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Following the Chi

Following the Chi


Chi and Feng Shui

by Ken Lauher




When it comes to blending the spiritual with the practical, Ken Lauher is a true expert. A Feng Shui consultant who has studied with His Holiness Lin Yun Rinpoche and Steven Post (the First American Teacher of Feng Shui), among others, Ken advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to achieve their goals related to finding love, increasing their income, “becoming unstuck,” and more. He uses the ancient Eastern art of Feng Shui, the arrangement of objects in a space to maximize the flow of chi, relying on a highly intuitive approach that is based in the power of intention.

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“Implementing Feng Shui ‘cures without acknowledging your true intentions can drive a person crazy,” he says. “Next thing you know, you have all of these products in your home hoping it will help you. When your situation doesn’t improve, you throw everything away because you’re tired of purchasing items that drain your bank account and make your place look like a souvenir shop in China Town.”

His principle advice for those seeking spiritual fulfillment and the path to a better life? “Follow the chi.” He says, “When you live in harmony with your space, you, your workers and your family experience health, success and happiness. You have to be aware of the opportunities and the occurrences that happen in your life. If they seem to be positive, you should follow those opportunities instead of resisting. Those experiences will lead you to your true self and allow the Universe to open its plan to you, lifting you spiritually.”

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