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Do Healers Take On Their Client’s Energy?

Do Healers Take On Their Client’s Energy?


How Healers Can Prevent Absorbing the Client’s Energy

by Regina Chouza

Energy healers work with clients to release stress, tension, anger and confusion from the human body and energy field, replacing those emotions with love and light. Every now and then, a concerned client asks what happens with the energy that is released – does the healer take it on? It wouldn’t be unheard of, especially when the healer is working in the client’s auric field, using their own body as a channel for healing. While energy healers can absorb the client’s vibes, most professionals are trained in energy management to avoid this during healing sessions and even in personal interactions. We can all adopt these techniques to keep our own energy clear, regardless of the situation.


3 Ways Healers Can Stop Absorbing Client’s Energy

1) Take a Psychic Shower

The energy body can act like a sponge, absorbing energy, emotions and stress from our surroundings through the aura and the chakras. By learning to ground, clear and protect our personal energy, we reinforce our boundaries making that transfer less likely. The process is simple though it does require practice before it becomes second nature:

Step 1: Ground yourself by visualizing tree roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet into the ground. See and feel as those roots cut through layers of dirt, rock and even concrete. These roots anchor us to the ground while doubling as escape valves, through which we release excess energy into the ground for cleansing and purification. We can also use these grounding roots to draw on the earth’s nourishing energy for support.

Step 2: Clear your aura by intending for a shower of light to run through your energy body from top to bottom. This light washes away any stress or tension that may have been created during daily interactions. Take a deep breath and let it be washed away.

Step 3: Protect your energy by drawing in your chakras, front and back, so that they fit snugly against your body. Place a bubble of protective soft violet light around your aura. This light draws on the protective and transformative qualities of amethyst crystals, replacing what we might call negative energy with love, healing and protection.

The most important component here is the intention to ground, clear and protect your energy so that you become less susceptible to outside influences. By visualizing these three steps we communicate that intention to our subconscious and to our energy body. Ideally we would ground, clear and protect our energy twice daily, morning and night.


2) Healers: Mind the GAPP

The following technique is taught at the School of Intuition & Healing in London as part the two-year Energy Healing Accreditation. While the curriculum goes into a variety of healing techniques including Chakra Balancing, Medical Intuition and Ancestral Healing, the cornerstone is solid energy management and channeling. Student healers are taught to channel universal harmonizing energies, releasing stagnant energy into the ground for purification. This process makes for simultaneous clearing, healing and replenishing.

The following steps are carried out before the healing session begins:

Grounding: The healer begins the session by grounding themselves and drawing on Mother Earth’s healing energy for use during the session. As mentioned above, this also provides an instant release mechanism for any tense energy released during the session.

Attuning: Energy healers draw on healing energies from Mother Earth and the universe, channeling it through their bodies and auras to their clients. In this step we connect with the highest source of light imaginable and intend for it to flow during the healing session, along with the nourishing and supportive energies from Mother Earth.

Permission: We ask the client’s higher self for permission to carry out the healing, and ask that it be intuitively guided for their highest good. The healer is but a channel for healing, and this makes it easier for the healer to step away from a desired outcome.

Protection: We then protect the space by placing a sphere of white or violet light around both the client and the healer. This makes it possible for the healer to focus solely on channeling energy as part of the chakra and aura clearing process. Earth and universal energies flow through the healer in this sacred space. The energy released during the session is cleared by that protective bubble and sent to the ground.

Once the healing session is done, the healer takes their attention back to that distant source of light, consciously disconnects and then clears and closes down their own energy field, thus releasing any energy that may have shifted during the healing session.

See Also

While booking a session with a professional healer can be a wonderful experience, we can also apply these techniques in our meditations for emotional and spiritual healing.



3) Additional Tools for Space Clearing

Sometimes visualization isn’t enough to clear the air after an intense session, and in these cases healers turn to their favorite props for energy clearing and protection. This can include placing amethyst or rose quartz crystals in the healing room, burning sage at the end of the day or even a using a cleansing flower essence spray between sessions. For those of us who connect with the element of water, washing our hands while we visualize a shower of light running through our energy body is likely to do the trick.


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About the Author

Can anyone learn to channel healing and shift his or her life in a new direction? Of course! This startling discovery led Regina Chouza to become an Accredited Healer, blogger and teacher. Her first book, A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love, is available on Visit for details or tweet a question @reginachouza.

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