personal experience or for resolving internal issues. This is why it is crucial that we understand this psychological dimension. Why is it necessary for our brain to travel together with our feet (for most people there is no relation between them)? Is it probably because we can actually resolve our internal issues? Are we able to experience a personal openness? Remember the most common advice any spiritual trainer would give you? –> when you experience depression of any kind, just go for a walk! … I thought so…

From my experience, taking long walks alone is the antidote for any negative feelings or thoughts, giving instead air, breathing, nature…the outdoors giving you that stimulus for being creative…extremely creative! Any spiritual seeker cannot practically hide from a long journey, preferably on foot and alone because the result will be perceived automatically astonishing.

Our brain needs privacy for relaxing, meditating, visioning, rethinking …

Which route from this world would you first take?

3. Breaking the chains (probably the most important for self-empowerment)

There is a famous quote that says those who do not move, do not notice their chains. (Rose Luxemburg). Nothing more truthful than that. Why? Because throughout our lives, we get attached – of things, places, emotions and people. This is a subconscious process that is killing us day by day if we are not aware. There is even the dreadful aspect of it – as time goes by, we tend to master this sweet endurance of being attached of someone or something. Our psychic is deeply destroyed because this zone is so comfortable that is actually not desired to be broken…and the chains are not felt at all.

As the quote says, is when we start moving that we notice the prison we have been living in and we finally start breaking those unbearable chains. We break free, we clear away our fear.

Get out there and find yourself, rebuild yourself into the person you really are! You are going to be amazed of your own results!

4. Knowledge and understanding

Beyond our spiritual awakening, seeing the world is an opportunity to enlarge our general knowledge. Of course, it needs a power of observation and analysis. Once we awake our curiosity about this world and the sense of observation upon everything that is happening near us, it is practically impossible not to make a travel possible. Knowledge is not enough without understanding the world. Why is so different here? Why are people acting this way? What is the history of this place? These are questions that arise no matter what, if we are always looking for answers.

What is your today`s curiosity?

5. Meeting new people and places –> a multicultural dialogue

Along our journey, we meet people from every corner of the world. What can be more beautiful or exciting? New geographies, new cultures and civilizations, cuisines, architectures, music and dances…new people and languages! Oh, and how much can we learn from this!!! We discover ourselves and the others just by looking into this two faced mirror and observing…that mobility means diversity, which is change and newness, which is finding solutions. Solutions fix problems.

What is your change for today?

6. Social engagement

At the universal level, we are interconnected. We are a giant cobweb with cause and effect at global level. We are brothers and we mirror each other…therefore, we are responsible for each re/action we are taking.

When we seek for spiritual enlightenment and sustainable alternatives, we certainly have an eager to make a contribution to our lives and spread the knowledge around.

When we choose to travel around the world, it is not only because of self-pleasure, but because we are taking with us this commitment of having a contribution to the world`s proper development and we get the opportunity to make a difference together with the individuals we meet. The best ideas and initiatives come from various life approaches and experiences. We end up being more tolerant, assertive and some great listeners.

As individuals, we form ourselves in the society, we draw our personalities, we try to make the best of us. This journey across the world may occur after a bad experience, an unjustified behavior, a romantic failure, a social dishonesty or just for the improvement of self and the world. The beauty of it is to make this journey all at once, but is probably more difficult for each of us. Therefore, this beauty can be experienced in stages by traveling for volunteering, internships, jobs, vacations, taking the road towards other cities etc. The important aspect here is to assume this mental ancestral role of a nomad and be open to change.

But a lifetime plan is to actually become a globe-trotter!

7. Practicing our lives

Our educational background is more or less focused on theory, the practical aspect being left aside most of the times. So, how are we prepared for living? We get only prepared for surviving. To live is different and is wonderful as long as we know the practice. Even if books are an alternative for `seeing the world`, there is no comparison to actually get on the field and do it, get your feet and hands dirty, play like a child in the mud and enjoy the moment. This is practice!

See Also
Consciously Create_omtimes

Get out there and reclaim your playground, the place where everything really happens!

8. An Eco – promoter

When you decide you need to see the world, you get informed before. It`s a must! So, get a map, think of a route, call your friends for tips and even for a walk if you feel like it, gather the things you need and read about the most important aspects for being a 100% eco world tourist. Among them, encourage local economy -> eat local dishes, give a hand in people`s gardens, plant trees, get involved in local initiatives, use a local guide, avoid overusing local resources etc.

Be sustainable!

9. Great results and self-respect

When we set our body and mind to do the work, when we acquire the knowledge and get to be tolerant, when we are open for curiosity and risk, when we get socially engaged and practice on the field, we enormously grow. Hence, the results can never occupy less than endless written pages concluded in two words -> spiritual awakening.

10. It`s your duty!   

It is your spiritual duty as a human being to be able to see the world as long as you experience a life on this planet. It is your obligation in front of your own self, first because you have to `meet` the cobweb as part of it, secondly because you enrich your body, mind and soul and thirdly because this process comes with an answer to the existential question Why am I here on Earth?

And last but not least, you educate, you share information, you inspire, you shift perspective!

11. Life Ambassador

Curiosity, willingness, courage and a sense of madness is what it takes to see the world and make a difference! You become an ambassador of life itself!

Start meditating on this, begin a plan and write a date in your agenda! You won`t regret it!

You are welcome to add reasons from your own experience and discuss them here!

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About the Author

Ana Nedelcu is a Romanian philologist, writer, expert in European studies and stage performer, self-taught individual in sustainable fashion design and contemporary psychology and human behavior, trotter.  Connect with her at

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