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Top 5 Ways to Make the Quantum Leap

Top 5 Ways to Make the Quantum Leap


Learn How to Make the Quantum Leap

As the name suggests, quantum leap means a sudden large increase or advance in a situation, circumstance or state. Whatever term you use, it is definitely a massive leap from what you are experiencing presently to what you want in life. To put it lightly, it’s an experience you revel in; taking you from a walk on the earth to a walk in the clouds.

The idea of taking a quantum leap has a lot to do with raising one’s vibrational level. The moment your energy shifts to up a higher level, you will see a phenomenal leap in your circumstances. Because life is a mirror, what we put in is reflected out. This is something like a law of attraction. But the question is: How can we raise our energy to manifest change at the material level?

There are various ways to manifest this transformation in life.


Use these 5 Ways to Make the Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap Key #1 – Creative visualization

One way to manifest transformation is by creative visualization. First, visualize your desires as already manifested, as if you are living your dream. Feel it in the very core of your heart, in every cell of your body, and in every vein of your being. One may ask how one can feel something when it is not even remotely available? Well, that’s the crux of creative visualization; to creatively visualize to the minutest detail your desire in life.

For example, you want to buy a party dress for yourself. You know it’s pretty expensive and not one your purse would allow. Now, that’s no good! So how do I get this dress? Well, it’s easy as long as you don’t get into the how, when, and where. Rather than do that, simply focus on the object of your desire in complete detail. Coming back to the party dress, just visualize or feel that you are already wearing it, you are at the party and everyone is complimenting you on your new dress. Feel the excitement in your nerve endings; see the gratitude pouring out of every cell. Just celebrate the live event. If you repeat this exercise day in and day out, within no time you will actually be the proud owner of this new dress.

Many of you will ask: How is this possible? Although it may sound ridiculous, it is very real phenomenon. Remember you are ordering the universe! Now, it’s the job of universe to fulfil your command, as long you don’t interfere in how it’s being fulfilled. Get out of the way and accept heaven’s help! In no time you will be living your desires.

Your desire could be fulfilled through a gift you receive, through lottery money, inheritance, or a better job offer, etc. As it has been said, order and let universe roll it out. You can apply this theory not only to a dress but to anything in life whether it is a job you want, a man or woman you want to marry, or a vacation you want to take; so on and so forth.


Quantum Leap Key #2 – Using music

Music is another way to manifest transformation. Let thy soul dance in its presence. Not literally, but yes, let your soul dance to the beat of your future! Well, music can bring on the dormant, powerful, creative forces in you! If you have heard of the kundalini awakening, this is where we are going. The dormant serpentine forces can create castles for you! Load your life with riches that you can only dream of by awakening your kundalini.

One way is the listen to binaural beats or meditative music, which will bring you to a deep transcendental state. Once you feel the kundalini energy rising, you will see your whole world shape shift. It’s a powerful transformation!


Quantum Leap Key #3 – Thought projection

Project thoughts of what you want out into the universe. You can also add affirmations to them. Let your thoughts be out of focused intent. The clearer you are in your projection, the more effective you will be at manifesting your intention. Examples of affirmations to add to your thought projections are:

a. I attract all abundance in life and let these thoughts float out into the vast universe. b. I am a successful person and feel that way. c. I enjoy fantastic relationship with everyone around and let it seep in.

These are a few affirmations you can use and rest you create yourself. It’s like your mantra to an abundant life. So always think positive and think abundant.


See Also

Quantum Leap Key #4 – Align with your GPS

Let’s understand what exactly GPS is. It’s your intuition and not global positioning system. Follow that little inner voice that means the best for you, now and always. If you can meditate daily in the early hours of the morning, your life will be taken over, not by outside forces but by your inner master. As it is said, you will be in the flow. Effortless, smooth and magical things, situations and people will orchestrate in your life from out of nowhere. So let the inner nudges take on and take over!


Quantum Leap Key #5 – Using crystals

If you believe in crystals, then let them do the energetic leap for you. You can use clear quartz crystals to do the trick! All you need is to write in a diary. Just write down your wish list in detail inside your diary and place a big quartz rock on top of it. Every time you meditate and deep breathe, place the diary and the quartz crystal near you. Let quartz take on your energy, multiply it and magnetize your wish list to you .The more energy you give to the crystal, the faster you will draw your desires to you. All the best with this one, for it sure works magic! You can also play a mantra cd, while meditating in front of your quartz crystal and diary. That, too, will energize the manifestation process.

Try these different paths to reach a higher way, or shall we say, a more conscious way of living. With all these methods at your beck and call you are sure to take a quantum leap from what is to what will be, not in years, but sometimes in just a matter of a few seconds. All you need is perseverance, persistence and patience in the process. It is magical, because this time the genie is none other than you. Let the genie in you manifest the best of you.

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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach. She is a winner of Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012, India. She is a published author. She has written two books of Spiritual/ Inspirational genre, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume I and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II.

You can reach her at:

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