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3 Qi Gong Techniques for More Energy

3 Qi Gong Techniques for More Energy


by Rebecca Clio Gould

Qi Gong Techniques for Energy

How many times have you woken up feeling groggy or felt an afternoon slump or just didn’t feel like you had enough energy to go out and do something fun after work? Believe me, you’re not alone. We all have those times, and we all want more energy. And often, we turn to food or coffee or other stimulants to perk us up. But this can just result in a crash later on, so it’s not a sustainable energy boost.

While it’s true that food can be a good source of fuel, depending on what you choose to eat, there’s another source of fuel that you can access anytime, anywhere, without even ingesting anything: qi. And qi gong is the way to get it.

Qi gong is an ancient system of energy cultivation, meditative movement, and self-healing. And the first time I received an invitation to try it, back in 2006, I really wasn’t sure what it was. I was studying Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory, and taking a Tai Ji class at the time, so I knew it had something to do with qi (vital life-force energy), but that was all I knew. I remembered reading about it a little, but I had never done it. But once I started? I was hooked. And I’ve been practicing and teaching it ever since.

There are many systems of qigong and many forms you could practice, but below are three simple techniques for beginners to get started. For optimal results, do at least one of these at least once a day.


Qi Gong Technique #1 – Shake it up

In addition to being part of a qi gong practice, this is also known as bio-energetic shaking and can be a practice in and of itself. Here’s what you do:

Stand with your feet hip distance apart or a little wider. Let your knees be soft, not locked straight. Bounce up and down, with feet planted flat on the ground. Shaking up and down like this helps get the qi flowing. While shaking, you may notice areas of stiffness. Just notice them. No judgment. Shake as gently or vigorously as you like. Start with just shaking for a minute and work up to a few minutes or more. After shaking, stand still for a moment, take a deep breath, and notice what you feel.


Qi Gong Technique #2 – Gather Qi

Gathering qi can be found in various systems of qi gong. The basic instructions are as follows:

Standing up straight, feet flat on the floor, allow your arms to hang down at your sides. Turn your palms upward and spread your fingers apart. Stretch your arms out to the sides as you take a long and deep inhale. Keep your chin slightly lifted.

While inhaling, continue moving the arms upward and gradually arc your arms inward until your hands are above your head, palms facing down toward the top of the head. Middle finger tips point toward each other but not touch.

While exhaling, bring hands closer to each other (still not touching) as they continue to move down, palms facing down, in front of the body. As your hands come down toward your lower belly, part them to the sides and turn your palms to face up as your hands continue to move upward again.

Repeat several times, and then simply relax for a few moments. Sit down or just stand still, and just allow the qi to circulate, noticing how you feel.


Qi Gong Technique #3 – Qi flow visualization

This one you can do lying down! It’s a non-moving form of qi gong, in which you feel or just imagine the energy flowing through you. Although this can also be very relaxing and help with sleep, it can also give you more energy. It’s like a power nap without sleeping–unless you do fall asleep! So set an alarm just in case.

See Also

First, lie down if possible. The preparation for this practice is to take a few deep breaths and then scan your body from head to toe, progressively relaxing your body, letting go of any areas of tension.

After some full body relaxation, focus on the centers of the soles of your feet. Picture a little window or door opening in them. Picture qi, in the form of light, coming in through your feet and traveling up your legs into your lower belly, into the dantian. The dantian is a storehouse of qi located below and behind the navel. Picture the dantian as a ball of light, about the size of a tennis ball.

Continue visualizing this qi traveling in through your feet to the dantian as you bring your attention to the centers of the palms of your hands. Open the energy gateways in your palms, just by picturing a little door or window open, and see qi traveling in through your palms, up your arms, down through your heart, and into the dantian.

As the qi continues traveling in through your feet and your palms, bring your attention to the crown of your head. Feel or imagine the crown of your head opening, bringing in more qi, and see that qi travel down through your head and your neck, passing through your heart, and entering the dantian.

Continue softening and relaxing your body as you feel or visualize this energy flowing through you. Over time, the more you soften and relax, you will start to truly feel the qi. You can also incorporate the opening of these energy gateways (crown of the head, centers of the palms of hands, and centers of soles of feet) when gathering qi.


About the Author

Rebecca Clio Gould is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Qigong and Meditation Teacher, Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator, and Author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet.” She’s on a mission to help women live healthier lives, step into their power, love themselves more, experience more joy, and live life to the fullest–emotionally, physically, and sexually. Rebecca is a graduate of the Heartwood Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has been running her own business, Elemental Harmony, PLLC since 2007 and lives in Seattle, Washington. See more at

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