By Darity Wesley
Surrender – The energies and directions for the month of December are evolving around surrender…surrender to trusting your intuition, surrender to follow your heart’s direction…surrender to putting one foot in front of the other in joy accepting what is there to greet you at each step…surrendering old thinking patterns, old resentments, old relationships, things, people, places and beliefs that no longer serve you…surrendering to the shift from duality to Oneness…and, as Solara says: surrender to the end and to the beginning…
Generally speaking, when the word “surrender” comes to mind, there is this surrender understanding that the word means “giving up.” “I surrender! I’m yours!” The connotation is “Just letting go.” While there is a time and a place for “Letting Go” – this is not it. The distinction may not seem relevant, but I’m given that it really is relevant. Letting go is pretty much releasing yourself to the energies, come what may. Surrender, on the other hand, and particularly as your spiritual practice for the month of December (while we undergo The Shift on the Winter Solstice) is all about consciously yielding to the influence of Spirit, your Guides, your Angels, your intuition. Surrender more now that you ever have before.
As we passed through the Valley of Change last month, the intensity of the chaos is mounting. It is important to surrender your energies this month to supporting and being part of birthing and bringing in the new reality. Whether you know it or not, I’m sure you feel the pull of this energy and it is phenomenal. There is so much collective consciousness focused on December 21, 2012 as the end of the Mayan Calendar and while there are folks who differ with that date as the end, it is indeed a turning point on this planet. It is also said that on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 p.m. Chitzen Itza, Mexico, the old male cycle ends. At that moment the Earth, the Sun and the Center of our galaxy are in a straight line and it will not happen again for 25,625 years. Drunvalo Melchizedek has a new book out called The Mayan Ouroboros. He says, “Spiritually know that the Heart of the Earth, the Heart of the Sun and the Heart of our Galaxy, as living beings, are intimately connected. Birth is inevitable. December 22, 2012, 12/22/2012, 2222. A new female cycle begins and a new humanity is born…”
Some of us have known about this Shift for a long time and have been working toward bringing in this new energy since the Harmonic Convergence in the late 1980s. The power and energies have been transitioning, actually transforming so much and now, finally, the birth time is now. December is the time to personally surrender, not give up but consciously yield to these energies…consciously allow yourself to be guided and directed within this evolutionary spiral.
This is just the beginning. It all shifts into high gear on the Winter Solstice. Spiritual leaders, astrologers, religious writers, indigenous people’s stories and foretelling for years have shared so much in preparation for these times and your part in it. You are present and aware of these events at this time due to your soul’s evolution, otherwise you would not even be reading this Oracle. As you move to join with others to create a community to re-create humanity and integrate Spirit into every facet of daily life, making it a walking, living, breathing meditation and at the same time move to recreate a caring, compassionate, peaceful world and bring light to those who hold sway over the old myths of scientific materialism, the military industrial complex, the non-human but powerful corporations and those humans who run the world, “dominating” our planet. It is time for us to take that back, to surrender our old beliefs, our old realities, our old ideas of the way things are and create the new world your spirit is directing you to embrace. Be the change you want to see, dis-identify with your form, dis-identify with your thought patterns of who you were, dis-identify from your ego and know you are that stillness, the witness behind all of that. Bring it forward, surrender, yield to your Soul’s direction.
This Oracle is here to encourage you, yet again, to step into your real true self, stop pretending to be something you are not and be wholly who you are. Make Mistakes, be human but surrender your old, broken down, old world personas and adopt a new, real, true, loving persona. Smile along your way, every day. Let the love from deep within you well up and connect at the heart level with others as you move along your path. Surrender to the love you have buried deep within yourself.
So, this month of December is a month to think about and integrate the ways you can surrender to following your Spirit without hesitation, the ways you can surrender your suffering, the ways you can surrender what you perceive as your purpose and reconsider what is more in line with your emerging self. There is still so much change afoot. Bring the power of Divine Love to support you and your loved ones, humanity itself, your planet, your Solar System, your Galaxy in this very dramatic and powerful transformation. In connecting with that energy, when using and relying on that Divine Love, you will incorporate the results into the True, Authentic you. In this state, you will continue to see to the depths and receive the immutable truths of life which will support you in your endeavors.
As always, the Oracle says to bring light and clarity to all that is going on with you by releasing as much resistance as possible to everything that is changing around you over this month. I constantly remind myself “Do Not Resist What Is.” By paying attention to these intense energies, you will find more comfort and support coming to you from your Spirit Guides, Totems and Angels which will, indeed, truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…love is all you need…it will propel you more and more into the expansion of who you really are!
Let your mantra for the month of December be: I AM further empowered by offering up that which is no longer who I am or who I want to be in the new reality…And So It Is!!!
Love from the Lotus World.
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Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter. @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.
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