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The Illusion of Body Consciousness

The Illusion of Body Consciousness


The Illusion of Body Consciousness – A Wake-up Call!

Waking Up from the Illusion

Most of us are sleep walking through life by wearing blinders that even the light becomes distracting. The illusion that our physical body is all that there is to our existence is strongly ingrained in our psyche that most of us just spend our whole life gratifying this primal urge. We work, eat, and sleep in a robotic manner trying to fulfill an ego-driven, make believe reality. Media has done wonders to take it to every level of insanity, per se.

Epic television shows like Friends and movies, such as Sex and the City, are minting on the vulnerable human mind, while eulogizing every facet of material and sensual urge as the benchmark for humans to be. No wonder there are breakouts of depression, drug addiction, stress, and paranoia for no fathomable reason. The condition is such that for most of us it’s very difficult to spend time alone. Either we need a laptop, a mobile device, music system, or TV and if none of this works, then we definitely need another human to talk to. The word ‘alone’ offers a scary vibe for some; it is sometimes a feeling in which we can’t fit in. Ironically, the best presence of our existence is felt when one is home alone. Few realize this and even rarer do they relish it.


Illusion of Robotic Followers

For many centuries, man has been indoctrinated to believe that one must be a follower else one will be an outcast. Families across the globe condition children by teaching them this false paradigm and leashing out another line up of replica progenies. Very craftily, the Hollywood blockbuster move, In Time, features the robotic race and how future generations may end up to be. Western countries are still concerned with free thinking as Asian nationalities have yet to take the extra mile to break the conditioning blizzard. Under this illusion, many of us consider ourselves to be free and independent thinkers, yet when it comes to expressing our individuality, we look outside ourselves for a role model to follow. We all want to be like somebody rather than powerfully being our unique self. Instead of expressing the uniqueness of the soul, we like to decorate the body. In the process of amplification of the body, the soul simply shuts out. The real us is locked and veiled in the race to replicate another, one who we feel is the numero uno.

It is unbelievable but often times a very stark truth. Many individuals really don’t want to express their light for they fear mockery, being typecast as a warrior or, even worse, standing out. Then, there are those who do acknowledge their uniqueness, but don’t have the gumption to embrace it publicly. Educational systems across the globe are redundantly aping a fixed way of teaching completely disqualifying the unique gift each child is born with. Rather than enhancing the gifts new-age kids are blessed with, institutions are typecasting gifted children with the diagnosis of ADHD or autism. In doing so, their entire life may be damaged from this fear and taboo. Body consciousness entails the illusion of worshiping an inflated superficiality and out-casting the unique soul presence.


Material Illusion

Recently, several spiritual organizations have sprouted along with many spiritual masters. The reason is apparent – humans are down in the dumps, and the illusion of the material way of life is now showing its true colors. People are realizing that the hoarding mindset is no longer going anywhere; it’s like a mad race finally hitting a void. Material possessions are no longer providing the sense of happiness they once did. At the end of the day, there are no brands that can bandage the big, empty space within! Restlessness and anxiety are leading people to find the niche within, which involves connecting to the real one inside.

Many authentic masters are here to open our eyes beyond the material illusion to our real calling and assist us with expressing our light, which is often ebbed out. Disease and sickness evolves from a disconnection with our real self – our soul. Many people are waking up and breaking out of this crazy material reality, while many more have yet to walk the talk.


Breaking the Illusion

Waking up is also linked to the Earth’s changing vibrations and light codes. There is concrete evidence to suggest that Mother Earth herself is shifting her vibration in order to adapt to the paradigm shift. The Schumann Frequencies are the sound of the Earth. A few years ago the Earth was vibrating at around 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5 Hz. This demonstrates that the Earth itself is changing and is literally speeding up. As the frequencies speed up, ascension begins. A lot of people are finding their illusive existence perishing, giving way to search for deeper meaning of their birth.

See Also

The superficial, false doctrines are falling off like carcasses. Many of us are searching for deeper meaning for our existence. We experience a feeling like we have just awakened after walking like zombies and slaves for eons! Many of us are moving on in our relationships as the veil of illusion is being lifted. Empty, attention-seeking behavior and approval seeking habits are dying a nascent death. From body consciousness, we are moving towards soul consciousness. It is all for good with more power and more light!


About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books, titled Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

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