Beauty v. Holistic Beauty: 5 New Habits
by Akua Auset
When someone says the word “beauty” what do you think of? Do you think of Angelina? J-Lo? Halle? Yes, they are indeed stunningly beautiful. But, what if we expanded our perception of beauty? Not the brand of beauty that focuses only on packaging, presentation and decoration but radiant beauty. A beauty that is attainable by ANYONE. I’ve said for years that “beauty is the currency that comes from being well.” Beauty that comes from being well in your Spirit, in your mind, in your heart and in your body.
“Being well” incorporates: what it is to be peaceful, to have mental clarity, to feel joy; it’s to be robustly creative, to connect and contribute to others while living in a body that shines with radiant health. This is a beauty standard that is inclusive. It is attainable by everyone with no need for sleight of hand or good lighting.
Let’s do an exercise. Sit in quiet and answer the following questions:
1. Am I peaceful? What keeps me from experiencing peace? What gives me peace?
2. Do I have mental clarity? Am I able to focus on one thing at a time? How present can I be in every moment of the day?
3. Do I feel joy in my life? What gave me joy when I was a child? What gives me joy now?
4. What am I creating that excites me? Who do I connect with that inspires me? How do I contribute that fulfills me?
5. How do I care for myself? Am I consuming things that contribute to my radiant health?
Here’s a Daily Holistic Beauty Regimen: Try these five habits on. Perhaps add one a day to your life and practice it mindfully for twenty-one consecutive days.
HABIT #1 – Explore PEACE: I will practice inner quiet and tranquility at least one hour a day.
HABIT #2 – Explore MENTAL CLARITY & FOCUS: I will practice doing one thing at a time for as long as I can.
HABIT #3 – Explore JOY: I will practice creating and experiencing moments of joy until my life becomes a joy-based life.
HABIT #4 – Explore CREATIVITY, CONNECTION & CONTRIBUTION: I will practice creating daily. I will practice listening to others like every word they say is from the Divine. I will practice contributing to others with no strings attached. (Note: You can also do these three things simultaneously.)
HABIT #5 – Explore STUNNING HEALTH: I will practice only consuming things that will add life and vitality to my body.
Another way to integrate these habits slowly is to add one habit per week and practice for twenty-one consecutive days. Tip: Be easy with yourself and have fun with it.
Holistic Beauty: This perspective of beauty is a function of your whole, perfect and complete wellness. It’s a stunning and magnetic beauty that oozes from your insides. It’s how you retire in the evening, give thanks for the day and consume the miracles of nature as fuel to realize your ultimate destiny. It’s how you celebrate our respective cultures, and present the gift of yourself to others. It’s a beauty that says that everyone can be a rockstar by tapping in and utilizing what you have at your finger tips. Like Cracker Jack’s, there is a guaranteed prize inside of you (and in each one of us). Everyone is a gift and that gift deserves a lovely package.
Many of us are coming out of the enchantment of celebrity and superficial beauty. Yes, it’s true that plastic surgery and various injections as beauty tools are more available to the average consumer, while on the other hand the most ancient ways of healing and beauty are becoming mainstream. The methods we use to beautify ourselves are evolving. At the end of the day we all want to be loved, seen and appreciated. This way of beauty delivers on those things “Big Time!” Heads up! A new culture of beauty is upon us.
Click HERE to Connect with your Daily Horoscope! | Holistic Beauty Advisor & Author Akua Auset is a celebrity makeup artist in TV & film, who’s worked intimately with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of 9 1/2 Weeks: The METAMOORPHOSE Project™ an epic journey of transformation. She is the author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic and The Eight Elements of The Most Beautiful & Magnetic People On The Planet.

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