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3 Steps to Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom

3 Steps to Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom

financial freedom OMTimes

You can use these Feng Shui tips for your wallet to achieve financial freedom.

Find Financial Freedom by Feng Shui for Your Wallet

by Ken Lauher

Using Feng Shui when you select and organize your wallet can also help you increase your income and create financial freedom for yourself.  Here’s how.

3 Feng Shui Tips Steps to for Financial Freedom

Feng Shui Financial Freedom Tip #1 – Choosing a Wallet

Your wallet should be large enough to hold everything you need in terms of coins and paper money, with separate sections for each.

When you select a wallet, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, but it should make you feel good. Creating wealth (and happiness, for that matter) is all about living a specific experience. Each time you take out your wallet, it should make you feel good. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your wallet.

Many times, people find a wallet they like and use it until it begins falling apart. It’s time to treat yourself to a new wallet, one that reflects your goals, who you are, and the positive experiences you want to create in your life.


Feng Shui Financial Freedom Tip #2 – What to Put (and Not to Put) In Your Wallet

Just as family photos don’t belong in the master bedroom, they don’t belong in your wallet, either. Your wallet’s focus should be on money — attracting it and holding on to it. Consider a digital photo keychain or keep photos on your smartphone or tablet, instead.

Don’t keep receipts in your wallet, as these represent spending money, rather than acquiring it. Make time each night, or once a week, to empty your wallet of receipts, business cards and random scraps of paper you accumulate.

Some people believe you should limit the number of credit cards you carry in your wallet as credit cards represent debt. But credit cards may also represent wealth since you need good credit and some level of income to obtain a card. You may not need to keep every single card you own in your wallet, but it’s okay to keep the ones you use regularly, enjoy carrying, or want to have handy in an emergency.

If there is a high-end credit card you have that makes you feel proud to carry it, give that one a place of honor in your wallet and feel good about your financial life when you pull it out of your new wallet that makes you feel equally happy and secure.


Feng Shui Financial Freedom Tip #3 – Storing Your Wallet

Find a special place for your wallet — perhaps a special basket in your entryway or a spot near your keys and coat — and always place it there. When the money in your life feels secured and treasured, you will attract more of it.

Don’t just toss your wallet on the kitchen table when you come home in the evening. You should always know where your wallet is when you need it, without having to hunt through your home or apartment or even think about it.

See Also
Holiday Feng Shui

Would love to hear your thoughts and comments below. Do any of these items resonate with you? What shape is your wallet in?

Make your comments as specific as possible so that others may benefit from you.


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About the Author

If I had to think of an easy way to help you get started and learn EXACTLY how to transform the areas of your life that are causing you the most problems… I would tell you to go check out my eBook “Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How To Be Successful With Feng Shui.”

You can easily learn how your home may be causing these problems and how to correct them with no interior design or expensive decorating required.

You can find out more about it right here: Feng Shui Secrets

Connect with Ken at:

View Comments (11)
  • Hi there. My name is Ester. Got a new wallet color black…but its been 2-3 years I didn’t use that black wallet but still new. When I came back Bahrain I only have small folded wallet but I’m no comfortable. I remembered that black I immediately transferred my little amount of money and some collections of bills from different currency. Since I ,started using that wallet, the more money coming in. And the first time that keep my boyfriend atm debit card…now, after reading about Feng shui I directly check if there are receipts inside and other unnecessary paper that doen’t belong inside my wallet. Luckily. There was nothing aside from money atm card and my I.D. Thank you for sharing us about Feng shui secret.
    Best regards.

  • Dear Ken, please be aware that when you make suggestions such as putting your wallet in a basket instead of the kitchen counter you are in fact largely addressing men. Cannot help but notice the large number of women that read OMTimes on Facebook and yes it is true women working the same jobs as men continue to earn less nation wide (out raged at this) I continue to expect more from fellow humans. Tired of men writting articles about creating wealth for men forgetting that women are wage earners as well. OMG OMTimes!!!!

  • Jane, I was thinking the same thing. The suggestions are directed towards men, not woman. Good info in general though

  • In addition to your suggestions, I organize my currency in order by value and face it all the same direction. It helps me feel better organized & I can see how much I have with ease.

  • I have been carrying a “murse,” that is, a male purse that includes my regular wallet, my cell phone and checkbook. In the wallet, I have one credit card and several pieces of identity, including a driver’s license and a military card to show that I am a veteran. I carry cash separately.

    I am living comfortably and in no debt. I hope to continue with proceeds from a book I published and others I plan to offer to the public in the future. I have studied Feng Shui and finally know how to pronounce it . . .

    I have more hope with my wallet and its attractions than I did before thanks to your article.

    Michael J Contos
    Conshohocken, Pa

  • True this is addressing men, but there is good information that women can take from this article. How many of us have cluttered purses – full of old receipts and stuff. I think sitting down for a few minutes each day and mindfully clearing all that stuff out will leave room for prosperity to come in. I know I’m guilty of taking receipts when cashiers hand them to me and stuffing them in my bag and they pile up and pile up. This article inspired me to keep my purse space clear. Carrying a few prosperity crystals (citrine green aventurine, pyrite and peridot, for example) in a little bag can’t hurt and for those of us who are Reiki Practioners, well we can Reiki those crystals too – added bonus

  • I disagree with #2.
    ?Pictures of family remind you of why you work to earn money and not spend it frivolously.
    ?Receipts need to stay securely in your wallet until you arrive home so you can balance your spending and save receipts that may be needed for possible return/exchange. Not having a receipt in the event of a needed return costs money.

  • First of all, there is no such thing as Feng Shui-ing your wallet (or your wardrobe). The traditional approach of Feng Shui is related to Yin (burial sites) and Yang (dwellings for people) Houses. It’s about time and space, not a piece of item. These kinds of so-called Feng Shui tips are so misguided, false, and have completely deviated from the traditional wisdom. Please readers, read these articles with some skepticism. If Feng Shui-ing your wallet is as easy as picking the right kind and the right color, then heck, everyone should get a Feng Shui wallet and there would be no more poverty in the world! The author has completely forgotten to take into consideration the factor of Heaven Luck (destiny) and Man Luck (free will), which are the foundation of Chinese Metaphysics. You have these kinds of articles floating around that make Feng Shui so superficial and misunderstood. Please know your facts.

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