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Once in a Blue Moon ~ 2012 The Last Part

Once in a Blue Moon ~ 2012 The Last Part

By Sarah De La Mer

On August 31st we experienced a very powerful Blue Moon. What is a Blue Moon? Well for one thing, it sure aint blue. But it does give rise to that phrase *once in a Blue Moon* it is rare event. The Blue Moon occurs when there are two Full Moons in the same month. We have had a few of these Blue Moon moments in the last few years. But as it stands now, we are not due another one until 2015. If we are all still here.

Just kidding…I hope.

The Blue Moon which rounded off the summer, now paves the way into the final part of 2012. And the date we all have our eye on is 21st December, the regular date for the winter solstice. Of course, the winter solstice happens like clockwork every year. But, I am sure you are aware by now, that the notoriously accurate Mayan Calendar ENDS on this date. This is somewhat disconcerting as the Mayan Calendar covers all the ages and stages of mankind’s development right through from primeval times. It spans thousands and millions of years and ends on 21st December of this year. Slightly concerning, no?

Some end of the world prophesies believe that the little known planet Niribu will collide with earth around this time knocking off our satellite systems. This would create a potentially hazardous situation of no electricity or access to technology for quite some time, if not indefinitely. A rogue solar flare could have exactly the same effect.

The Mayans ominous silence on events after the 21st December, has created a doomsday scenario in the minds of many. Quite understandably.

Other more New Agey optimistic types, see this 2012 scenario as being an opportunity to elevate our vibe and leave behind a whole load of nonsense and toxicity on planet earth. People in my line of work have been regularly comparing notes and meeting on webinar telesummits to raise the energy and vibration of planet earth in the hope that these high frequencies will lift us all clear of a catastrophic disaster.

I personally believe we can all do something and that we all have a responsibility to each other and to planet earth at this time.

SO what can you do to help? What is your once in a Blue Moon intention which just might make the difference in all of our lives?

Every good wish helps, every good deed helps, and every effort you can make to raise your OWN vibration has a major knock on effect in the lives of those around you.

We never really know if we have tomorrow. But these times carry an air of change. Known as The Quickening, because of the tangible sensation of accelerating time, we sure are definitely facing into the unknown as the year draws to a close.

Let us hope we are all still here after 21st December, or if not, let us go out with a BANG!!!

Just remember ~ today is the last day of the rest of your life.

Check here below for how these recent Astro events will effect the last part of 2012

Aries March 21 – April 20: Access the qualities of courage and cleansing. It is time to shine the light on any adverse circumstances you are dealing with. Be the warrior and major contender that you are. You never go down without a fight. Why stop now? If you need healing of the heart attract the best people, and places to wipe away all sorrow. You can overcome insurmountable odds. You have formidable intuition, be sure to use it.

Taurus April 21 – May 21: IF you feel that enemies or even loved ones are breaching your boundaries, you need to access the right kind of protection. Look after YOU at this time. Others will adapt and benefit also if you do the right thing. If you are a little weary or down trodden, make sure this energy does not perpetuate. Take the personal time and space you need to get your house in order. Your priority must be to preserve that special life force. Give a wide berth to toxic people and toxic situations.

Gemini May 22 – June 22: You need to be very receptive to the energies around you right now. Life is not about to serve you up a dramatic lesson you do not deserve. So it is important not to feel too hard done by. Consider recent developments as an important form of guidance and be willing to accept the situation. Remember, what you resist persists. Acceptance is the major key to turning your life around. Yes, it is ironic. But true acceptance will bring about change.

Cancer June 23 – July 23: Spirit is all set to guide you to a more enlightened state if you allow this. Be open to the messages you receive in your daily life. There are no limits to what you can achieve. It is only your negative thinking which sometimes holds you back. Stop going around in circles and do not let the past drag you back into unresolved issues. It is important to embrace a brand new day. You may never get this time or chance again. The moment is NOW.

Leo July 24 – August 22 : You are being nudged onto a path of more abundance and flow. To make the most of the opportunities coming your way, you need to be open. Lose the judgements of every one and every thing. Judgements never did help your case. Shift into the state of allowing. You will then be able to receive so much more. If you restrict what can happen in your mind and heart, you will not access the miracles you so richly deserve. Embrace change.

Virgo August 24 – September 23: You need to live in the now Virgo. What is done is done, and of course it can never be undone. You have a lot of forgiving and forgetting to do. Make this release a priority. The only person you will hurt is yourself if you dredge up the past. Let things be and prepare for a brand new chapter. Access the powers of your imagination. You deserve all the blessings heading your way. You just need to realise this. Take some time to love and nurture yourself. The rest of the world will then benefit from your calmness and serenity.

See Also

Libra September 24 – October 23: Patience should be your operative word. Yes some stuff has gone down and things may well never be the same again. But if you are really honest with yourself, this is actually a blessed relief. You are a generous soul. But you need to preserve your energies at this point. If you need a break through, now is the time to consciously ASK for it. SIMPLY ASK the universe, *what would it take for* this to happen? For it is in asking such questions we receive the answers.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22: Do nothing in haste now Scorpio. Work with any restrictions you may be feeling. Saturn is going to be settling into your sign for a time. You need to overhaul the structures of your life, but in a meticulous and strategic way. Do not stress yourself with too much thinking. You will be giving the right guidance at the correct time. Accept the limitations for these will turn out to be your greatest gifts over the course of time. Progress in each moment of the day. You will soon get there.

Sagittarius November 23 – December 21: Your results over time will be impressive. Good communication holds the key. For the next year Jupiter your ruler is in Gemini, which will give you a light and fluffy feel. Lucky breakthroughs will come about through good, clear communication. Be willing to see the two sides of a situation. You may have to give someone leeway and understand their process. There is no point in rushing things along. Perfect timing is everything. God and the universe know the best time for things. So do trust that.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20: it is not up to you to serve the sentence. So do not judge others too harshly at the moment. What goes around comes around. So leave it all up to the fates. What you have just been through will turn out for the best. The shifts and changes you are feeling may be uncomfortable. But they will yield a great result. Seeds sewn in recent months will be harvested soon enough. trust yourself more. Remember the first hunch is the right one. Listen to your intution. It is much quicker and more effective to act on what you know to be true, rather than on what logic would dictate. Clarity is everything.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19: You can come across as quite cool and distant to those who care for you. Be careful as you go about your business. It is very important at this time to give others due consideration. You have made some quite potent changes recently. But still you are not in the place you are meant to be. There is more to come and further change will see you right. For a long time you have been resisting the truth. Soon you will see clearly and be able to act accordingly.

Pisces February 20 to March 20 Unexpected developments may have left you feeling out of sorts and somewhat deflated. Do remember, things happen for a reason. This will all make sense soon enough. You will even be able to see the benefits of even the most challenging situation. There is no point in planning anything major. You have to give yourself over to your destiny at this time. It does not mean you are powerless. But it does mean you have to take things a day at a time. Focused energy is key.

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Sarah De La Mer is a clairsentient, clairaudient and clairvoyant, certified Reiki and Aura Soma practitioner. To learn more about Sarah, visit her website at:

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