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The Dissatisfaction Of Choice

The Dissatisfaction Of Choice

By M. Gatlianne

Have you ever pondered the thought of your dissatisfaction in life and how your choices led to that dissatisfaction? Have you ever struggled with wanting to “re-write history,” so to speak? I believe that life happens just as it is meant to and that because it happened the way it did – there was no other way. There were no other choices you could have made in those instances because the choices you made were the only ones to get you exactly in the here and now you are. Trust that.

However, see how being dissatisfied with certain aspects of your life can lead to different choices now and in the future. See that expectation plays a much bigger role than dissatisfaction. We feel dissatisfied when our expectations aren’t met and when we aren’t in full acceptance of our current situations and surroundings. We fall into this dissatisfaction and even tip the scale of disappointment as we are living the human condition. We cannot go back and change our choices, change the way we did things. Instead we can look back at the choices we made and where they led, be grateful for that and ask ourselves what current choices we’re making.

If there are aspects of your life you are currently not happy with then why are you making choices that continue to drive that unhappiness? Why are you not accepting what is? Why are you accepting unhappiness? But it is a great irony – for you can choose happiness regardless of your circumstance so why then are you not choosing acceptance and happiness over dissatisfaction? Ah yes, you are living the human condition and it is in the human condition that the soul grows. Your human self falls into the realm of unhappiness and dissatisfaction while your soul calls out for change in the background.

Looking back at the choices you’ve made in life it’s easy to see areas where you could have taken a different route. You could have ended a relationship sooner, or never ventured into it in the first place. You could have moved to location A instead of location B. You could have said yes to this or no to that. I call this the “might have been wonders.”

Many of us have the “might have been wonders,” a sad little mind disease that causes us to think back upon our life and speculate on “What might have been?” and “What if?” though we know very well there’s no sense in pondering such silly things because there’s certainly not a thing we can do about what has passed and worrying over it only takes us away from our present life.

Yet, most people do it – not necessarily because they are unhappy but because it’s fun to ruminate on what other roads your life’s path could have taken.  Perhaps in some alternate universe, you stepped in a mud puddle instead of walking around it, causing the passing car to glance your way and miss the turn, causing the driver to arrive late to an interview for his or her dream job that would have only caused them misery and stress.  You stepping in a puddle and ruining your new shoes changed their path for the better … but what of you?  Oh well, perhaps you had an important meeting so you stopped by a shoe store to buy a pair of shoes (you couldn’t go to the meeting with muddy shoes!) and there you ran into an old friend who told you she’d joined the circus as a trapeze artist and that the resident magician needed a beautiful assistant.  Perhaps you just threw down the new shoes, ran away with the circus and became a magician’s assistant (and maybe, his mistress!) all because you stepped into a puddle instead of walking around it.

 Makes you think doesn’t it?

The point I’m trying to make is that everything happens for a reason – even the most devastating of occurrences.  The world is a balance; without evil, we wouldn’t know well; without sorrow, we wouldn’t know joy; without the toads, we wouldn’t recognize our knights in shining armor; without death, how could we ever appreciate life?

Ahh – you’re really thinking, now!

I’ve had many opportunities in my life, chances to move away, chances to run away, job offers, etc, etc…yet, where would I be if I’d taken that trainer position in New York?  Would I be miserable – moping around the city with no open expanses of land to calm me?  Would I be the ultimate party girl – on the A-List at every underground club? Would I be homesick and miss the smell of the country (and of cows – yes, cows!) and the feel of my mother’s hugs?  (Most likely).

What if I’d taken the offer to move to Miami to model?  Would I be a super model? (Doubtful). Would I be depressed, anorexic, worn out? (Possible) Would I be way too tan, way too blonde and have wrinkles? Probable!

Again, let me state – these are just useless thoughts that are fun to ponder.  These thoughts give us perspective on our present life.  Our everyday choices, no matter how big or how small, are what shape our future.  The simplest thing can change your life in drastic ways.  And, the simplest choice you make can change the lives of everyone around you.

 Remember the puddle?

See Also

 What choices have you made today?

 How has your life been altered by someone else?

Everything happens for a reason – open your mind to the reason and you open yourself to the world.

Obsess over the why without ever truly realizing the reason – and you close yourself to your possibilities.

Many of us have been dissatisfied with our choices.  We fall into the habit of being non-accepting of circumstances in our lives due to that dissatisfaction of choice. We set up expectations of how we thought our lives would be but then made choices in direct opposition to what we wanted…then wondered what went wrong! We have created our lives and anything we are dissatisfied with is a direct result of those choices. So, if you want to be fully satisfied with your life then you must be in full acceptance of your life as it is and make conscious, love based choices going forward in order to create a life you love.

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