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A Different View of Jesus of Nazareth

A Different View of Jesus of Nazareth

The work of the Spanish journalist Juan Jose Benitez is known for his controversial Ideas and positions and is in addition to his work as a researcher of UFO phenomena, books on the figure of Jesus of Nazareth have bothered even the members of the Vatican.

A Vision Of Jesus of Nazareth that Made the Church Uncomfortable

by Claudia Andrea Contreras

Forbidden, criticized, applauded. Clearly, the Spanish journalist and writer Juan Jose Benitez is not a regular individual. In his years working as a researcher, each of the issues he addresses is supported by a long and detailed collection of researched data, and in that style, he is used to almost overwhelms the reader in his works on UFO sighting. Meticulously similar, the image of Jesus of Nazareth presented in the first of his books Trojan Horse was not lost and it was very convincing to a group of readers who did believe in the new image that was presented, and that led to the bestseller lists all over the world with four million copies sold.

For JJ Benitez the main difference between the traditional Jesus and the Jesus of Nazareth displayed in his writings is “more human, closer and real one. Jesus of Nazareth is one that moves more and makes people identify. Many readers tell me they had thought it might be so, that Jesus is not the distant one from dark churches, but also of their dignity is someone who plays with the children, who is a cook, that nothing that is an athlete and has a great sense of humor, as a lover of nature and could even have a dog.

Getting to this vision, he says, “I think all human beings are governed by an order. In 1975 after working in various media outlets as a reporter, I was struck by a scientific discovery on the Shroud of Turin. I was very much in touch with scientists and found it fascinating what they were discovering, and eventually concluded it was a trap. Then I wanted to find out all you had to do with it and Jesus of Nazareth. “This attraction continues, and I am now with more than 25 years in search of new details of his life. The hundreds of pages of excerpts from his childhood and life in general sermons were written based on what explains was the result of “production of sources, documents, and travel”.

The access to these documents was not easy. With regard to those passages in his books about high-tech devices that were used to corroborate data about Jesus, note that they can be reviewed by experts for accuracy. Thus through detailed studies that came to make known facts as unknown as the existence of a group of disciples who followed Jesus of Nazareth everywhere. “He surrounded himself early on in his preaching tours of a group of women who accompany him permanently. That was a revolution because at that time the woman was a character in the second division. Most people of that time could not understand to have a reason to treat them like men. Apparently, something was silenced; what could have happened to this group of Jesus’ followers?


Acknowledges the Vatican

The Church was not very happy with the image that Benitez proposed for the son of God, and in some cases became so upset that groups such as Opus Dei forbade its reading. “The very conservative hierarchy believes that my books are negative and harmful and I am the antichrist.” The reason for this is that “in these books is called into question the very foundation of the Church by Jesus of Nazareth. I question that Jesus of Nazareth, who had an exquisite respect for freedom, could provide a structure so close that automatically leaves out millions of people. All dogmas, structures and interests of this Church are based on which is the Church of Jesus of Nazareth founded by him, and if put into question that is so, we identify with the devil. “Although not recognized pursued, if claims to have suffered by the Catholic multinational discredit and attack from behind. “There is a debate, but I am criticized in the pulpits of churches where I cannot defend myself.”

According to the Spanish author, one of the reasons why some episodes in the life of Jesus of Nazareth are hidden are directly related to the differences among the disciples. “There is a schism enveloping the resurrected. Peter, for instance, leads a group that is dazzled by the physical phenomenon of the Resurrection, and this gives them strength and enthusiasm that makes them forgets the message Jesus of Nazareth conveyed.

There is another minority group that reminds others that they have to say is not only the resurrection, but the rest, the teachings, the rules of living, the philosophy and this between them creates a struggle. These stories have come to light because the segment led by Peter is not interested in talking about the message because it did not bring customers; what Jesus of Nazareth preached was very different to what I thought: Yahweh has nothing to do with the new God I am showing, not a judge, is a love that makes you immortal from conception. Therefore all human beings are equal. The disciples then posed: “How the Jewish people say that the pagans are equal and so silent?” That is, flourished a church based on a false message. ”

See Also

The author distinguishes the behavior of church members who have or what he calls the Church to walk. He says that in meetings with people who have had a positive response to his work, and since there are those who say “rediscovered their faith and have been reunited with the character.”

Adapted for OMTimes Magazine by Humanity Healing.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

View Comments (8)
  • I just finished reading And Jesus Said: A Conversation, by Henry Michaelson. It was fascinating. It also challenges the traditional view of Jesus. The book is based on Channeled sessions of Jesus, and what he wants us to know today. I would love to see it reviewed here.

  • It would be interesting to know more about this, but the English in this article is so poor, it’s difficult to understand.

  • All you have to do is research. I very much believe that churches are wrong and do not believe in them. I do believe that ufo and all religions are in fact very closely related. But don’t you find it funny that for hundreds of years churches murdered anyone who had information that was different from the churches? The church burnt any library with knowledge of the universe down to the ground and we wonder why we are as uneducated on this subject as we are? We are suffering an amnesia of story that is rightfully ours and it’s all the churches doing x

  • All human beings have the intelligence and energy within to be gods…what better proof than for Jesus to be reborn human…

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