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The Health Benefits of Silence

The Health Benefits of Silence

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There’s a lot of great science showing that silence is very beneficial to your health.

The Health Benefits of Silence – Simple Yet Profound



Noise and especially noise over 30 decibels is associated with high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress. Lots of people get out of bed, take a shower, have coffee and put on the news and start the cycle of stress for the day.

Silence lowers blood pressure and allows you to deal with life’s challenges in a better way.

It is like plugging in your phone… your mind needs to recharge too… and it does more recharging in silence than it does during sleep.

Silence is important if it’s inside or outside, sometimes you have more chatter going on inside than you have noise outside. Close the door… take a few deep breaths… and sit somewhere for a while and just watch the chatter slow down.

It allows you to find yourself in the midsts of all the crazy running around. Especially if you are a busy person, sometimes you get the feeling you are more of a human doing… than a human being… and silence will help you feel human again.

Silence boosts your immune system… making it easier for your body to fight off invading bacteria and other pathogens.

It makes you happy, spending time in silence boosts your brain chemistry… and as a great side effect, you’re able to focus better too!

Silence makes you look and feel younger and at the same time have a lot more energy.

It reduces stress (lowers blood cortisol levels and adrenaline levels) which is the biggest killer in the world… adding 30 minutes of silence a day can change your life.

Silence allows for good hormone regulation and interaction of all the hormone related systems in your body.

It keeps plaques from forming in arteries… and thus helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes.

Silence reduces pain and also helps your brain to become more interactive, thus you work with more of your brain… leading to higher cognitive abilities.

See Also

It makes you much more capable of dealing with emotional issues… and also reduces loneliness.

Just a little bit of silence will do your body, mind, and spirit good!

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.

To learn more about Dr. Paul Haider, visit

View Comments (10)
  • I love to sit or lie down in silence sometimes with my own thoughts! It brings clearness to my thinking process as I am constantly thinking non stop. I love silence!!!! <3

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