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Imagination as the Key to Healing

Imagination as the Key to Healing

Butterfly Heart

By Jaentra Gardener

Simple common interactions inspire me.  The Divine manifests in everyday events leading me through creativity to imagine new healing realities.

Easter I am playing, dancing and singing with Gracelyn, my four-year-old grand niece.  I allow her to lead us though ballet like scenarios.  Then she says, “Pay attention to what I say.”  Put on alert, I waited for what I assumed would be a message from the powers that be.  I always expect the ordinary to reveal the extraordinary.

“Butterfly heart, butterfly heart, my love comes down in a butterfly heart.”   Whirling and twirling, she joyfully threw herself about the room. I knew this is a message.  She had a butterfly tiara in her hair and butterfly earrings in her ears.

The next day in a class where I teach hands on healing we created magic.  In healing, what I can imagine is often more important than what I believe. Taking the butterfly heart reality, the class imagined our physical heart being a cocoon with the butterfly emerging. The heart is a tremendous emotional brain.  We use the heart to embrace physical structures and transform them.

So the class applies butterfly energy to someone with colon cancer.  The colon emotional charge goes from despair to joy. Even though the colon is the seat of despair, it is the enteric brain, the first survival brain we grown in the womb.  Can we change the whole energy charge of this diseased colon to one of joy, thereby insuring the clients’ survival?

The colon energy feels to the class to not go on a continuum from joy to despair.  Instead the colon needs to be turned inside out. We see all of the despair cleaned out and we see the remaining joy nurtured and cultivated into health.

Putting my hands on the clients’ heart, I felt the cocoon nurture the butterfly into emerging. In my hands feels a whirling, a quickening feeling like a dog licking my palm.  I saw the inner heart becoming butterfly wings.  In my own heart I feel the confirming expanded glee of aliveness.  I embrace the butterfly. I nudge it out.

“Come on, you can be, you can do this dance of life.”  I say to the butterfly.  I gasp as the butterfly emerges.  Then I send it off down to the colon.  The butterfly flew down and landed on the colon.

At first the butterfly seemed small landing in the middle of the colon.  Slowly I watched it grow until it was as big as and then bigger than the colon.  The wings wrapped into themselves turning the colon inside out.  The butterfly disappeared into the colon.  I felt the colon flutter softly and I heard a faint hum.  I started to hum along in my colon.  Then I willed every human colon to hum along reaching an expansion into new realities of joy unheard of before in the collective.

So, can we imagine a letting go so joyful that our colon liberates us from stuck patterns? Our client begins a letting go process.  We send the butterfly from our heart revitalizing every organ, every cell and let go of everything that does not work toward our health.

When I work with a body needing a transformation, my intention creates images that change physical realities.  These changes ripple through the collective, the whole group of humanity upgrading and supporting every human who wants to change.  Metamorphism energy is the butterfly.

In his book Spontaneous Evolution, Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman teach about imaginal cells.   Imaginal cells are specialized transformational cells that turn caterpillars into butterflies.  The DNA of the caterpillar and the butterfly are the same.  It is just the frequency of the two that is different.  I believe imagination changes frequencies.

When we use our imagination we fan the fires of the imaginal cells.  We support their existence.  We fire them up.  We create a purpose, a push for them to change the frequency of our DNA from damage to health, from lesser to greater, from aging to ageless.  Our evolutionary imperative is change, the one constant of existence we can depend upon.

Imagine my heart serves as a cocoon for a butterfly that can ret vitalize my whole body.

I take a deep breath. I stop and focus on my heart, taking another deep breath.  I imagine my heart being a cocoon and relax into the idea.  I do not have to believe it.  I only have to imagine it.  I take another deep breath.  Relax.  Renew.  Restore.  Revitalize.  Awaken.

I decide to awaken the butterfly living in my heart.  I reach for a quartz crystal and hold it on my heart and I imagine the clear Christ energy, one with the crystal, provides the fuel to quicken the butterfly.  I take another deep breath.  I embrace the butterfly.

Through my minds’ eye I look at my body wondering what I change first.  In my consciousness springs my navel.  My navel is the place where I remember my mother’s womb and how through that energy portal love and nurturing came my way.  I also released anything that interfered with my growth as a human.  I take another deep breath.

I imagine what will happen when I move the butterfly from the heart to the navel.  I can see complete body transformation.  I let it unfold.

See Also

I focus on my heart and remember the fluttering feeling of the butterfly that I felt before.  I breathe.  I quiver as I feel my body ready for the change.  I breathe.  I feel the butterfly emerge from my heart and I send it to my navel.

I watch the butterfly shrink becoming smaller and smaller until it can fit through the small navel.  In it goes and I welcome it in my navel.

I feel a slight fluttering.  I breathe.

“I trust you.”  I say to the butterfly.  I decide to simply let it be right there within my body changing anything ready for change.

My imagination is huge.  I imagine losing weight and having my skin easily shrink along with it, so I have no loose flabby skin.  I see myself feeling strong, walking far, dancing with grace and beauty, and hiking outside without tiring.  I ask for more adult teeth to grow in my mouth.  I see my skin luminous.  I feel my pain dissolve.  I sense my eyesight sharper and more acute than ever.  I feel deeply satisfied.  I breathe and accept.  I breathe and allow.  I breath and do nothing.  I turn to the Creator and my inner support network and say thanks.

I have seen the posters that quote Albert Einstein as saying that imagination is more important than knowledge.  I believe him.

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