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Your Heart Has The Answer… Only Love

Your Heart Has The Answer… Only Love

By Wanda Lawson

On this journey called life…many concepts have been discovered. At times; contemplation of those we resonate with has become attached to our being.

For instance, “I don’t know” becomes a sort of mantra. For some of us, this statement causes a disturbance within. Fear of portraying an egotistical mindset, if you will.

Ditching the ego’s definition of such a statement by redefining it dissipates this fear.

In my heart…I do know.

In my mind…I do not know. We all possess a knowing of all things in our hearts. As we progress through evolving…we simply remember these things that have always resided within.

The first four letters in the word “evolve” is love, spelled backwards…no coincidence. The love I write about cannot be defined. No words can ever describe the beauty of this love.

It is not the emotional love we experience in relationships with friends, families, or any others.

This love goes much deeper…to the core of our being. It is infinite…universal…it is a knowing deep within. It is akin to the true love felt when you held your newborn child or when you connect with your true partner/mate.

Once this love is discovered…there is no turning back. As this begins to flourish in your life…healing taking place on a level nothing or no one else can master.

You are your greatest healer.

Nothing or no one can kill this love. Unaware to many…the ultimate goal we strive for is finding this love. No one can make this choice for you because doing so would detour you from your purpose.

 Love is not about control or interference. It’s about allowing.

Those who have discovered this love will allow those who have not to grow through their own experiences. This does not mean one is better or special than anyone else. Nor does it mean those who have made this discovery are more “enlightened”.

Observing others on their respective path to discovering love is not always an easy thing to do. We watch as they stumble and fall…just as we did on our way.

The pain we witness in their tears and feel in our hearts….have been felt and experienced.

We show them compassion instead of judging. We show them kindness instead of rudeness. We show them patience instead of forcefulness. We show them understanding instead of confusion. We are showing them…love.

So many obstacles are met with as we walk our journey. Obstacles such as religions…labels …rules of societies…dogmas of all kinds…all prescribed by man.

Only love can overcome these. Only love can subdue the ego. Only love can mend broken hearts…remember true love does not break them. Love is the reality we all seek.

Love and fear cannot reside together. Fear is man-made and can be overcome.  All that is required is allowing an awakening to the love that is within you.

You become aware.

There will always be challenges in our lives. Following your heart…which simply means to allow love to guide you, rather than man or ego…is the key to a happy, peaceful, and fulfilled life.  

Jealousy, insecurities, and unworthiness are all attributes of fear. Fear of loss…fear of rejection…fear of anything or having expectations of man-made concepts will vanish simply through an awakening to the love found within.

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People will let you down and disappoint you…why is this? It is due to the thoughts we have allowed to take root within our minds.

In order to thrive within living our dreams and our purpose, we must retrain our minds by allowing our hearts to take root in our sub consciousness and consciousness. This one act alone will assist love with uprooting the planted weeds of the ego.

Therefore…making this simple choice allows our vulnerability to exist within a plane of trust. Trust yourself and you will find trusting others to happen more easily.

Trust is an absolute by- product of love. As trust unfolds in our life, the walls built through non-trust began to break down.

We began to feel alive again, we now are experiencing living rather than just merely existing.

Finding the good in all situations you experience in this life will show you that no matter what challenges are presented to you….you will be stronger and wiser in the long run….and love will continue to grow because love is never ending.

A person can read all the self-help books in the world, study with gurus, be an active member of religions of all kinds, follow man-made rules/dogmas, practice all sorts of rituals, seek enlightenment through outside sources, and even attach to various beliefs. But…

…until a person goes within and experiences the golden silence of “only love”, he/she will continue to seek and search endlessly.

Understanding this…..becomes a simple truth.

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