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Ask Michelle Whitedove

Ask Michelle Whitedove

Ask Whitedove Michelle Whitedove OMTimes

Ask Michelle Whitedove – August 2016

Ask Michelle Whitedove is a spiritual advice column by Celebrity Psychic Medium Michelle Whitedove. Answering your metaphysical questions from Angels to Zodiac

Michelle-Whitedove_OM-TimesDear Michelle Whitedove, Recently, it was time for my Mother to downsize from her home of fifty years and move to a small residence. Financially and physically it was important to do so. My siblings and I helped her to sell off many of her beloved belongings. During the process of packing she hurt her back severely and was doubled over with sciatic pain. I understood the spiritual connection to her back pain was that she no longer felt supported, since everything in her life is drastically changing. The holistic chiropractic Doctor that treated her back recommended that Mom should also have her heart checked by a specialist. The doctor explained the physical reasons: can you explain the spiritual connection? ~ Doting Son in Denver

Dear Son, As a Health Intuitive many times I see a physical connection of lower back pain associated to physical heart issues just as your holistic chiropractic Doctor. It is imperative that you follow up with a cardiologist and do testing so any issues can be treated in the early stages. The spiritual connection for your Mom: she is suffering emotionally from a broken heart. She associates her lifelong acquisitions as her status in life: her big home, her former job, her bank account, her beautiful and sentimental things. She is very attached to these materialistic things that are symbols of her road to success and she has let these belongings define her. (I see this mostly with career driven men.) With psychic insights I see that first there was the death and loss of her husband of many years, now she is losing her home and many possessions and for the first time she’s now grieving and is heartsick. This transition has removed her foundation and can be humbling and overwhelming for the elderly.

The truth is that her real symbols of success are intangible. God knows about all of the people that she helped along the way, the love that she gave to her mate, her children and her dedication and loyalty to her employer. I see your mother as good soul who is always willing to help those in need. During her final chapter on Earth, be very kind, reminisce and help her to see all that good that she has done: it’s time for her to understand her true value and know that her deeds are more important than her belongings.

Dear Michelle Whitedove, Every day before leaving my house I say my prayers. I feel the calming presence of God and feel well protected. When I get to work and start my day all is good until I am surrounded by the office gossips. Nothing brings me down faster than these people speaking ill of coworkers and our bosses. My job seems to bring me away from Godliness. What can I do?from Too Much Talking in Texas

Dear Talking, Nothing will bring you away from God faster than negativity. More people need to pay attention to these types of conversations because you can feel the negative vibes and it takes away your sense of peace and tranquility. Gossip is toxic; inflammatory remarks segregate, it poisons the mind of others and then quickly spreads. It’s best to remove yourself from gossipy conversations or change the subject to something positive. Do what feels good: gossip tears down whereas constructive conversations can fortify a group.

Dear Michelle Whitedove When I was a girl I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I had such admiration for the teachers that inspired my imagination and helped me as elementary student. Then as a young adult with an aptitude for math I became an accountant. Twenty years later, this job isn’t fulfilling. I wonder if I’m meant to be in an industry that helps humanity as I felt called to do as a child.Yearning Soul in Syracuse

Dear Yearning Soul, You are never too old to make a change but don’t feel that it’s imperative to change career paths when you can also do volunteer work. There are five fulfilling paths to serve humanity. Which one best fits you?

– The Artist. The arts bring joy to the world: dancer, singer, painter, designer, poet, author, sports figure, musician and more. Many times an artist is channeling and being inspired from higher realms to delight the audience.

See Also

– The Educator. The teacher, coach, lecturer, professor is the soul that loves to learn and is inspired to help others gain knowledge.

– The Healer. A doctor, shaman, nurse, or therapist is a soul that is drawn to follow the path of Eastern Medicine, Western, Indigenous knowledge or a combination of modalities to be in service and to help heal humanity. Animal veterinarians also fall into this category too.

– The Cleric. A shaman, metaphysician, priest, preacher, pope, nun, monk, lama is an enlightened soul that is in service to humanity to serve as a spiritual instructor. Also through their spiritual devotion of prayer work, meditation and charity they also assist in raising the vibration of the planet and the people.

– The Inventor. This is the rarest of souls with a scientific mind that make leaps in innovation for the betterment of the world.

Now get to work, there is much to do my friend.

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