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5 Common Challenges for Empaths

5 Common Challenges for Empaths


5 Common Challenges for Empaths and 17 Coping Tips

Empaths and HSPs are sensitive individuals who face many daily challenges because of the way they perceive energy, emotions, and non-verbal information contained in their environment. They also are deeply intuitive. When using the word energy it is referring to the energetic vibration being emitted. This vibration contains information, which you might perceive as emotion, or may have information that you know intuitively without being able to identify the source. You know but can’t explain why or how you know. According to writer and psychotherapist Elaine Aron, about 20% of the population is HSP, further she explains that being so was a desirable trait during mankind’s very early history. During hunter/gatherer times this attribute allowed us to be an early warning detection system, helping us survive harsh environments where predators were numerous. She has also done studies that appear to suggest that HSP have lower serotonin levels. This ties in with your ability to detect subtle change and fluctuations in your environment and also explains why many empaths and HSP’s suffer periods of depression.


The 5 Major Challenges for Empaths

1. Boundaries: Because your energy rushes forward to do the energetic handshake with others, boundaries can be tricky. Where do you stop and someone else start? It’s fuzzy because of how you connect. That means cognitively it’s difficult as well. Because you are perceiving others differently than the majority of the population.

2. Knowing Self: Sense you spend so much time experiencing the subtleties around you, you spend more time out than in your body. Taking time to center and be fully in your own body, in your own thoughts is important. This is a big piece that will be needed to establish boundaries.

3. Emotional Sponge: You absorb the negative emotion of people around you. This happens everywhere at the office, grocery store, bank, if other people are around then presto! There is a reason behind which person you connect with and absorb. This has to do with the energy signature you are both holding.

4. System Overload: Since you are wired to notice everything, you can only experience so much before overwhelm happens. The key with this is to build up muscle (tolerance) then because you are relating differently, you become more aware of the level of sensory overload, so you can take a time out to release and recharge yourself.

5. Sustaining Intimacy: It can be a real challenge to be in a relationship. Now add empath to the equation! There are times when you really want to deeply connect (mind, body, spirit) and others when you feel like screaming because you need space to breathe. You are a natural at giving but how are you at receiving? Balance and proper reciprocity are skills you’ll have to hone.

So what’s the return policy? Alas there is none. It’s not something to get rid of. It’s something you must embrace because it is an integral part of being you. You must become flexible, comfortable with change and know how to flow with your experience not against. Learning about yourself, how you are wired and how to assess and adjust your responses to what you are perceiving will help you achieve balance. Part of this will be developing a daily practice that will strengthen your empathic muscles and give you a sort of reset button.


17 Coping Tips for Empaths

1. Schedule time with you: Spending time alone creates the space needed to release emotion, energy and stress.

2. Positive Affirmations: Short messages that train thought patterns. An example “Let me receive what is in my best and highest good at this time.”

3. What are you wearing? Metals, leather and rubber can affect your energy field. Metal buckles near the sacral chakra (which is the center for intellect and manifestation) can disrupt the flow and block it. Rings can hold energy as well. Leather and rubber soles keep you from making a complete energy circuit with the earth. You need to complete this circuit as it absorbs negative energy and uploads positive. I suggest limiting the use of metals, leather, and rubber and going barefoot as often as possible.

4. Chakra Cleansing and Balancing: Regular cleaning of the chakras will keep your energy field free of negative or unwanted energy. Re-balance them by bringing in energy will create alignment and balance.

5. Centering: Align yourself with spirit and get out of Ego. Try to live in the moment and whatever emotion comes up express and release it.

6. Stones: Some people find that crystals and gemstones aid in clearing negative energy and maintaining balance. Choose yours by trying several different stones, and by paying attention to how each feels. Stones either ground or amplify, so choose wisely.

7. Aroma therapy: Essential oils can enhance well-being. Choose what elevates or calms your mood.

8. Forgiveness: Forgiving others and forgiving self is one of the most powerful tools you have. It will clear your energy and raise your vibrational rate.

9. Grounding: We have a grounding cord in the root chakra that connects us to the earth. Being aware of this and using this cord to both send negative energy into the earth where it is absorbed and drawing nourishing energy up from the center of the earth will increase your energetic flow.

10. Meditation: Quiets the mind so you can center, be present and listen to the voice within. It is about achieving stillness. This allows you to center and connect with your Divine self. When you have that you can then connect either to the earth or with the Divine Source. It’s all the same really, just choosing which door to enter.

See Also

11. Soothing Sounds: Relax yourself using music or nature sounds.

12. Animals and Nature: Being in Nature or spending time with your pets is a great way to relax, clear energy and connect. Animals transmute energy. They receive negative and upload positive. Trees do the same minus the purr. Put both hands on the tree, see negative energy flowing from your right hand into the tree, and see positive energy entering your left hand. Continue until you feel balanced.

13. Smudging: The Native Americans’ have been doing this with great results for years. Burning sage while stating an intention is a great method for clearing energy.

14. Exercise: Yoga is effective because it combines breathing, centering and grounding. A wonderful way to raise vibrational energy. Any physical activity can be used as bridge, taking you from one mindset to the state of being in the moment.

15. Gratitude and intention journal: Ending the day by writing a list of things you are grateful for and then stating an intention to work towards keeps the energetic flow steady.

16. Take a breather: Take a deep breath, breathing in through the nose to the count of eight…filling your lungs and abdomen with air…exhale to the count of eight emptying both your abdomen and lungs of air…again, breathe in through your nose and out through your nose all to the count of eight…once more breathe in through the nose…exhale through your mouth.

17. Be a leaf in the wind: Understand that the energy you are experiencing is temporary. Don’t claim it rather let it be, observe it allow it to flow through you and release it. Just like a breeze through a tree branch might rustle the leaves a bit before passing to the other side.

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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths and HSP’s all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. You CAN feel better.

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