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Chakra Basics – Chakra Work 101

Chakra Basics – Chakra Work 101

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We each contain seven energy vortexes call chakras with each chakra performing a different function.

Chakra Work 101

By Shelly Wilson

What are Chakras?

Chakras are spinning wheels of light that act as energy transformers. They take the life force that is all around us and transform it into the various frequencies we need bringing them into our subtle energy system. Chakras are shaped like the circular motion of water flowing down a drain. In addition to the major chakras, minor chakras are in the hands, feet, knees and other parts of the body. Each chakra extends out from the spine with the front side generally involved with receiving subtle energy and the backside is generally involved with sending energy out, although it is possible for the direction to change back and forth from time to time.


Chakras Explained

1. The Root Chakra, also known as the Base chakra, is red and is located at the bottom of the torso near the tip of the tailbone. The energy the root chakra supplies creates the will to live and is involved with our need for food, shelter, clothing and the basic necessities of life.

2. The Sacral Chakra is orange and is located just above the pubic bone. The sacral chakra supplies energy for sexuality, reproduction, the enjoyment of life, and the physical attraction in relationships. It is also one of the areas where guilt is hidden.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow and is located just below the sternum, near the diaphragm. The solar plexus chakra is involved with self-expression, taking action in the world, confidence and personal power. It can also be a place where fear and anger is held. This is your “gut instinct.”

4. The Heart Chakra is green and is located in the center of the chest. The heart chakra supplies energy for all aspects of love, joy, compassion and surrender. It supplies all parts of the energy field with nurturing and can be a source of spiritual connection and guidance.

5. The Throat Chakra is blue and is located in the throat area. It supplies energy for speaking, thinking, communicating, writing and creative expression. The throat chakra can also be involved with clairaudience, contemplation and inner guidance. It is one pathway through which our feelings are expressed.

6. The Third Eye Chakra is indigo or purple and is located between the eyebrows. The third eye chakra supplies energy for self-awareness, higher consciousness, clairvoyance, inner vision, conceptual thinking, planning and insight. In mediation, the third eye is a pathway to higher dimensions and higher consciousness.

7. The Crown Chakra is white and is located at the top of the head and points upward. The crown chakra’s energy connects with the Spirit realms including higher consciousness and the Higher Power. It is one of the pathways to enlightenment.


Clearing and Balancing Chakras

Clearing and balancing your chakras is an easy task to accomplish. Doing so clears the energetic clutter, so to speak, and revitalizes your energy. As you become more adept at visualizing the chakras and their associated colors, you may choose to do this in the shower just as I do. As the water cleanses my physical body, I am clearing and balancing my energetic body.


Clearing and Balancing Chakra Exercise

This is a quick and effective exercise to assist you in clearing and balancing your chakras. Please know that you can do this exercise whenever you feel guided to. You may choose to do it daily as you take time for YOU! Take a moment to just BE. Sit in a chair with your back straight and your palms up open to receiving. Close your eyes. You may want to visualize the chakras and their respective colors as fruits, vegetables or even flowers.

Begin with the root chakra ~ Visualize it as red, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Move up to the sacral chakra ~ Visualize it as orange, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Move up to the solar plexus chakra ~ Visualize it as yellow, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Move up to the heart chakra ~ Visualize it as green, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Allow your heart to open fully to receive the love that is all around you. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Move up to the throat chakra ~ Visualize it as blue, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Move up to the third eye ~ Visualize it as indigo, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

And lastly, you are at the crown chakra…your connection to Source, The Higher Power, All That Is ~ Visualize it as white, beautiful, healthy, balanced and cleared. Breathe in deeply, green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and exhale anything and anyone that no longer serves you.

Once again, breathe in deeply, the healing energy; and exhale your pain, worry, fear, frustration, anger, and anything and everything that no longer serves you. Release and let it go! Your chakras have been cleared and balanced. You are love and you are loved. And so it is!


See Also

Working with Crystals

You may also be guided to work with crystals to clear and balance your chakras. You may choose to select crystals or allow them to select you and work with them whenever you are guided to do so. For chakra work, choose crystals associated with each of the chakras. Place the crystals on the corresponding chakra while you are lying flat. Breathe in deeply and exhale several times as you visualize your chakras being cleared and balanced. My favorite crystals for this purpose include:

1. Root (Red) – Smoky Quartz Dissipates negativity. Balances energies of mind and body. Protective and grounding.

2. Sacral (Orange) – Carnelian Agate Perception, precision. Increases physical energy. Protection against emotions of fear and anger.

3. Solar Plexus (Yellow) – Citrine Enhances body’s healing energy. Good for mental focus, endurance, optimism and self-esteem.

4. Heart (Green) – Aventurine Creativity, motivation, leadership. Stone of good luck. Balances male-female energies.

5. Throat (Blue) – Blue Lace Agate Spirituality, grace, inspiration, inner attunement.

6. Third Eye (Indigo) – Amethyst Enhances psychic abilities. Sedative, protective, contentment. Stone of peace and strength.

7. Crown (White/Violet) – Clear Quartz Receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Brings harmony to the soul.


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About the Author

Shelly Wilson is an Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity, and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.

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