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The Amicizia Project

The Amicizia Project


Open Minds with Regina Meredith

The Amicizia Project

Featuring Timothy Good

Premiers Tuesday, 22 April

OpenMinds_AmiciziaWe’ve heard it many times before, we’re only using 5% of our higher brain. That prefrontal cortex controls our reasoning abilities and, if we had full access to it, would give us a greater understanding of meaning in our lives. Join Lisa Garr and Michael Cotton as they discuss the gentle-touch technique that can change the physiology of the brain and transform your life.

Timothy Good has amassed a wealth of evidence proving the existence of aliens, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents. Timothy Good’s first book, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up, became an instant bestseller, and is considered the definitive work on the subject.

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See Also

Open Minds with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV

About Open Minds

Featuring interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, Open Minds provides crucial information to awaken viewers on their path to a shared, collective world wisdom.

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