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Chakra Tune-Up for Animals

Chakra Tune-Up for Animals


Many of us appreciate when our chakras work in sync with the energetic universe, so we may also appreciate doing a chakra tune-up for animals we love. Like people, animals love energy work; but, unlike people, they create no barriers to etheric healing. It is the plane on which they comfortably exist; whereas, we have to work at suspending our reliance upon the concrete and visible first.

Animals feel energy and sense vibrational change before they see solid matter and experience earth-level activity. Think about early earthquake warnings, pre-thunder jitters, and character detection in a person they have seen for the first time. Working on this energetic plane benefits animals both physically and emotionally, calming auric disturbances and preventing them from fully manifesting in the body.

How to Give a Chakra Tune-Up for Animals

An easy and effective technique is chakra healing through visualization. It takes little time and energy, and produces a remarkable calm that your dogs, cats, birds, and horses will visibly appreciate. First, sit comfortably with your animal alongside you. If that’s not possible, visualize it, as the powerful thoughts will reach through distance.

Begin the way you would begin if you were meditating and healing yourself. Breathe slowly and rhythmically: in to the count of four, hold for four, release for eight counts. After four rounds of this, you will feel yourself settle in to a more relaxed state that deepens with each new inhale and exhale.

Visualize a white light from above slowly moving toward you and your animals and gently penetrating into your animal’s crown chakra at the top of the head. See a deep violet energy swirling as the light activates this center. The crown chakra in all of us is the center of spirituality. You know your animal is a spiritual being; see how easily the violet deepens as you focus.

Next, move to the third eye, the center between the eyes, a deeper purple/indigo. This center controls perception, vision, physical issues with the head. As the light moves through this center, see the color intensify and strengthen your animal’s system.

Follow the path of light to the light blue of the throat chakra, the communication center, affecting teeth, mouth, throat issues. Animals who are nervous sometimes exhibit a weakness in this chakra by biting, chewing household items, and chewing themselves. Think of a pre-verbal child whose frustration at limited self-expression manifests in tantrums and destructive behavior. Visualize the soothing light blue settling and calming this energy center.

Now see the energy, green, flow into the heart, the center of unconditional love. Isn’t this where all of our animals live? Physically, it controls heart and lung function and the immune system. Emotionally, it is the center of compassion and caring. See it vibrating vibrant, healing green light as the light flows through.

The next chakra is very important for all rescue dogs in particular, who have experienced fear and abandonment. The solar plexus chakra is yellow and, when healthy, makes up our sense of self. This is where aggression or insecurity can be adjusted.

Such emotional conditions as fear and lack of confidence often manifest in digestive and liver issues; dietary indiscretion begins here as well. So many of our animals need the reassurance of comfort and security so let’s send them all extra energy as the Reiki flows through the solar plexus. Mixing the love of the heart chakra with the comfort of the solar plexus equals a strong remedy for wholeness.

Move to the sacral center, orange, controlling the reproductive system and kidneys. Allow the energy to penetrate and clear bladder issues, stones, soothing this part of the body. Puppy mill dogs used as breeders need extra work here; animals who endured C-sections need healing here.

See Also

The root chakra, our strongest physical connection to the earth, is a natural home to dogs who have retained their ancient and original instincts. Its red energy provides a foundation for basic survival needs and keeps us beings vibrant and alive. Dogs with hip dysplasia, foot problems, and bowel issues need healing in this center. Follow the light through the root, which regulates the rear of the animal, including legs and intestines. Visualize until you see this center glowing bright red.

To finish  your Chakra Tune-Up for Animals, do a complete body scan now, following the light from where it entered the crown to where it sits in the root. Take special note of where the color is not as strong as it could be, where it moves slowly, or where it meets an obstacle. This will tell you what ailment or physical condition needs more attention.

Also note that when you see a weakness in your animal’s chakras, you can use crystals to strengthen that energy. Coordinate the stones with the chakras they heal. Affix them to a collar, keep them in your hand, and create a circle of corresponding color stones around your animal. When you are finished, see your animal lit up like a Christmas tree in segments: violet, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. See all the centers in living color as each chakra is activated and vibrating in its corresponding color, with the white light glowing from head to root. This Chakra Tune-Up for Animals will rejuvenate your animal’s system.

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About the Author

Lisa Shaw is an animal communicator, Reiki master, writer, and professor who lives in South Florida with her four animals. Her web site is and her book, Illumination: Life Lessons from our Animal Companions, is available on Amazon Kindle.

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