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Stop Worrying and Start Living

Stop Worrying and Start Living


How to Stop Worrying

By Jaden Sterling

How do we stop worrying?

We’ve all been there…lying in bed awake, staring at the ceiling and worrying about things we can’t change (especially in the middle of the night). Fleeting thoughts cloud your brain and wrench your heart, “If only I said this, or have done that…”

Second-guessing actions, decisions, thoughts, words and deeds burns the counterproductive emotion of worry deep into your mind and soul. We have become a society that equates worry with love. We believe that if we worry about people, places or things then we are being helpful.

Neh Neh!

Worrying isn’t the solution, it’s the problem! Ever take an exam, participate in an athletic event or give a speech while, worried? What happened? Did you get good results or not so good results? Turns out, the MORE you worry the LESS you accomplish. Yet… we still worry, why?


Stop Worrying – It’s NOT Your Fault

Chances are you grew up with a parent who worried about you. Your parent wanted to know where you were going, who you were hanging around with, and what you were doing. You may have been annoyed by your parent’s questioning; however, deep down you probably felt loved. Now, it’s not your parent’s fault that they worried about you, since they probably didn’t know any better. And chances are, their parents probably worried about them too.

So… it’s really your grandparent’s fault! LOL… just kidding!

It’s no one’s fault why worry has become so pervasive in our culture. It is a shame that something so toxic has become a way of life for so many.


Here’s What We Know About Worry:

~Worry doesn’t solve problems it makes them worse.

~Nothing good comes from it.

~Worry hijacks your dreams.

~Worry causes stress and anxiety, which leads to fatigue, weight gain, irritability, and (get ready for a technical term) nofunness.



Stop Worrying – You Deserve Better

Listen carefully please; in fact, lean in a bit so I can speak directly into your ear from atop my soapbox… thank you, that’s better. Ok, here I go… you are a child of the highest god who created you, the universe and EVERYTHING that is a part of all the stars and planets in the galaxies. You were created to live the most extraordinary life possible! You have all the tools you will ever need to make all your dreams (lofty and otherwise) come true.

Within you is GREATNESS and you have the power to not only desire, but to CREATE a life of your choosing. There are unseen forces at the ready to assist you to make all your dreams, goals and visions come true. Helpful people are in your life just waiting for you to call on them to assist you along your path.

There is just one teeny, tiny little thing stopping you from your greatness and that is this thing called… worry and its bandit of friends: fear, greed, regret, sadness, ‘stuckness,’ and such. Good news: You CAN overcome worry.


5 Simple Steps to Stop Worrying

Stop Worrying Step #1 –  Become aware as quickly as possible when you are worrying.

Stop Worrying Step #2 –  Choose another emotion to replace the worry such as: hope, optimism, faith, confidence, or trust.

Stop Worrying Step #3 –  Visualize a more productive and joyful outcome to the situation you are currently worried about.

Stop Worrying Step #4 –  Stop worry before it escalates into full- blown fear or anxiety.

Stop Worrying Step #5 –  Discover what your worry “triggers” are, and create a new habit of engaging in those activities. For example, if you worry when paying bills decide ahead of time to feel gratitude for having the money to pay bills instead of worrying.

See Also


The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Gift giving isn’t just for the holidays, it’s for whenever you feel like it and how about giving yourself a gift that is so magnificent you will feel like you won the lottery? What is the gift you ask? It’s the gift of no longer worrying. How do I know this? I gave myself this gift a few years ago and it changed my life beyond measure.

Another cool thing is… this gift is FREE! Imagine living your life day-to-day, free of worry, self-doubt, stress, anxiety, and regret. How would your life change from how you are living it now? Would you be more confident, joyful, free, happy, and fun to be around? Wrap This Gift Up! Gifts are so much more fun when they are wrapped, right?

Consider creating a gift certificate that includes:

Today’s date

Your name,

The gift of: Replacing Worry with Trust during 2015.

Along with the gift certificate include a small, yet meaningful object that can serve as a reminder for you to choose more positive emotions such as faith, trust, and confidence rather than worry. Wrap all that up and put a bow on it, and then when you are ready, open your gift and step into a life where worry is no longer welcome.

Click HERE to Connect with your Daily Horoscope!

About the Author

JADEN STERLING is an award-winning, international, best-selling author of The Alchemy of True Success: Activate Your Mind, Revitalize Your Body and Reignite Your Spirit. He is also founder of Life Success Academy where people become more confident, focused, and prosperous. Jaden teaches and consults from personal experience having earned a spot in the 1% income earners in the United States.

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