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7 Keys to Feng Shui Your Master Bedroom

7 Keys to Feng Shui Your Master Bedroom

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If you are running into difficulties in your life, the first place you want to look at is the master bedroom.

7 Keys to Feng Shui your master bedroom for romance, stability and better health

By Ken Lauher



We spend one-third of our lives in the bedroom. It’s a space to heal, rejuvenate and relax, improving our health and vitality. Our bed is energetically connected to each of us. Sleep is a yin condition — the bed shelters, comforts and enables us to truly rest so we will be rejuvenated and able to awake energized to fulfill our goals.

You know how it works: When you don’t get a good night’s sleep, nothing seems to go right that day. If you don’t have enough energy, you can’t do your best at work, pursue hobbies or money-making opportunities, or even enjoy your leisure time, hobbies and family. This is why a Feng Shui bedroom is one of the three most important areas of a home as it is the closest to your own personal energy.

The master bedroom can affect every aspect of life for the occupants in a home:

– Romance

– Personal relationships

– Fertility

– Creativity

– Wealth and income

– Fame and Reputation… and more.

Here are some things you should look at when you are applying Feng Shui in the master bedroom.


7 Keys to Feng Shui Your Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom Key #1. Is the bed in the command position?

Your bed should not be directly in line with the door. This is referred to as the coffin position and can cause health problems. You may awake not feeling refreshed. If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, suffer from chronic fatigue and other ailments that are difficult to pinpoint, your bed position could be a culprit. Want to feel better fast?

Feng Shui Fix: Your bed should be in the command position of the room. You should be able to see the door from your bed, but not be directly in line with it. Take a look at these pictures to place your bed in one of three command positions in a room.

You should also be able to approach your bed from either side with a minimum of 12 inches on each side.


Master Bedroom Key #2. Does your bed have a solid headboard?

Your bed’s headboard should be firmly attached to your bed. This will create a sense of stability that will serve you well in marriage or other relationships. A headboard should be solid.

Feng Shui Fix: If you have a slatted headboard, wrap cloth ribbons around the slats to create greater stability.

Note: A footboard is optional in Feng Shui. Many people don’t like foot boards as they evoke a sense of feeling “trapped” in bed.


Master Bedroom Key #3. Is your bed the right size?

A queen size bed is optimal. A twin size bed is too small and will leave people feeling cramped and “stuck.” A single person in a full-size bed is not leaving enough room in their life (or their bed) for a partner. A king size bed or California king may lead to divorce or separation, especially if the box spring is made up of two twin-size box springs. It’s been said that, if you are in a king size bed, “The only place to go is down,” which would mean sleeping alone in a smaller bed.

The ideal mattress should be comfortable to you — whether you prefer it soft or firm — to encourage a good night’s sleep.

It’s a good idea to get a new mattress every seven or eight years since mattresses absorb so much energy each night. Additionally, if you can, you should get a new mattress after a major life change or an illness where you spent a lot of time in bed.

If at all possible, do not share a bed with a new lover that you used in a former long-term relationship — especially if your new love seems to be a serious relationship that could grow into a lifetime commitment. Your new love and life together deserve a new mattress to celebrate that love.

Master Bedroom Key #4. Is your bedroom balanced?

Your master bedroom should look and feel balanced, especially on both sides of the bed. Otherwise, one partner may begin to feel more powerful than the other, resulting in an unbalanced marriage or relationship.

Feng Shui Fix: If you have nightstands, they should match and be placed on each side of the bed. The same goes for table lamps and anything else you may place on the nightstands. It’s good to decorate your bedroom with objects in pairs, which will encourage an equal partnership.

If you’re single, placing things in pairs symbolizes your readiness to attract romance into your life. Don’t go overboard, however. Focus on one or two key objects that hold special significance to you.


Master Bedroom Key #5. What’s under your bed?

Avoid storing mementos, old books or photo albums, or anything else under the bed, as this may disrupt your sleep. The best bed will be on four legs, permitting the flow of chi in the space all around — and beneath — the bed. If you have a captain’s bed or a trundle drawer beneath the bed, store only soft linens (sheets and blankets) under the bed. No hard, metal objects, weapons, or items reminding you of work.


Master Bedroom Key #6. Is your bedroom restful and peaceful?

See Also

The ideal bedroom should be used for two things only: rest and romance. Exercise equipment, books, computer equipment, or anything that reminds you of work and activity should not be placed in the room. Avoid most things that run on electricity, too, such as a television set, as this type of active chi is not appropriate for the sanctuary of a bedroom.

It is okay to have an alarm clock in the room, but you may prefer an analog, rather than a digital clock. The LED lights may keep you awake. Otherwise, you can place the clock so it is not facing you when you sleep.

Feng Shui Fix: If you live in a small apartment and have no other place to keep your treadmill, home office, or collection of books, place a screen or other barrier between your sleeping space and the other section of the bedroom. You may also enclose a computer or television inside an armoire or cabinet so you cannot see it at night.

Master Bedroom Key #7. Overall, does your bedroom have good energy?

Your bedroom is your peaceful, private space. It’s best if the bedroom is located in the back half of the home, away from noise and commotion. If your bedroom is near the front of the house, you may feel as if you are a gatekeeper and may have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. You can place a shopkeeper’s bell on your front door to alleviate this challenge if you can’t move your bedroom to another area of your home. Most importantly, surround yourself with things you love in your bedroom, restful scents, peaceful images and comfortable textures.

Your Bedroom and Your Goals The most critical aspect of BTB Feng Shui is how a room makes you feel when you enter it. Consider your bedroom as one cohesive unit. How does the room make you feel? Cozy? Peaceful? Ready for romance? Does the room match how you’d like to feel when you enter it? Do the colors and ambiance of your bedroom match your goals and life purpose?

When I enter a home or apartment for a Feng Shui consultation, I look at the client’s surroundings and see what sort of “stories” the items, furniture and layout of the house tells.

We often find that the exterior — a desk, a room, a home, an apartment — mirrors the interior, what’s going on within a person. And because the master bedroom is such an intimate and personal space, we often discover great insight there.

Feng Shui Success Story: “Like an Old Shoe”

I had a New York City client who dated a lot, but she was ready to settle down and just couldn’t find the one man who connected with her. She came to me, as so many clients do, in desperation. When we looked in her relationship corner, I saw she had 15 pairs of shoes stowed there, all in boxes.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with having a shoe collection. But when I asked her what was going on in her love life, she explained that she’d go on a date or two with a guy, and then find something wrong with him. She’d walk out and move on to the next one.

I discovered that the shoes did, in fact, mirror her relationships. She was “trying on” different guys, and spending time “walking in and out” of relationships.

We moved the shoes to a more appropriate spot in the closet and empowered her relationship corner with a plant. Live plants and flowers are two of my favorite Feng Shui remedies because they are one of the least expensive, most effective ways to encourage the flow of chi and make a space feel like “home.” They also help you reconnect with nature.

On her next date, my client met a man who showed great potential as a life partner. Six months later, they moved in together and are now shopping for a house.

To learn more about how to Feng Shui your bedroom for success, wealth, love and happiness, check out Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How To Be Successful With Feng Shui today.

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About the Author

Ken Lauher is one of the foremost Feng Shui consultants today. He consults for many famous people and many more not so famous people and is the author of Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How To Be Successful With Feng Shui. He advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to implement practical Feng Shui solutions to help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

His inspiring work with well-known actors, actresses, TV hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO’s, businesses, and corporations has made him a sought-after speaker on Feng Shui and life enhancement. Based in New York City, Ken works with local, national and international clients.

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