The Metaphysics of Crystals and Self Power
Throughout history, crystals have been used as a source of self power.
Self Power and Crystals
“Traditionally, metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that attempts to understand the fundamental nature of all reality, whether visible or invisible. It seeks a description so basic, so essentially simple, so all-inclusive that it applies to everything, whether divine or human or anything else. It attempts to tell what anything must be like in order to be at all. The term metaphysics originally referred to the writings of Aristotle that came after his writings on physics, in the arrangement made by Andronicus of Rhodes about three centuries after Aristotle’s death”.
Metaphysics of Self Power
The Metaphysics of self power offers me the option, “Will I be the…The Victim or the Victor?”
To awaken and develop our true self we must first reconstruct our thoughts and feelings. If we choose to focus our attention on the denial of light we become victims. If we choose to focus our attention on the acceptance of light we become that light.
The reality you live in is nothing more than where your attention lies. The purpose of each soul is to dismantle the negative emotional tendencies acquired through previous acts, words, and deeds. To be the emissary of light that you originally chose to be it is important to awaken light within your self. One way to do this is to let go of the “security of your insecurity.” This process opens up a world of possibilities. When you do not perceive yourself as a victim you are choosing to acknowledge your personal integrity and life begins to blossom in a balanced way.
Living in a state of balance is a matter of choice. Because our experiences represent the foundation on which we stand and consciousness expresses itself through that foundation, it is important to remember to acknowledge light in every experience you have.
Acknowledging the light is a simple process. If a situation arises that you do not like, before you react to it, say this statement out loud, “I acknowledge the light within this situation.” Over time you will find that this simple act will produce positive changes in your reaction to the situation.
The time to let go of the victim role is now, not tomorrow. If you live in tomorrow today, you decrease your energy, your thoughts become scattered and unhealthy emotions set in. If you live in the moment, however, your attention to that moment manifests the following moment. Always remember that where your attention lies today determines what lies ahead of you tomorrow.
Love is the avenue we need to walk to develop spiritual perception. When you make a conscious choice of loving more make sure your reason for doing so is not motivated by your personal emotional desires.
Rather do so in order to assist in the activation of the divine flame of creative intelligence that lives within everyone. When you perceive the light within another, you are drawing on the strength of your own inner light to do so. This, in turn, ignites the creative flame within you and everyone’s life becomes enriched.
Many people today hold attachments to an outcome. They have a plan with an expectation of what that plan will produce. If the expected results are not met frustration and disappointment set in. Understand that attachment to an outcome gives the ego power to control your life. You are prompted to try again and again to acquire the desired result. When we let go of our attachments to outcomes we surrender our ego to spirit and everything works out appropriately Spiritual perception is known and understood when we do for the joy of doing. Joy awakens light and light transforms insecurities. This transformation awakens love the true quality of the soul.
Ten Ways to Handle Adversity through Self Power
We’ve all experienced difficult times, often through events and circumstances that are outside our control. Here are ten suggestions for dealing with adversity.
1. Take Responsibility: Assume an I can do something attitude rather than pointing fingers and placing blame. If nothing else, control your own response to the situation.
2. Limit the Focus: Don’t let the problem become all-encompassing. When you compartmentalize the difficulty you can focus on a solution.
3. Be Optimistic: The ultimate belief in life as positive, even with hard times and troubles, will result in positive behaviors and positive actions.
4. Think Creatively: Approach the problem from new and different directions. Trust your creativity.
5. Have Courage: Having courage doesn’t mean you are not afraid, it means you don’t let fear get in the way of doing what you need to do.
6. Take Action: Rather than rolling over in the midst of hard times, determine an action and do it.
7. Take The Long Range View: Remember that “this too shall pass.” Recount other times when you have overcome challenges.
8. Maintain a Sense of Humor: Laughter always helps ease our suffering.
9. Get Support: There is no need to do it alone. Always remember that you and spirit are going through this situation together!
10. Don’t Quit: Among all the human qualities that allow us to overcome adversity, persistence may be the greatest.
Contact Points for Self Power
There are three basic levels in the human body. The mental, the emotional and the physical. Since all three bodies need to be operating with optimum efficiency for balance to be maintained we must energize all of these bodies equally. Each of these bodies has a contact point in which energies of a healing and balancing nature can pass most directly to each of these three levels.
The mind, in its essential vibration, is closest to the head of the human body. The eyes and the ears are the entry points for energy intended to heal or help the mental facet of being. The eyes view that which they witness and perception is acquired. The ears are the principal receivers of the spoken word, which stimulates the mental faculties.
Loving or unloving emotions are centered in the heart. When a person has a heart attack the pain often extends along the arms. This indicates that both on a physical and emotional level the heart, arms, and hands are linked. The contact point for the heart is the palms of the hands.
The human being also has a physical body and a physical level of experience. He/she is in direct contact with the earth itself. The soles of the feet are the contact points for overall physical well-being. If you experience difficulties in the mental, emotional or physical parts of your being, spend a moment energizing the relevant contact point for that area. Doing this daily can make a difference in how you feel on all levels.
Crystals Associated with our Power Center and Self Power
The Solar Plexus Chakra represents Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition. This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our self power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power. The color for this chakra is yellow. Yellow is very good for getting in touch with your power and to build confidence. It is your center of will.
Consider some of the following stones when working with self power: Amber, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Yellow Sapphire, Sulfur, Yellow Jasper.
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About the Author
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Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit
Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.