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Restoring Balance in the World

Restoring Balance in the World


Restoring Balance in the World through Learning to Bridge Heaven with Earth

by Mandy Peterson

Everything is symbolic. It is true life is an illusion or dream, but are you able to read it?

Right now, if you notice what is happening to water, it is being destroyed by symbols that represent fire and which are toxic. However, when we think of water and fire, we normally think of using water to put out too much fire. Now, we find that fire is somehow putting out water (or at least the life within it). However, in the natural world, fire symbols are eased by applying water symbols. For example, burnout is relieved by meditation and rest. War is relieved by peace. Over-striving, pride, competition, and the need for conquest are relieved by simplicity and humility. Dehydration (when fire evaporates water), is cured through rehydration. How many of us these days suffer from low-grade dehydration or feeling tired or drained in life force?

Water represents the Yin/Feminine element. It has a reflective and nurturing quality. It represents receptivity, emotions, intuition, quiet, simplicity and yielding. Fire/Sun is a Yang/Masculine element. It represents power, mind, authority, conquest, confidence and action. Both are positive and needed for balance, but both can also become out of balance, which chaos is the result.

Yin is also represented by the Divine Mother. We can tell by looking at the state of health of Mother Earth how healthy our relationship with the Divine Mother is. Right now, She is “reflecting” to us that she is largely being ignored. Many of the religions of the world teach followers to ignore the Divine Mother in favor of an all-powerful Father. Even the new-age in some factions of ideology teaches followers to ignore what is happening to the Divine Mother as “illusion.” Some are taught not to focus upon Mother Earth because this might get in the way of “positivity” and the pursuance of yang pursuits; i.e. followers are taught to focus primarily upon “manifesting” lifeless abundance rather than nature-al abundance and to focus on the activities “shining,” conquest, controlling the mind and suppressing emotions.

Even the feminine and women are becoming more “masculine” and wanting to become more like men, which all of this is symbolic. With our emotions this is happening, as well. Our emotions become suppressed as we are taught not to have them. In other places they are erupting in an uncontrolled fashion, like a suppressed volcano (fire) that can’t be repressed. The way out is bridging both sides of the God/Goddess: bridging Heaven with Earth. For, in the world of dreams, the Mother is “reflective” of the Father, the same way the moon reflects the sun’s light. When She (Mother Earth) is out of balance, it symbolizes our relationship with the Father (God, Universe, Higher Self) is somewhere out of balance, as well.

Lastly, the yin represents going within while the yang represents going without. So, there needs to be balance between inner and outer seeking. When we seek outward too much for our completion and worth in the world, we can lose connection to who we truly are and feel lost.

So what is needed now is that balance be restored. The Yang is becoming too aggressive and “toxic” in the world and unyielding to the Yin, while the Yin is not applying itself in ways that help to solve the Yang problems of the world. It is almost too yielding to them. It is like Yin has been defeated and given up. There is not enough looking at the external world in a “reflective” way in order to truly see what is going on. There is too much focus on the external in a way that attempts to “conquer” or “control” it, through the external striving to acquire, possess, buy, sell or market to others our yin-less (life-less and artificial rather than nature-al) products.

In place of this, there is too much focus on the inner world in a way that leads to too much self-absorption, self-service and ego. Service to the whole and the “One” is lost as there is not enough interest in the outer world and to the truth that we are all “connected.” We lose the understanding that the external reflects the internal (especially at the collective level) and that everything we do, buy, sell, believe, acquire, produce affects everything else, including our relationship to the Mother, the Father, one another, our children, creatures and life on earth.

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afterlife OMTimes

The yang powers that “be” in the world are taking over. Through their fire, toxicity, greed and need for acquisition, the yin is folding under and becoming a quick fix that is unable to hold. We become too yielding to the fire of authority and the world on fire around us, and not yielding enough when it comes to managing our own fire within. This is the symbolism within prophecy as well. People dying by fire, the world on fire, people thrown into a fiery pit, etc.

Only through finding a way to bring balance with our yin and yang forces, making them more nature-al rather than toxic, can we find the true way out.

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About the Author

Mandy Peterson is a psychic visionary, empath, channel and EFT Practitioner. She is the author of the book I Am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond: Peace Through Non-conformity and the EFT Divination & Chakra Deck. As an empathic healer and reader, Mandy works 1-to-1 with clients, helping them to achieve clarity, peace and balance. For more information, see Mandy’s website at

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