The Energy You Bring
The energy you bring into any situation is a conscious choice
By Sarah Lawrence Hinson
Do you consciously think about the energy you bring into a room on any given day?
Watching Jill Bolte Taylor (Author ‘A Stroke of Insight’) on the Oprah Winfrey Network today, I was struck by her retelling of her experiences after a major stroke caused the left side of her brain shut down for two weeks, leaving her with ‘no brain chatter’, no ‘baggage’ and an expansive sense of inner peace and awareness of others’ energy.
This ‘stroke of insight’ caused Jill to have many numinous experiences, from deep silence, experiencing her right hand as ‘part of the wall since it was made of the same substance’, through to an intense awareness of others’ energy at an iconic (right brain, big picture) level, since her left brain had pretty much stopped functioning as a result of the stroke.
“There are two types of people in the world, those who bring energy to you and those who take it away”. ~ Jill Bolte-Taylor
Jill’s life previous to this life-changing event was that of a left-brained neuro-anatomist and brain function researcher.
She freely admits that she was very focused on left-brain function and did not habitually have the focus in her life that she does since her recovery.
One of her most intense experiences during the two-week period between the stroke and surgery (and continuing on into over 8 years of healing) was that she became intensely aware of the energy that people broadcast to her from their own beings.
She believes this was because the left side of the brain was shut down – this being the part which normally processes language information, logical processes and the ‘step by step’ aspects of human communication.
So what Jill was left with was a ‘whole’ picture sense and body feeling of the energy that people would bring with them when visiting her in her hospital bed.
And, as she says above, she drew the conclusion that there are “two types of people in the world, those who bring energy to you and those who take it away”.
This statement has great importance not only for the hospital environment and those who are healing, but for the rest of us also
Jill was aware that the head of her hospital unit, a person she dubbed in her mind ‘the queen of neurology’ was somebody who ‘brought energy’ to her situation.
Despite the fact that this doctor turned up with an ‘entourage’ of students and Jill’s tail was in the air at the time since she was having a sponge bath (no self-management of body functions either for a while following this stroke), the doctor took the time to connect with her.
From Jill’s perceptions at the time, this manifested as a gentle touch transmitting a sense of ‘I’ve got this’ followed by eye contact and a request for permission for the doctor and the students to perform certain neurological tests (which in Jill’s mind, she already ‘knew’ she would fail).
Because of the energy this doctor brought in, Jill was happy to give her permission and the test were performed. (Jill failed them). The doctor also took the time to thank her afterwards and indicate that the tests were over.
I believe the significance of the energy you bring to a room, not only to somebody who is hospitalized, but throughout life, is key to the quality of our experiences.
Oprah Winfrey was interviewing Jill Bolte-Taylor and was also wowed by the significance of these statements about energy.
It’s important to become conscious of the energy you bring to any given situation. Jill Bolte-Taylor’s story of recovery reminds us all to be sure we are present and connected when we visit a loved one who is sick and more sensitive to energies. (Jill’s book ‘My Stroke of Insight’ is inspirational by the way and available in most bookstores).
I believe it’s equally important to make a conscious choice about the energy you bring to any of our interactions with others…we will feel a difference in our bodies, and surely so will they. Are we going to ‘bring’ energy with us, or ‘take’ it from others?
As Oprah Winfrey said in this great interview, at the very least we can ‘soften our brows’ and make a conscious choice about the energy we bring into a room, to a person, or a situation.
As an energy worker and somebody who can perceive information about others’ energy – I can guarantee that making a conscious choice about the energy you bring will affect us all.
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