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Adam T. Gardener: Human Accelerator Project

Adam T. Gardener: Human Accelerator Project

Human accelerator

Adam T. Gardener: Human Accelerator Project

Grounded in modern Insights, an Ancient Science is coming forward of What We Are and why We’re here, and why having a unique Human Experience. OMtimes Interviews Adam T. Gardener.

human accelerator
The Building Envision of America’s Medicine Wheel. Architecture and designing habitat to a Living Portal into the next evolutionary leap of Consciousness for Mankind. Founder & Visionary, Adam T. Gardener explains to us, the next step on the Second Genesis and the Human Accelerator Project.

However, anyone defines or interprets the word “God” …I am certain we are Created in the Image of Something Vast & Infinitely Creative. That Image is Inscribed Upon our Genetics, encrypted onto Coiled Strands of an Infinitely Incomprehensible Mystery modern scientists call DNA/RNA.

Unlocking those Cosmic Keys, Activating DNA to Create a new Human Reality beyond the imaginings of mankind. This is the Vision and the Labor behind the building America’s Medicine Wheel.

We live in extraordinary times, no Doubt! These “Times in which we Live” could be the Final Act in a Cosmic Drama played out over the last five generations.

It Begun as the Industrial age; this Age of All Ages, what Adam T. Gardener refers to as A Second Genesis Awakening Age; a moment in the Universal clock, the time of awakening to what We are at our deepest core. It is time to observe the creation happening in ourselves, as a new Human life free of sickness & disease, while we labor to become the fullness of what it means to be Human.

OMTIMES: The Medicine Wheel’s architecture is unique. It looks like an Architectural Mandala! Where did the design come from?

Adam T. Gardener: It was an Evolutionary kind of event that happened on a trip to San Diego county looking for tropical varieties of date palms, mango trees, etc. On the construction site, I had just opened the excavation for one of the building’s pictured in a quadrant of the Medicine Wheel.

There were only two building designs I was considering, each being shown in its 1/4 section of the Wheel on the Rendering you now see the entire project. I had just left a small, five-acre nursery where I had sampled some bread dates on a palm no taller than 8’0”. Bread dates are normally quite dry but pulling a handful off the tree, putting one in my mouth…well, the experience was like being Rocketed into bliss and joy I had not known until this moment. The fruit melted into my entire Being within an Instant. It brought Tears to my eyes, overwhelming me with a passion for creating greater space on site in Long Valley to as many tropical palm trees and other varieties as possible.

As I was driving away from the nursery now imagining we needed several acres of greenhouse space, the “dream state” activated inside my cranial area, and I began seeing images of Architecture that you now see in the rendering. It was something that had happened before. The Dream State was activating while I was awake, so I wasn’t afraid or concerned while I pulled the truck over and finished watching the “movie” playing out inside my brain. It was quite a unique characteristic, to still see everything around you but overlaid on those tangible features is this semi-transparent theater being shown.

The Experience was wonderful, electrifying. I was a little unnerved because of its design, but then my entire construction career had been working with large concrete structures that often had heavy loads imposed on the surfaces much like multi-level parking garages and multi-story hotels with pools on the roof or subterranean garages with earth over the entire structure.

Seeing all that space…nestled in the Earth Element was a key feature in the design of space that magnifies the Vibrational Fields of the Living Elements. I tell the whole story in book one of the Second Genesis Awakening series of books.

Adam T. Gardener

OMTIMES: Wow, that was some date. I didn’t know bread dates had Magical Powers. Where can I buy some?

Adam T. Gardener: I guess this is where I say: Are you funny? Maybe you’re just asking a rhetorical question, but in a way, it is an incredible moment. Joyful hardly qualifies as an answer, when one of these events happens. Humbling, reverencing, overwhelm of gratitude, would be more Appropriate. Was the date a catalyst for something unknown, or was it just time to see? I can say that since I changed my diet to an all plant based diet over three decades ago, “Things” have never been the same.

Consequently, I’ve come forward with this Second Genesis Project, a series of its two books, and the website with all its videos. The events that have brought this Medicine Wheel Cultural Center into reality have come from a place inside that had been Activated early on with an Innocent change in diet. Scientists will tell us every thought, emotion, feeling and perception are fundamentally influenced by the chemicals or biochemical running in our blood plasma, inner-cell waters, and interstitial waters.

OMTIMES: Why would you locate something of this Nature way out in the “middle of nowhere” next door to one of the most remote regions in the lower forty-eight states: the Escalante National Monument?

See Also

human acceleratorAdam T. Gardener: Yeah, I’ve been asked that more than once. I fell in Love with the remoteness of this high plateau desert region way back in the mid-80’s. But that’s not why our location is where it is. The fullness of an answer can only be found if a person is willing to see, the unseen & unknown. I can describe for you the reason why this remoteness was chosen. It’s called the Sound Phenomenon.

The molecules of everything we see and even of which we cannot see is in a Constant State of vibration. It is what modern science calls oscillation. This Movement of all molecules creates waves of energy called sound. Either audible or inaudible, these waves of energy behave in patterns that science calls vibration, frequency, and resonance. Other than that, science knows very little about why everything Vibrates…Oscillates.

It is the Power of Resonance and its ability to pull weaker vibrations back into a collective vibrational frequency of thoughts, emotions, and actions. Therefore, the first location of America’s Medicine Wheel has been placed in a remote region far from large populous areas. Everywhere in and around the Medicine Wheel is a constant pull of resonance from the Living Elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. All things in Nature are Living to fill their full measure and as such, exert a pull on Human life to come home to their Origins. Imagine Existence without sickness, without disease, filled with experiences of Connection to a Living Universe in ways now unseen & unknown to mankind.

OMTIMES: Are you saying there’s an Invisible Force in our cities, acting upon us in some strange way that makes it more difficult to move our lives into positive habits or lifestyle choices that the whole of our society does not embrace?

Adam T. Gardener: That’s very perceptive and quite accurate. All human thoughts, emotions, beliefs and perceptions of life can be reduced to vibration, frequency, and resonance. Although invisible, these waves or fields of tiny energy emit a force field. It is like the north/south fields of a magnet having the power to draw metal to it. When we get clear of the enormity of collective human thoughts, we can perceive new possibilities without encumbrance.

Imagine this Medicine Wheel…with all its plant life bringing forth the most precious, organically grown nuts, seeds, sweet and tart fruits, melons, leafy greens and a variety of herbs available for sampling in their peak states of vine & tree-ripened fullness. Food is truly Medicine if a person can grasp what is possible in how these plants with their Infinite Intelligence can work Miracles upon the DNA in human cells. This happens at levels of Vibrational Frequency.

There’s a Sacred, symbiotic relationship of plants and humans but the knowledge and wisdom of how to do something as simple as eating has been lost especially in this latest generation of manufactured, man-made whatever.

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