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Collective Consciousness, Manifestation & the Different Carriers of Thought

Collective Consciousness, Manifestation & the Different Carriers of Thought

By Mandy Peterson

If we were to define the phrase “ collective conscious ,” we might see it as a level of thought and belief that extends beyond the personal thought level and is shared by a collective of individuals. The thoughts within the collective consciousness can reflect more than our “language thoughts,” i.e. the thoughts that come from our minds which are composed of words. These thoughts have the capability of manifesting in symbolic ways; much like how our thoughts and emotions manifest within our dreams at night.

In fact, the same way that our individual bodies have an energy field that contains imprints of thoughts, beliefs, memories and emotions, so too, does the bigger energy field that encompasses a location or the planet. This is why the general state of the health of the majority of individuals within a collective can begin to be reflected by our environment as well. For example; Nature seems not Herself anymore (peaceful and supportive), most likely because we are not our nature-al selves anymore (through our craving for artificial products, non-living treasure, suppression of emotions, consumption of convenience foods). Her weather patterns (mirroring our moods and drives) are more aggressive and chaotic. Her frequency feels “sped up.” She is being poisoned in the same way we are—by our drive to seek our worth externally and to produce and consume an increasing number of artificial products and goods.

The symbolic way that the collective consciousness can manifest is spoken of by both the Bible and Buddha in terms of “fruits.” For example; within the Dhammapada, Buddha states;

Ill done is that action of doing which one repents later, and the fruit of which one, weeping, reaps with tears. Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which one reaps with delight and happiness.

So if we were to define terms such as “fruits” and “seeds” we could say:

  • seeds represent our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and ideas
  • fruits represent what has manifested or blossomed into our reality. They arise from our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and ideas

Knowing this, how can we begin to see how “seeds” take shape and blossom within the collective consciousness?

If we can step back and contemplate a bigger picture concerning our thoughts and how they are intertwined with the consciousness of a collective, we may be able to view them as existing in a system of streams; visualizing these streams as encompassing different branches of collective thinking, patterning and belief. We can then visualize how there may exist one larger stream with smaller and smaller tributaries running from, into or within the larger streams. Some of these tributaries may cross over into other streams or take multiple pathways, etc. Though, when it comes to thought, its streams might not be as clear cut as those streams we view within nature.

The biggest streams are those which involve our beliefs concerning life in general and our basic needs for survival. These beliefs are held by many people all over the world; such as beliefs around money and government, or our definitions of success or failure.

Tributaries may form which encompass the beliefs of different groups, cultures, norms, religions, etc. For example; they may include ideas around how to define God or the role of women in society. Even these tributaries, may have smaller streams within them or branching from them, and so on and so forth; each reflecting more and more individualized and independent streams of thinking. Our individual consciousness is only one tiny stream that flows among many other streams to form a larger one.

To add a twist to this, in the same way that there are various streams of consciousness, there is more than one level at which manifestation can occur.

For the purpose of simplicity, we could categorize two main levels:

  • The Level of Personal Manifestation creates “fruits” within one’s personal sphere of experience. Such fruits affect one’s personal dream of life.
  • The Level of Collective Manifestation creates “fruits” within a larger sphere, such as on a collective or world scale. Such fruits affect a bigger picture that goes beyond the individual level of experience. There may be a collective consciousness of the entire world, as well as sub-collectives, representing cultures, countries, areas, groups, etc.

Even the two main levels of manifestation—personal and collective—may be affected by different levels of consciousness. There is both a personal and collective conscious, unconscious and super-conscious. For example;

  • The unconscious level is the level of thought, habit, belief or lifestyle that occurs below our conscious awareness. We may not think about it or question it, especially if it has become automatic or collectively accepted as a “normal” way to think, act or believe.
  • The conscious level is the level of thought that we are aware of. Like unconscious thoughts, they can be associated with the ego. The only difference is that we are consciously aware of these thoughts rather than unconscious of them.
  • The superconscious level is a level of divinely (or soul) inspired thought. Such thoughts are associated with our higher mind or the part of us that is spirit rather than physical. When viewed in a collective sense, the superconscious may be part of what we refer to when using words such as “the Universe,” etc. When viewed in terms of the personal superconscious, it may reflect something more personal but containing our higher awareness.

Not only do we have thoughts that are conscious or unconscious, we also have different carriers of these levels of consciousness. Such “carriers” carry the energy and make it real by expressing it into the physical world.

In the Bible, this was expressed as the “word becoming real;” which when our will and intention are strong and unwavering—while supported by the knowledge of who we truly are—manifestation can happen that straightforwardly; such as in the case of healing work producing instantaneous results. However, most manifestation does not happen this directly. The thoughts beneath what is manifested may not always be conscious, and the carriers that carry conscious or unconscious thoughts into manifestation can go beyond words. There are, after all, many different forms of thought, communication, and language that can be expressed all at once.

See Also

So, what are some of these carriers of thought?

  • Prayers, intentions, beliefs, desires and affirmations that are clearly formed and stated
  • Intentions, beliefs, desires and affirmations that we are less unaware of or which we may subsconsciously repeat to ourselves.
  • Visualizations (either intentional or subliminal)
  • Emotions and feelings (arise out of our thoughts)
  • Action or inaction (which arise out of thoughts)
  • Lifestyles, habits, conditioning, addictions (which arise out of thought)
  • Our “energy” or “vibration”

Again, many of these carriers operate at an individual or a collective level of expression.

Additionally, not every thought we have will manifest concretely, and different thoughts and intentions can contradict one another, even at a core level (for example, a person may consciously desire companionship, yet fear it at the same time, thus manifesting neutrality or uncommitted relationships).

Finally, as most psychics and healers are aware, we can also possess thoughts that are not our own; taken on from others around us in our personal environment. Yes, this is a form of thought as well; whether it is picked up from an individual or from the general collective consciousness. When we accept a certain stream of consciousness, it becomes part of our own energy, vibration, intention, behavior, and language. Whether a person does or does not end up taking on another individual’s (or the collective’s) thought forms is largely dependent on their own thought level and susceptibility.

The most common way we subliminally and willingly take on thoughts and beliefs is through general streams of collective consciousness that linger around us and influence us more than we may realize. We take them on from television, movies, books, advertisements, magazines, culture, governments, religions, and other places. We take them on from anything that tries to impress upon us who we are, what we want, how we should feel about ourselves, what we should look like, what we should believe in, what we should buy or sell, and the list goes on.

What can we do?

While embarking on cleansing programs to vigilantly ‘clear’ ourselves of beliefs is not necessary, finding a way back to Self does involve awakening to and weeding through all these “seeds” and beliefs in order to find who we are, who we are not, and what thoughts are in true alignment with the energy that we truly wish to carry into our world (collectively and personally). We can begin this process through becoming a detached observer of our thoughts and of the world. From here we can become more lucid dreamers within our worlds and lucidly manifest more of the heaven upon earth that we are longing for.

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