Our President Is An Expression Of Our Consciousness
By Vedam Clementi
Here we are at yet another crossroads, a point where a major decision is being made once again. A crossroads that we revisit every four years, but have we learned anything? Have we not evolved enough to see what is actually happening?
I may not be favored for what I am about to say; however, it still needs to be said. Our president is a walking, talking expression of our mass consciousness as a nation. This expression is not exemplifying our highest, or truest nature, but yet the general state of our human, conditioned, thinking minds. Sadly, until we evolve individually, and collectively, we will continue to twist on issues that are based upon the illusions of need, conditionality, judgment, superiority and inferiority, and so forth. Sadly, we will continue to fight against each other. We will remain in the ‘me versus them’ mentality, and we will continue to spin on the same proverbial gerbil wheel! It is time to wake up, people. It is time to be more than your conditionings. It is time to start living in Oneness with each other. It is time to be the change we wish to see, and then our President and other leaders will exemplify that.
Look around you, and what do you see? You see democrats against republicans, and visa versa. You see conservatives holding onto their ideology, and predicting doom if things became too liberal. You hear hate from those who are clamoring for peace. Religious groups fighting among themselves to prove which is the most loving. You see religion and politics in the same bed together, fighting over the covers. ‘Them’ against ‘me’ everywhere you look. ‘They’ should. How dare ‘they.’ ‘They’ are being ridiculous. ‘They’ are out of control, THEY, THEY, THEY! You are looking at duality, separation, and judgment on a universal level because of the duality, separation and judgment that is occurring inside individual people, culminating as the collective, continuing to live a mind-based life rather than living their true essence of Oneness.
What if ‘your’ president isn’t elected? It does not matter if you are republican or democrat, the same thing is going to happen with the conditioned, thinking mind; proof once again that we are all one!
What stories is the mind going to create, and how much Awareness are you going to have as those stories are being created? Are you going to be sad, angry, or fearful? And, are you going to react in the same old way or respond in a new way?
The mind has an ‘either/or’ mentality. The mind is dualistic in nature, and as long as we continue to live as a mind-based society, rather than a society that has evolved into Oneness, we will continue to see separation, segregation, judgment, war, lack, and the pitting of ‘them’ against ‘me.’
So, here we are at this crossroads once again. Now is the perfect time for some insight, and awareness about the human psyche in general, but more specifically, around this election.
Fear is one of the five feelings, the other four being love, anger, happiness, and sadness. Fear is a projection about something you think could, or might occur, that would be detrimental to you. The mind has concocted a scenario about the future that it considers unpleasant or scary. Sometimes, you attempt to thwart it, sometimes you attempt to run away, and sometimes you are petrified with panic and anxiety. Either way, you have become adversarial with a futuristic moment. You have left your Now, and begun to participate with the mind, as it plays out the futuristic scenarios. You have begun to have a war inside yourself, with some future tomorrow.
Anger is the mind’s reaction to getting something it does not want, or the reaction because you want something you can not achieve, have, or keep. Anger is a normal and natural human emotion in all of its degrees. It is not something that can be avoided. It is about self-awareness before, during, and after the anger arises, and an intentional, conscious response to the anger, ourselves, and a desired outcome of peace for all involved. Again, history has shown us over and over again how reacting in anger brings about more pain and suffering. We have relentlessly witnessed how reacting in anger, reacting out of ego (the very thing that is initially angered) breeds more hurt. We have seen copious scarring left on the hides of humanity because of reacting out of anger. Again, isn’t it time to evolve through our past, and realize that reacting, lashing out, etc. in anger only begets more anger!
Sadness, like anger, is also linked to a person’s wants. There is an unhappiness or grief felt in the body because the mind is not getting something it is wanting, or getting something the mind does not want. You have to remember, this is the mind having this reaction to the situation, and the body is experiencing the sensations because of those thoughts. You cannot live without experiencing sadness during points in your life; however, it is up to you to respond to this sadness with Awareness. Sadness that is reacted to, or repressed, or suppressed will only fester. It can also begin the slippery slope into depression. Remember, do not be the “despondent one,” be the “responding One!”
How are you going to respond today, tomorrow, next week, until the election occurs? How are you going to respond after the election? You may or may not get what you think is right, or you may not get what you want, or you may. Are you going to be arrogant and pompous if you get your way? Are you going to be despondent and miserable if you don’t get your way? Are you going to continue to focus on what you think are the problems, or are you going to be part of the solution? Are you going to give your power away to the mental masturbation about politics? Are you going to continue to be part of ‘them,’ or focus on me, me, me? Please begin to live in and with your true essence. Are you going to let your divinity be expressed during this election process?
Vedam Clementi is a Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Meditation Coach, Author, and Lecturer. A full recovery from paralysis using spiritual concepts, meditation, and natural healthcare led to Vedam’s spiritual awakening and desire to share what he has learned. Vedam has taught fellow souls for over a decade to leave the past behind, plant seeds for their desired tomorrow, and to be present in each moment as they move through life. Vedam has a unique way of uniting psychological and spiritual tools that support the individual to relate to themselves, others, and life in a new way: openly, lovingly, and authentically.
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