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The Cardinal Grand Cross of April 2014

The Cardinal Grand Cross of April 2014

by Salvador Russo

A rare planetary alignment known as a Cardinal Grand Cross is coming into form toward the end of this month. It will explode into life on April 22d as Mars regresses into the 13th degree of Libra to clash with Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto which will also be in the 13th degrees of Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. The very cornerstones of our lives will soon be shaken and blessed by this epic concentration of cardinal power. So what to expect?

In two words the Cardinal Grand Cross will produce forced evolution for every soul on our planet. Consider it a gateway into the world that must be born. As with human birth there is pain involved but the end result is new life and new hope for the future. The truth is that tragedy, triumph, initiation, and excitement will all be on display on this titanic day. Prepare to enter a high pressure, high magnitude cosmic crossroads!

I predict the following types of events to occur on April 22nd: terminations to toxic relationships, leaps toward wealth and freedom, family healing and revolution, dramatic shifts of power, wealth, and perception, divine agreements, cooperative breakthroughs, unexpected quality of life enhancements from mundane to supernatural, victory and vindication, criminal revelation, tremendous spiritual inspiration, dream partnerships, miracles born in our past, and ascension of planetary consciousness.

Our DNA will be ringing like thunder as these cosmic forces attune and activate us into the next phase of our evolutionary journey. The magnetic field of our planet will be compressed so naturally this compression will be transferred to us. I encourage my readers to use “smoky” and “elestial” quartz to help ground and neutralize these high-pressure energies and to use “seraphinite” to help integrate and accelerate the evolutionary aspects of the Grand Cross frequencies.

As events intensify stay centered on the core purpose of the Grand Cross which is to shatter limitations and open brilliant new pathways into the unwritten future. Make the best choices you can make when you enter the crossroads. Be decisive, bold, and future-focused. Set intentions on limitless living and follow through with actions that will take you there. Ally with those that can help you, follow the synchronicities, and don’t be afraid to leave everything behind you if it means that you can gain an entirely different future.

Keep your perspective cosmic. Some people will think that their lives are unraveling when truly they will be relieved of things that limit their soul growth. Honor the currents and flow with them adventurously. Take time to reflect on your hopes and dreams as pivotal events and choices present themselves.

See Also

Help those who are unconscious to make the right decisions. Explain the themes and purposes of the Grand Cross. Show them the way into a brighter future. If it harms your soul, leave it behind. Better things are ahead of you.Make choices that will please God and you will come out on top beyond the Grand Cross.

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About the Author

Connect with Astrologer Salvador Russo at

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  • Your “predictions” happen every day of the week to millions of people (out of 7 billion). Have anything more specific?

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