7 Feng Shui Tips to Stop Feeling Drained All the Time

Do you find yourself constantly in a state of exhaustion and want to stop feeling drained all the time? Feng Shui can help!
Use the Principles of Feng Shui to Stop Feeling Drained All the Time
By Ken Lauher
Are you tired all the time? Fatigue is a common problem in our society, as people try to juggle the demands and stresses of daily life: family, children, a career, romance, health, not to mention any hobbies or things we do for fun in those precious rare moments that we have free time. The uncertainty of the economy and keeping pace in a career to maintain job security puts a strain on health and relationships and, at the end of the day, it all makes many people very tired, if not completely exhausted.
The first step to feeling more awake is using Feng Shui in your bedroom for a better night’s sleep. But, often, even when people think they’re sleeping well, they wake up tired. According to commonly cited statistics, 20 percent of Americans have fatigue that interferes with their lives. More than 800,000 adults have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, while others simply feel tired all the time although a medical cause has not yet been discovered.
But, no matter how tired you feel and even if your fatigue or tiredness is caused by diagnosed medical ailments, there are ways to naturally boost your mood and your energy. I’m not saying Feng Shui can replace medical science if you’ve been diagnosed with CFS or Adrenal Fatigue, but there is good news. No matter what’s making you tired, there are small, easy changes you can make to your environment — your home, apartment or workplace — that will increase your energy. Here are a few Feng Shui tips to get started feeling better right away.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #1. Make sure mirrors don’t “cut” your image into pieces or are not hung too high or too low.
Do you, or other residents of your home or apartment, suffer from low self-esteem? People with low self-esteem expend more energy on things such as introducing themselves to new people, speaking in front of a crowd, or taking chances in ways that may benefit them in the long run.
Mirrors that are cut into pieces, and, as a result, break your own image apart, contribute to low self-esteem, as do mirrors that distort your image or cut off the top of your head or the bottom of your chin. Follow Feng Shui principles for mirrors, making sure they are hung properly to give your self-image, and your energy, a boost!
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #2. Alleviate the negative effects of cramped hallways.
When chi can’t move properly through a space, it stagnates. Stagnant life energy around you drains your own energy. Think about it: Do you feel better in wide, open spaces, or cramped, dark quarters?
If hallways are cramped, it may be difficult to fix this without major renovations. But you can paint the walls and ceiling a light, bright color (such as pastel green or blue or even white) and make sure the hallway is well-lit to give a feeling of openness to the space. Hanging mirrors will also visually widen a space and make it feel less cramped, permitting the chi to flow.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #3. Fix things around your home that annoy you, waste your time and drain your energy.
Squeaky door? The drawer that’s needed to be fixed since you moved in? Every time you see or use these things, they may remind you of an uncompleted task, which drains your energy. By completing these “nagging” chores, you’ll be able to move more smoothly through your home or apartment, and through life. And having enough energy is a key to being able to pursue your goals and create the life you really want and deserve.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #4. Make sure your home or apartment has enough light in the right places.
Everything from dead light bulbs that should be changed, to dark entrances or simply rooms without enough light can sap your energy. Natural lighting is best (as long as it’s not so bright that it gives you a headache), so open the blinds or curtains during the day to let the sun’s energy flow into your home or apartment if you can. If chronic fatigue or depression is a problem, and you’re cooped up indoors all day, consider getting full spectrum light bulbs to boost your mood and raise your energy levels.
Take a half hour one afternoon and check all the lights in your house for dead bulbs. Replace dead bulbs right away; don’t let that become yet another unfinished task that drains your energy.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #5. Dead or dying lawns, trees, and foliage may indicate, or cause negative chi.
If you’re hunting for a new house or apartment, a dead, brown lawn or dying foliage could be an indication of negative chi in the space. But dead plants and lawns also cause negative chi. In either case, dead grass, plants, and flowers sap your energy. With a little work, you can reverse the energy in a space. Pay close attention to keeping lawns and flowers watered and prune back overgrown brushes to give the yard around your home a well-kept appearance.
If you still can’t get anything to grow, consider a professional Feng Shui space cleansing to rid the area of negative chi.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #6. Pay attention to the scents around you.
What’s the first thing you smell when you enter your home or apartment? Bright, fresh scents such as mint and citrus rejuvenate and revitalize a space and the people in it. Consider keeping a bowl of nine oranges near your entryway or growing fresh mint on a windowsill.
Steer clear of artificial air fresheners that give off perfume-y, flowery or overpowering scents. Consider real incense or naturally scented candles made from soy to give your home or apartment a pick-me-up aroma.
Stop Feeling Drained Tip #7. Make your everyday life easier with better organization, giving you more energy to focus on the pursuit of your goals.
Is your kitchen organized so that items you cook with are near the stove, dishes near the table (or the dishwasher) and glasses close to the refrigerator? Do you look for items in the right spots, or are you constantly hunting for things you need? Every minute we spend thinking about things that should be routine — such as where to find our keys before we leave in the morning — is energy wasted, energy that could be used to do things that create a better, happier life. Putting the basics in your life on “autopilot” makes it easier to live in the moment and to pursue the life of your dreams.
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About the Author
One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit www.kenlauher.com to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.

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