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Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides

12 Great Ways to Have Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the best soluble forms of fiber that will drastically reduce your cholesterol and triglycerides and help you lose weight.

And here are a few ways to enjoy Oatmeal morning, noon, and night.

Oatmeal cookies with nuts, brown sugar, dried fruit, soy or rice milk, and egg whites are a great way to have a healthy snack.

Oatmeal can be made into a drink and in Latin America it’s very popular, just add Oatmeal, cinnamon, sweetener of your choice, and water and put into a blender and drink… tastes great!

Oatmeal Fritters, this is a great way to use left over Oatmeal, slice and make into burger looking patty… brown on both sides in a pan with a little bit of butter or spray on canola oil. — Great Stuff!

Greek Oatmeal is great, take cooked Oatmeal, add salt and pepper, a little bit of feta cheese, and some soy or rice milk — this can be a good dish for later in the evening. — Remember to use low fat feta cheese.

Oatmeal Frittata, make a great frittata of any kind, find a recipe you like and add some cooked Oatmeal to the egg mixture (you can use egg whites instead of eggs too) and cook as usual. Tastes Great!

Oatmeal Pudding, if you like Bread Pudding then use cooked Oatmeal instead of bread and substitute egg whites for eggs and enjoy a great way to have a after dinner treat that is healthy.

Tabbouleh, instead of using wheat use cooked steal cut oats and make sure you have lots of great veggies in their like parsley, cucumber, tomatoes, chives, and mint.

Oatmeal Squares, make cream of Oatmeal as directed and spread in a large pan and put in the frig uncovered over night until firm and slightly dry. Now spread on some preserves and then put on another layer of Oatmeal cream on top… let cool until firm… and cut into squares — GREAT!

Oatmeal Risotto, use like rice but instead use steel cut oats, makes a wonderful tasting dinner that’s very healthy.

Oatmeal Polenta, use 1/2 corn and 1/2 steel cut oats, — makes a great dinner.

Oatmeal for Dinner, cook Oatmeal and add garlic powder, salt, pepper, some chicken stock or veggies stock and then add some spinach or tree spinach or other green leafy veggie and keep stirring.

See Also

Cajun Oatmeal, cook steel cut oatmeal and add salt, pepper, bell pepper, celery, onion, and stock… and while cooking add some cajun seasoning.– top with a small amount of low fat cheese — Great Stuff!

You can make up lots of great oatmeal recipes… the sky is the limit.

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Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.

To learn more about Dr Paul Haider, visit:

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