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Know Your Mind: The Potential of May’s Gemini Solar Eclipse

Know Your Mind: The Potential of May’s Gemini Solar Eclipse

Get ready to reboot your thinking! May’s Gemini New Moon is a solar eclipse that could refresh and reset what you let in and out of your mind.

A solar eclipse is not uncommon — we have a few every year — and it’s not something to be feared, either. Think of it as a super-sized new moon. Instead of affecting four weeks, it starts showing its influence a few months in advance and plays out over several more.

May’s solar eclipse is activating issues that have been popping back up since December 2010. That’s when the current eclipse cycle came back around, in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, which deal with how we take in and use information, as well as how we get around this planet. Themes, situations and people are resurfacing from the end of 1991 to the summer of 1994, the last time that these particular eclipses took place.

Until the middle of 2013, this cycle is providing the opportunity for us to learn and grasp how much our thoughts and beliefs directly lead to what we experience in life. (That’s right:  the basic tenet of manifestation, form follows thought.) Some of those thoughts and beliefs no longer fit or serve us, and if we change them consciously, what happens to us will have no choice but to change as well. To that end, the eclipses are inviting us to update our thinking, information flow, technology, beliefs, and attitudes about education and travel to match what is most important to us now — not what we were taught, or picked up from society, or have been brainwashed into by the media, but what is true for us, now.

May’s solar eclipse, a little more than halfway through the cycle, is at the very first degree of Gemini, which contains our rawest, most basic impulses to connect and communicate. This is an especially appropriate time and place to wipe the slate clean, to clear out your mental filter, consciously, and reclaim control of your thoughts. Here are some strategies to get you there.

1.Take breaks from stimulation and technology. Untether yourself now and then from social media sites, from the Internet, from your computer, iPad and iPod, from your phone,  from your television.  All of these expose you to the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and energies of others. Facebook and Twitter feeds alone are huge delivery systems for subliminal messages; even if you don’t focus on specific messages, you are picking up their energy, aware of it or not.

2. Empty yourself. Sit quietly periodically. A minute or two is enough to get you started; the more you indulge in this, the more you will want it. Once a day is great, starting and ending the day with this even better. Don’t battle with quieting your thoughts; simply drain. Sink a grounding cord into the earth with the intention that energy will flow out that is Not You. That goes for the chatter of advertising to what people are telling you to do.

When you are empty and quiet, your own instincts and guidance come clearly. If a situation has knocked you off kilter, ask, “Show me another way to look at this,” and see what bubbles up. The answer might take a day or two. It’s likely to come when your mind is otherwise occupied.

3. Spend time outside. Walk. Sit. Watch the sun set. Look up at the stars. Being in nature has restorative powers that poets and writers have been praising for centuries.

4. Vary your mental diet.  Deliberately expose yourself to new ideas instead of reinforcing the ones you already have. Read books on topics you don’t know about. Watch movies or TV shows you haven’t seen. Listen to different music.

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2023 aries new moon

5. Look at events in your life as reflections of your beliefs. A useful question is, “What does X say about what I believe?” If you don’t like the answer….tinker with your thinking.  You’ve got cosmic incentive to change it now.

And as your thinking changes, so will your life. As you know:  Form follows thought.

More strategies are in my two mp3 set “It’s All In Your Mind:  The Potentials of the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses of 2011-2013,” which also explores what the eclipses mean for us individually and collectively.

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