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Libra Total Lunar Eclipse

Libra Total Lunar Eclipse


Rare Libra Total Lunar Eclipse on 4 April

by Astrologer Jean Wiley

Growth, destiny and evolution are themes that are writ large in this Full Moon Libra Total Lunar Eclipse. Your goal? To let the dust settle allowing emotions to surface knowing you are emptying out energy that is no longer needed for your growth.

The Libra Total Lunar Eclipse occurs at 14 degrees Libra (exact at 8:07 a.m. on Saturday, April 4th) the sign of balance and relating. Libra seeks harmony and when life has become out of balance Libra seeks to even out the dynamics. Jupiter is sextiling the Moon in Libra and trining the Sun in Aries. Jupiter turns direct just 4 days after the eclipse promising another chapter of expansion and outward development. The North Node of destiny and Soul Growth is conjunct the Moon in Libra while opposing the Sun in Aries. Your emotions, instincts and intuitive faculties are very important now as the North Node is assuring evolution and advancement.


What the Libra Total Lunar Eclipse Means for Each Sign

Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Aries

What needs to be released in the area of life concerning community involvements, status, career goals, authority relationships, parents, fear or life direction? How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your personal life, identity and originality? A cycle may be finishing in your relationships as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while visualizing the promise of your future destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments in your romantic, creative, leisure activity and children’s affairs are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Taurus

What needs to be released in the area of life concerning belief systems, education plans, publishing efforts, marketing goals, travel experiences and higher consciousness? How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your spiritual life, private time, psychological health, fearful thinking, and research methods? A cycle may be finishing in your daily work schedule, health regime, pet situation, co-worker relationships or employment as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while visualizing the promise of your future destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments in your home, living situations, family relationships and personal security are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Gemini

What needs to be released in the area of life concerning investments, partners resources, fearful thinking, debts, loans, payments, intimacy or inheritances? How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your personal goals, friendship dynamics, team development, technology projects and happiness factor? A cycle may be finishing in your creative projects, children’s affairs, romantic life, and leisure activities as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while visualizing the promise of the future and destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments in your writing and speaking activities, educational endeavors, with siblings, community or neighbors are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Cancer

What needs to be released in the area of life concerning relationship conflict, professional affiliations, expert advice, marriage partner and relating style ? How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your life direction, career, interactions with the public, and community involvement? A cycle may be finishing in your family, home, housing situation as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while visualizing the promise of your future destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments in your earnings, skill development, material acquisition and personal confidence is assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Leo

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning hard work, decayed health habits, co-worker relationships or daily pet care. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your higher mind, need for adventure, educational desires, travel plans, publishing needs and the future? A cycle may be finishing in your manner of speech, writing activity, sibling relationship dynamics, community involvement or travel agenda as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while understanding the promise of the future and destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments at the personal level, in self-confidence, opportunities, reaching out for more and experiencing more opportunities are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Virgo

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning romantic control habits, obsessions, fateful experiences with your offspring, the younger generation, creative fears and obligatory leisure activities. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your intimate relationships, psychology, damaging self-belief, investments, debt repayment planning, taxes or shared resources? A cycle may be finishing in your way of earning a living, any remnants of low self-esteem, talent development, material acquisition and value systems as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while understanding the promise of your future and destiny as you embrace your creativity and trust your heart. Developments at the personal level, in self-confidence, opportunities, reaching out for more and experiencing more opportunities are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Libra

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning family, personal fear, security issues, living situations, or the past. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your relationship patterns, co-dependency tendencies, automated reactions, commitment desires (going along to get along), client patterns, experts that your hire and the public? A cycle may be finishing in your personal needs, fears, goals, physicality, appearance, doing what is socially acceptable rather than true as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in your friendships, making new friends, group activities, team leadership and the future are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Scorpio

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning anxious thought patterns, limited thinking, writing skills, teaching ability, sibling, neighbor and community relationships and travel. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your daily life, work habits, health regime, pet activity, services? A cycle may be finishing in your private life, spiritual awareness, fearful thinking, addictions, and research activities as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in your career, reputation, authority support and public activity are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Sagittarius

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning financial fear, lack of self-esteem, overly focusing on material status, and earning potential. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your are of fun and leisure time, creative self-expression, with your children or the younger generation, and romantically? A cycle may be finishing in a friendship, group involvement, goal development, personal desire, financial peaks and the future as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in your educational goals, knowledge gathering, travel plans, publishing goals, media or website activity, legal situations and foreign connects are assured into the weeks ahead.

See Also
2020 Libra Full Moon OMTimes


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Capricorn

lace your intention on release in the area of life concerning personal appearance, false self-expression, physical illness, and first impressions. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your personal life, home, family, how or where you live? A cycle may be finishing in your career, life goals, reputation, status, community involvement, and working with the public as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in your psychological healing, support systems, partner’s resources, psychic growth and intimate life are assured into the weeks ahead.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Aquarius

Place your intention on release in the area of life concerning anxiety, the past, too much solitude, research activities and fearful thinking. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your internal dialogue, manner of speech, writing, teaching, travel and sibling, community relating? A cycle may be finishing in your higher education, teaching, publishing, travel, legal or spiritual awakening to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in committed relationships, seeking committed relationship, client activity, finding the right expert to consult and the public are assured into the future.


Libra Total Lunar Eclipse – Pisces

Place your intention on releasing worry or obsessiveness in the area of life concerning unsustainable friendships, worry over the future, team dynamics, group activities and personal happiness. How can you stimulate and awaken more freedom and innovation in your earning potential, unique skill development, growing values regarding technology, astrology and alternative healing? A cycle may be finishing in your financial support, taxes, partner’s money, corporate budgets, physical intimacy, inheritances, investments and psychology as energy needs to be cleared out to make way for the next chapter while trusting the process and having faith in your growth and evolution. Developments in your daily working life, with co-workers, employees you hire, pet dynamics, health, and your personal services are assured into the future.

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About the Author

Jean Wiley has been an Intuitive Astrologer and Human Development Coach who helps people get clear on who they are and what they need versus what they feel is expected of them, since the mid-90’s.

Visit her website for consultation and guidance at

Connect with Jean on her Youtube Channel or connect with her on Facebook.

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