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Spiritual Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicities

Spiritual Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicities

Spiritual Signs Synchronicities OMTimes

Spiritual signs abound…they are everywhere. Symbols combine with synchronicities to relay messages we can learn to interpret to expand consciousness.

The Spiritual Signs and Synchronicities Abound



“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. I believe there is another world waiting for us, a better one. And I’ll be waiting for you there.” – Robert Frobisher, from the movie, Cloud Atlas.

What path are we on? Is life just a nine-to-five treadmill that we run on every day? Are we just meant to wake up, work, and then die? Are we really paying attention to our lives? The spirit world is! The spirit world is always there, always present, and always sending us many signs, symbols, and synchronicities. The spiritual path is simply the journey of our lives. Everyone in life is on a spiritual path, it is just that most people don’t know it! When we have a spiritual awakening, spirit becomes aware of the shift in our vibration, energy, and frequency. It becomes aware when a person is awakened with a willingness to step into the knowledge that has always been.

There is more to us, to the universe, the human experience, and what our belief system is of “God.” That moment of awakening is coterminous when we realize that there is more to our lives than just paying the bills, competing in the daily rat race to advance our careers and make more money. We start asking the bigger, more important questions of life. It is at this point that spirit shows up, meeting us halfway as we begin our transformation from the ground perspective of the caterpillar to the higher perspective of the butterfly. Something within calls us to prospect, explore, and discover the deeper meaning of the mind, body, and soul. This is when spiritual signs begin to show up and guide us on our spiritual path.


Spiritual Signs are Everywhere, Ready to Interpret

There are spiritual signs everywhere for us to witness and observe, that is, if we are paying attention and we are aware of spirit’s presence, energy, and vibration. So for those who are in the incarnate form or the physical, flesh suit – how do we interpret the meaning of signs we receive from those who are discarnate, not having a physical body in the spirit world? Some of the signs come in loud and clear – that direct slap to the face when pain makes us pay attention through the loss of a loved one, a personal tragedy, or a health scare. Subtle signs from spirit usually leave a breadcrumb trail for us to follow and can be metaphorical or symbolic in nature.

Throughout history, symbols have always spoken to and connected with the subconscious mind. They have great potency and power depending on our perception in that moment of our lives, where we are at physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Oftentimes, our perspective needs several adjustments as the analytical mind works to decode symbols, signs or synchronicities in real time. It may take seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or even years for the moment of illumination to come. Timing and feeling both play an important part in this process. This is a big reason why many miss the subtle signs of spirit: they want answers now, they don’t feel into the situation, and are not willing to wait for everything to unfold.

“We think to much and feel to little.” -Charlie Chaplin

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Conversations, dreams, life experiences, movies, music, books can all be triggers that start to put the pieces of life’s puzzle together. Even though it is human nature and the power of the mind to seek and understand all of life’s answers through signs, symbols, and synchronicities, we must also surrender to the fact that some things will remain a mystery and can take time to come into fruition. Gracefully accept with gratitude that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

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About the Author

Marc Lainhart is an international and tested Spiritual Medium. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, and Writer are to serve, guide, teach, transform, and inspire others in connecting to self, spirit, and the world around us! For more “spiritual prospecting,” please visit, or Internet search ‘The Intuitive Prospector™’

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