5 Items to Remove From Your Life Right Now
Feng Shui Patterns of our Clutter
By Ken Lauher
The word “clutter” comes from the Middle English word “clotteren,” meaning to clot. A “clot” is an appropriate description for clutter if we think of Feng Shui as harnessing and directing the way energy moves through a space, the same way blood runs through our veins.
If there is a “clot,” or clutter, in your home or apartment, the energy can’t flow, the same way blood won’t flow if there is a “clot” in a vein. Either situation can be exceptionally dangerous. And I’m not just talking about tripping over a toy truck in the middle of the night or stubbing your toe on a coffee table that is too big for the room it’s in.
The Flow of Energy and Why It’s Important
Energy carries opportunities, wealth, good health and everything that people consider part of the formula for success. If energy can’t flow through our homes or apartments, significant parts of our lives will suffer. That’s why many people who come to me seeking Feng Shui consultations need help finding love, increasing their income or simply “getting unstuck.”
What Meaning Does Your Clutter Have?
For people with a hoarding problem, which is classified as a psychological disorder, their clutter, the clots in their lives, become a part of their identity. They hold on to “stuff” until it becomes a part of them.
Watching as hoarders disconnect themselves from their stuff makes for captivating television. It’s dramatic. It’s life-changing.
Guess what? Getting rid of clutter can be life-changing for you, too, even if it hasn’t yet destroyed your life. While letting go of clutter and the memories and feelings it holds may be emotionally draining, once you release the meaning of that clutter in your life, it doesn’t have to be painful.
First, evaluate why you are holding on to certain items. Is it because you don’t feel you’re worthy of something better? Would you feel guilty getting rid of gifts people gave you? Do you hope this clutter (such as unused exercise equipment) will motivate you to make a change, but really all it does is create guilt and add pressure to your life? Does surrounding yourself with objects make you feel wealthy, even though the clutter could be blocking the opportunities that could help you create real wealth?
Let’s take a look at different patterns of clutter people tend to create that block the flow of chi, what they mean, and why it’s so important to get rid of them today. Plus, I’ll share some easy ways to take action to improve your life now!
Feng Shui Clutter Pattern #1: Surrounding yourself with unfinished or incomplete items or projects
What it means: Do you have stacks of photos that you will some day put in frames or picture albums? Unfinished arts and crafts albums? Projects begun in earnest and then abandoned? If these type of items haunt your home or apartment, you might feel stuck in other ways as well.
How this clutter hurts you: You may find that every project you begin is a major undertaking. You may experience roadblocks, or find it difficult to begin taking action on things that really matter. You may feel stagnant. Feeling “stuck” is one of the top reasons people seek help from Feng Shui, and getting rid of unfinished items in your life can help you break this pattern and get unstuck.
How to get rid of this clutter: Make a decision to finish the project and set a deadline. If it’s not done by that time, sell it, pass it on to someone else, or get rid of it. As you re-visit the project, you may decide you have no interest in it. Then get rid of it right away.
Look for this trend in the digital realm, as well. Is your computer filled with journals, writing projects or graphic art you intend to finish some day? Do you own dozens of websites, blogs or social media accounts that you began and didn’t finish? Delete them, sell them, or otherwise cut them loose so you can focus on what really matters without these projects weighing on your mind.
I sometimes see this pattern in the form of home improvement projects in client’s homes. If a project has been lingering for months — or even years — it’s time to either set aside a few hours, or a weekend if that’s what it takes, to finish it. If you can’t get up the motivation, hire someone else to do it. Or hold an old-fashioned work party, where you get together with friends and finish the project.
Feng Shui Clutter Pattern #2: Anything that’s broken
What it means: Broken items can represent your lack of self-worth. You may feel unloved and unworthy of love.
How this clutter hurts you: Low self-esteem is tied to unhappiness, loneliness, and a failure to advance in your career. But you’re not broken — and you deserve better than a home full of broken things!
How to get rid of this clutter: Fix it, give it to someone who wants to fix it, or toss it. (Remember, it’s broken and you deserve better!)
Feng Shui Clutter Pattern #3: Hanging on to hand-me-downs
What this clutter means: While getting items second-hand can be a great way to help preserve the environment and save money, if you are surrounded by hand-me-downs that you don’t really like, it could symbolize that you don’t feel worthy of anything better. Like hanging on to broken items, this represents low self-esteem. It may also make you feel as if you’re living someone else’s life. Again, perhaps it’s because you don’t feel worthy of your own life or your own success?
How this clutter hurts you: As long as you settle for second-best, that is what you will get. If you don’t believe yourself worthy of respect, success, happiness and wealth, you’ll always struggle to find these keys to a great life.
How to get rid of it: Unless you truly love an item that was passed on to you, don’t hold on to other people’s castaways. Begin to replace secondhand items with new things you love. If you have something that belonged to someone else but you find it useful and it brings you happiness, find a way to make it your own. For instance, paint or re-upholster a piece of furniture you inherited.
Many people today live in “second-hand” homes, or places where another family used to live. A Feng Shui space cleansing can help make the space feel like home to you.
Feng Shui Clutter Pattern #4: Small things
What this clutter means: If you fill your life with tiny, cheap knick-knacks, clothing accessories and other small items, you might not be leaving room in your life for the bigger things that can help bring you true happiness.
Just like holding on to broken items or hand-me-downs, filling your home or apartment with small things could indicate you don’t feel you are worth more.
How this clutter hurts you: By spending money on many small things, you’re not permitting yourself to save for the big things that can really enhance your quality of life, such as a nicer home, a vacation or, even more significantly, furthering your education to get a better job or saving for retirement to create better peace of mind and financial security.
How to get rid of this clutter: This can be a difficult one, since small items create a lot of clutter but may also make you happy or serve a purpose. Look at your collections and keep the items that you truly enjoy, that blend in with your home’s decor and that bring you happiness. Group them together. Create a space for everything in your home, and get rid of anything that doesn’t have a space.
Most importantly, make a vow to stop spending money on small things. Put at least 10 percent of your income in a savings account to get in the habit of saving money, and re-evaluate your retirement savings plan to take advantage of investments, too. Decide on one or two major purchases you’d like that would enhance your life in significant ways, and set a goal to save for them.
Feng Shui Clutter Pattern #5: Items that are too big for your home
What it means: If you inherit or purchase items that don’t fit your house, it could mean that your dreams, right now, are bigger than your reality. While it’s okay to “think big,” it’s also important to live in the now and create the best experience you can in your life at this moment, with what you have.
How this clutter hurts you: Small homes, apartments or rooms that are laid out so that space is used well and the chi can flow, create a better experience and can make you happier than a large space with too many items or items that are too big for the space. Your life may be smoother, and chi will flow better, with just a few items you can use and enjoy.
Take a look at some of the things taking up space in your home or apartment. What do they say about where you are placing your priorities? Is this where you want your priorities to lie?
A good example is an in-ground pool that dominates an entire suburban backyard. If your family loves swimming, and each year memories are formed around that pool, that’s very healthy! Swimming is good exercise and a fun activity the whole family, plus neighbors and friends, can enjoy.
On the other hand, if taking care of the pool is a burden and you don’t derive much enjoyment from it, it’s time to decide if maybe that space should be filled in with a green lawn, a vegetable garden, a patio — or all three!
How to get rid of this clutter: Make it a point to get rid of any furniture or other items that don’t seem to fit in your home or apartment. Sell them or donate them to Goodwill.
To break this pattern, measure first before you make a purchase. And consider purchases carefully: Just because you can squeeze a piece of furniture into a space doesn’t mean it “fits.” Make sure there’s room for air and energy to flow in a room.
For instance, a dining room table, ideally, should have enough space for people to walk all the way around it. And a bed should have pathways on both sides, not be pushed up against a wall.
Take Action To Improve Your Life Today
Look around. What does the clutter in your life say about you? What kind of clutter patterns keep coming up in your life? Some people experience more than one of these patterns. How could you change your life today by clearing the clutter from your home or apartment?
Sometimes, it takes an outsider’s perspective to really see your clutter, what it’s doing to your life, and how it reflects your emotions, situation and self-worth. If you’d like some help, I can’t think of a better way than with a personal, one-on-one Feng Shui consultation.
I offer several Feng Shui consultation packages to fit nearly every budget. Take a look at the different Feng Shui products and services so you can choose the one that can best help you get rid of clutter, get unstuck, and start creating your best life today.
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About the Author
One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit www.kenlauher.com to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
Hi Ken! I really enjoyed reading your article, and think you just gave me a couple of very useful tips that I will put into practice. Thank you so much for sharing!
I read one time that clutter is unmade decisions. It seems to hold true for me and my family. It’s helpful to look at a clot and think about what decision I have been delaying.