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Spiritual Seeds – August 2012

Spiritual Seeds – August 2012

By Christos Archos, M. Sc

This month, we need to be fully aware of our abilities and try to understand that although we are a small dot in the sand, we ARE capable of changing the world.  At the same time, we also need to learn how to use our abilities for the improvement of the world.



This month, the 1st and the 5th rays will be easily expressed in the world.  This is a month for humanity to reach self-consciousness and to broaden our minds.  One important thing is for us to change the use of our mentality for a greater, higher purpose than ourselves.  A lot of people will be trapped by trying to use their abilities for their own purposes.

Unfortunately, especially during this month, any of the seven deadly sins, which are a result of egotism, can lead to destruction.  For a spiritual person, this month is most dangerous because the ego is creating pseudo-images that may seem very promising – an enticing siren song. For this reason, it is necessary to focus the ego energies on something more constructive, and to build something that is not narrow-minded or just only for ourselves.  This month will also give people the chance to take a ‘test’.  This is the most important ‘initiation’ where we begin to expand beyond ourselves and start to serve others.  The final initiation is always the ability of people to become reflectors of sources of light, to bring light into their hearts, and into the world.  Love combined with decisiveness is important at this time.

Another significant thing is the opportunity to be transformed from domineering, insecure people into purposeful, loving, kind creatures.  This means that we need to stop using power for the sake of power, and to use our power instead to serve a higher purpose.



Those practicing meditation will benefit most by meditating on the following symbols of the New and Full moons.


An artist away from the world receives a new inspiration.

This symbol has to do with creative power that is expressed in social environments.  It is the power of creativity that changes the world.  This can be the power of one person that may lead to a complete change of the world.  The Power of the Leo-Aquarius axis is the ability of one man to change the world.  It is the ability of one small action to change the whole Universe.

NEW MOON SYMBOL (8/17/12):

As light breaks through clouds, a perfect rainbow forms.

This symbolizes the immortality that people gain after death.  We need to throw away all the things that are useless to us.  This month, it is very important for all of us to try to reach our grace through everyday things, and challenge our safety zone about things that we are not really in need of.  The fixed cross, which includes the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, will see the biggest changes.



The Race begins: a jockey spurs his horse to great speed.

Here is the capacity of man to throw himself fully into any type of activity.  Pace yourself.  There is the opportunity for self-quickening, but also for the premature expenditure of energy.



Sun Sextile Jupiter (8/2/12):

This aspect will help people belonging to the signs of fire and air to develop further their ability for love.  It is a good day for yoga and to communicate with your inner self, but also to broaden your horizons.

Neptune Square North Node (8/4/12):

This is a dangerous aspect that may lead to distortions in groups.  Actions have the potential to harm people on a large scale, even if it was not intended.  Extreme caution is warranted – do not believe in other people, whatever they say.  Use discernment.

Venus Trine Neptune (8/10/12):

This aspect helps people to show compassion and love for others.  It is a very good day for you to show your emotions, and most of all to show your sensitivities to other humans and animals.  Signs of water are heavily influenced by this aspect.

Venus Opposite Pluto and Mars Conjunct Saturn (8/15/12):

THE RAGING DAY – FALLEN INSTINCTS RAISED:  This is one of the most difficult days in the year.  Extreme instincts and selfish emotions may lead to violence, and we will see people going crazy.  Meditate on things that are happening today, and try to understand that these situations are not the truth.  They are only shades playing with your animal instincts.

Venus Trine Chiron and Venus Square Uranus (8/16/12):

THE REVOLUTION OF VALUES DAY – ESOTERIC UPRISING:  This is a very good day because it helps us to find what we really want, and to reevaluate our lives.  This Is a very good aspect for spiritual work.

Sun Sextile Saturn (8/17/12):

This is a good day for practical things.  It’s a good day to clean your house, be better in your job, and generally work constructively.

Mercury Trine Uranus (8/19/12):

This is a science aspect.  It gives people new ideas and helps to level up their intelligence.  Projects needing a lot of mind force are productive today.

Sun Opposite Neptune (8/24/12):

This is a day of confusion, and people may harm others because they don’t see clearly.  People may say great words, and the threat of spiritual confusion may become true.  Avoid doing spiritual practices today, and focus on trying to help others.

Mars Trine Neptune (8/26/12):

This is an aspect of charisma.  People have the ability to work better with their talents, and to show their true selves.  If you are an artist, you will see that this is a very good day for you.

Sun Trine Pluto and Mercury Sextile Saturn (8/30/12):

This is a very powerful day.  You can exercise your spiritual will and help make things better for people around you.  It is also a good day to get over obstacles, and to think in more practical terms about problems.

See Also
2021 Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse



This bottle has to do with the ability we have to acquire self-realization and self-knowledge.  The bottle wants to send the message that people are not totally conscious, and that they sometimes work like robots – programmed and with no real understanding of what life is.  For this reason we need to re-evaluate our sense of ourselves and of “I am”.



Root Chakra:  The Root Chakra means that we will have a lot of basic instincts running wild in people.  This may lead to phobia and fears.  Fears can lead to aggression and violence, so it is very important for us to examine our own weaknesses, and try to understand why we have them.  Overcoming our fears can be very helpful because it helps us to change the way we live, and finally to become free.

Solar Plexus Chakra:  The Solar plexus needs more attention this month.  That means that we need to send and receive more love and attention.  Warmth and calm are two great things we can do, and give to others.  Through them, we will receive positive emotions.



(29)  Water Above Water: Darkness

This is a symbol of difficulty and pressure.  People need to follow the difficult road, and to succeed through overcoming difficult obstacles or dangers.  People and groups may have bad luck, and there will be a time of spiritual confusion and sadness.  Groups of people may dissolve, and a lot of pain may come from people attached to material power.  This power may lead people to sorrow and loneliness.  The symbol is as if people fall into the abyss, and none is there to save them.  They can only be saved by themselves.



Do what you normally do to clear your mind, relax, and go into a meditative attitude.  When you are calm and relaxed, visualize yourself breaking apart into thousands of tiny pieces, each one communicating with the others, and making conversation as if they are in total chaos.  Slowly, as you hear these voices of your multiple egos, draw yourself away from them, and begin to see the bigger picture.

Imagine that all those pieces are part of something bigger – something greater – and try to visualize it, to recognize it, to understand the purpose it has.  You need to comprehend the total harmony those small egos have, and create the bigger self.  See how they are interconnected with the Universe.  Always let your imagination guide you.

Do this exercise especially during the full moons.  Write your experiences in a notebook, and try to connect the dots among your writings.  Some important messages will come to the surface soon.


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Christos Archos has studied psychological astrology, relationships, and personal development for over 15 years.  You can connect with Christos on Facebook:

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